Bibliography in Numbers: Google Scholar
Research in Videos: Vimeo
Computer Science Bibliography: dblp

2024 D. Petit, S. Bourgeois, D. Pavel, V. Gay-Bellile, F. Chabot and L. Barthe. "RING-NeRF: A Versatile Architecture based on Residual Implicit Neural Grids", European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024), 2024. [arXiv]


2023 A. Niyazov, B. Ens, K.A. Satriadi, N. Mellado, L. Barthe, T. Dwyer and M. Serrano. "User-Driven Constraints for Layout Optimisation in Augmented Reality", ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23), 2023. [pdf] [YouTube]

2023 M. Cordeil, T. Billy, N. Mellado, L. Barthe, N. Couture, P. Reuter. "ImmersiveIML–Immersive interactive machine learning for 3D point cloud classification: the neural network at your fingertips", IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2023. [pdf]


2022 P. Mézière, N. Mellado, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Recursive analytic spherical harmonics gradient for spherical lights", Computer Graphics Forum, 41(2), Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS, 2022. [Project Page] [pdf]

2022 C.E. Himeur, T. Lejemble, T. Pellegrini, M. Paulin, L. Barthe and N. Mellado. "PCEDNet : A Lightweight Neural Network for Fast and Interactive Edge Detection in 3D Point Clouds", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 41(1), 2022. [Project Page] [demo software] [pdf] [YouTube]


2021 O. Hachette, F. Canezin, R. Vaillant, N. Mellado and L. Barthe. "Automatic shape adjustment at joints for the Implicit Skinning", Computer & Graphics, proc. of SMI, 2021. [pdf]

2021 A. Niyazov, N. Mellado, L. Barthe and M. Serrano. "Dynamic Decals: Pervasive Freeform Interfaces Using Constrained Deformable Graphical Elements", ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ISS), 2021. [pdf] [YouTube]

2021 T. Lejemble, D. Coeurjolly, L. Barthe and N. Mellado. "Stable and efficient differential estimators on oriented point clouds", Computer Graphics Forum, 40(5), proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, 2021. [pdf] [Replicability Stamp]


2020 A. Ghazanfarpour, N. Mellado, C.E. Himeur, L. Barthe and J.P. Jessel. "Proximity-Aware Multiple Meshes Decimation using Quadric Error Metric", Graphical Models, 109, May 2020. [pdf]

2020 T. Lejemble, C. Mura, L. Barthe and N. Mellado. "Persistence Analysis of Multi-scale Planar Structure Graph in Point Clouds", Computer Graphics Forum, 39(2), Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS, 2020. [pdf] [YouTube][Project Page][Replicability Stamp]

2020 N. Abu Rumman, P. Nair, P.Muller, D. Vanderhaeghe and L. Barthe. "SPH-PBD: Coupled Simulation of Incompressible Fluids and Deformable Bodies", The Visual Computer, 36(5), 2020. [pdf] [Vimeo]


2019 B. Angles, D Rebain, M. Macklin, B. Wyvill, L. Barthe, J.P. Lewis, J. Von der Pahlen, S. Izadi, J. Valentin, S. Bouaziz and A. Tagliasacchi. "VIPER: Volume Invariant Position-based Elastic Rods", Proceedings of the ACM CGIT (PACMCGIT), 2(2), proceedings of ACM Siggraph/Eurographics Symposion on Computer Animation, 2019. [pdf] [YouTube]

2019 S. Casti, M. Livesu, N. Mellado, N. Abu Rumman, R. Scateni, L. Barthe and E. Puppo. "Skeleton Based Cage Generation Guided by Harmonic Fields", Computer & Graphics, 81, pages 140-151, June 2019. [pdf] [YouTube]

2019 T. Buffet, D. Rohmer, L.Barthe, L. Boissieux and M.P. Cani. "Implicit untangling: A robust solution for modeling layered clothing", ACM Transaction on Graphics, 38(4), proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH, 2019. [pdf]

2019 E. Moscoso Thompson, G. Arvanitis, K. Moustakas, N. Hoang-Xuan, E.R. Nguyen, M. Tran, T. Lejemble, L. Barthe, N. Mellado, C. Romanengo, S. Biasotti, B. Falcidieno. "SHREC’19 track: Feature Curve Extraction on Triangle Meshes", Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2019. [pdf]

2019 E. Entem, A. Dev Parakkat, L. Barthe, R. Muthuganapathy and M.P. Cani. "Automatic structuring of organic shapes from a single drawing", Computer & Graphics, 81, pages 125-139, June 2019. [pdf]


2018 V. Roussellet, N. Abu Rumman, F. Canezin, N. Mellado, L. Kavan, L. Barthe. "Dynamic implicit muscles for character skinning", Computer & Graphics, 77, 2018. [pdf] [video] [YouTube]

2018 E. Entem, M.P. Cani, L. Barthe and A. Dev Parakkat. "Structuring and Layering Contour Drawings of Organic Shapes", Expressive'18, 2018. [pdf] [YouTube]

2018 S. Biasotti, E. Moscoso Thompson, L. Barthe, S. Berretti, A. Giachetti, T. Lejemble, N. Mellado, K. Moustakas, Iason Manolas, Dimitrios Dimou, C. Tortorici, S. Velasco-Forero N. Werghi, M. Polig, G. Sorrentino and S. Hermon. "SHREC’18 track: Recognition of geometric patterns over 3D models", Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2018.


2017 B. Angles, M. Tarini, B. Wyvill, L. Barthe and A. Tagliasacchi. "Sketch-Based Implicit Blending", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 36(6), proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA, 2017. [pdf] [YouTube]

2017 N. Mellado, D. Vanderhaeghe, C. Hoarau, S. Christophe, M. Bredif and L. Barthe. "Constrained Palette-Space Exploration", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 36(4), proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH, 2017. [pdf] [YouTube]


2016 E. Entem, L. Barthe, M.P. Cani and M. van de Panne. "From drawing to animation-ready vector graphics", ACM Siggraph Posters, July 2016. [pdf]

2016 F. Canezin, G. Guennebaud and L. Barthe. "Topology-Aware Neighborhoods for Point-Based Simulation and Reconstruction", Eurographics/ACM Siggraph Symposium on Computer Animation, July 2016. [pdf] [video] [vimeo]


2015 L. Barthe. "De la sphère à l’animation de personnages virtuels : Pour un Pli", 1024 – Bulletin de la société informatique de France, HS1, pages 93-95, February 2015. [pdf]

2015 E. Entem, L. Barthe, M.P. Cani, F. Cordier and M. van de Panne. "Modeling 3D animals from a side-view sketch", Computer & Graphics, 46, proc. of SMI'2014, 2015. [pdf]


2014 R. Vaillant, G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe, M.P. Cani and B. Wyvill. "Robust Iso-Surface Tracking for Interactive Character Skinning", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33(6), proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA, 2014. [pdf] [video] [vimeo] [YouTube] [Maya plugin] [free demo] [more]

2014 A. Pajot, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Globally Adaptive Control Variate for Robust Numerical Integration", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(4), pages A1708-A1730, 2014. [pdf] [free codes]

2014 F. Claux, L. Barthe, D. Vanderhaeghe, J. Jessel and M. Paulin. "Crack-free rendering of dynamically tesselated B-Rep models", Computer Graphics Forum, 33(2), proc. of EUROGRAPHICS, pages 263-272, 2014. [pdf] [video]

2014 E. de Groot, B. Wyvill, L. Barthe, A. Nasri and P. Lalonde. "Implicit Decals: Interactive Editing of Repetitive Patterns on Surfaces", Computer Graphics Forum, 33(1), pages 141-151, 2014. [pdf] [video] [vimeo]


2013 F. Canezin, G. Guennebaud and L. Barthe. "Adequate Inner Bound for Geometric Modeling with Compact Field Functions", Computer & Graphics, 37(6), proc. of SMI, pages 565-573, 2013. [pdf]

2013 R. Vaillant, L. Barthe, G. Guennebaud, M.P. Cani, D. Rhomer, B. Wyvill, O. Gourmel and M. Paulin. "Implicit Skinning: Real-Time Skin Deformation with Contact Modeling", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32(4), proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH, 2013. [pdf] [video] [vimeo] [YouTube] [Maya plugin] [free demo] [free codes] [more]

2013 O.Gourmel, L. Barthe, M.P. Cani, B. Wyvill, A. Bernhardt, M. Paulin and H. Grasberger. "A Gradient-Based Implicit Blend", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32(2), tted at SIGGRAPH in July 2013. [pdf] [video] [vimeo] [free codes]

2013 M. Dunyach, D. Vanderhaeghe, L. Barthe and M. Botsch. "Adaptive Remeshing for Real-Time Mesh Deformation", Eurographics Short Papers, Spain, May 2013. [pdf] [video]


2012 F. Claux, D. Vanderhaeghe, L. Barthe, M. Paulin, J.P. Jessel and D. Croenne. "An Efficient Trim Structure for Rendering Large B-Rep Models", VMV, Germany, pages 31-38, November 2012. [pdf]

2012 R. Vaillant, L. Barthe, G. Guennebaud, M.P. Cani, D. Rhomer and B. Wyvill. "Déformation de la peau d'un personnage avec prise en compte des contacts", Revue Electronique Francophone d'Informatique Graphique - AFIG, Prix du Meilleur Papier AFIG/EGFR.


2011 A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin and P. Poulin. "Combinatorial Bidirectional Path-Tracing for Efficient Hybrid CPU/GPU Rendering", Computer Graphics Forum, 30(2), proc. of EUROGRAPHICS, pages 315-324, 2011. [pdf] [more]

2011 A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin and P. Poulin. "Representativity for Robust and Adaptive Multiple Importance Sampling", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(8), pages 1108-1121, 2011. [pdf] [more]

2011 A. Pajot, L. Barthe and M. Paulin "Effective Despeckling of HDR Images", Siggraph Asia Technical Sketch, Hong Kong, China, December 2011. [more]

2011 A. Pajot, L. Barthe and M. Paulin "Robust Adaptive Sampling For Monte-Carlo-Based Rendering", Siggraph Asia Posters, Hong Kong, China, December 2011. [more]

2011 A. Pajot, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Sample-Space Bright Spots Removal Using Density Estimation", Graphics Interface, pages 159-166, May 2011. [more]


2010 O. Gourmel, A. Pajot, M. Paulin, L. Barthe and P. Poulin. "Fitted BVH for Fast Raytracing of Metaballs", Computer Graphics Forum, 29(2), proc. of EUROGRAPHICS, pages 281-288, 2010. [pdf] [video] [more] [vimeo]

2010 A. Bernhardt, L. Barthe, M-P. Cani and B. Wyvill. "Implicit Blending Revisited", Computer Graphics Forum, 29(2), proc. of EUROGRAPHICS, pages 367-376, 2010. [pdf] [video] [more] [vimeo]


2009 V. Forest, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Real-Time Hierarchical Binary-Scene Voxelization", Journal of Graphics Tools, 14(3), pages 21-34, 2009. [pdf]

2009 V. Forest, L. Barthe G. Guennebaud and M. Paulin. "Soft Textured Shadow Volume", Computer Graphics Forum, 28(4), proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Girona, Spain, pages 1111-1120, June 2009. [pdf] [video 1] [video 2] [more]

2009 O. Gourmel, A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin, P. Poulin. "BVH for efficient raytracing of dynamic metaballs on GPU", SIGGRAPH Technical Sketch, New Orleans, USA, August 2009.

2009 A. Pajot, L. Barthe, M. Paulin. "Metropolis Instant Radiosity avec Reconstruction sur GPU", Revue Electronique Francophone d'Informatique Graphique, 3(2), 2009. [pdf] [more]


2008 V. Forest, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Accurate Shadows by Depth Complexity Sampling", Computer Graphics Forum, 27(2), proc. of EUROGRAPHICS, Crete, Greece, pages 663-674, April 2008. [pdf] [video] [more]

2008 A. Bernhardt, A. Pihuit, M. P. Cani, L. Barthe "Matisse : Painting 2D regions for Modeling Free-Form Shapes", EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, Annecy, France, pages 57-64, June 2008.


2007 G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "High-Quality Adaptive Soft Shadow Mapping", Computer Graphics Forum, 26(3), proc. of EUROGRAPHICS, Prague, Czech Republic, pages 525-533, September 2007. [pdf] [video] [more]

2007 G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Real-Time Refinement". Chapter in: Point Based Graphics, M. Gross and H. Pfister (eds), Morgan Kaufmann, 2007, ISBN: 978-0123706041. [more]

2007 L. Barthe. "Courbes et surfaces de subdivision". Chapter 4 in: Informatique graphique, modélisation géométrique et animation, D. Bechmann and B. Peroche (eds), Hermes, pages 135-162, 2007, ISBN: 978-2-7462-1514-6. [more]

2007 L. Claustres, L. Barthe and M. Paulin "Wavelet Encoding of BRDFs for Real-Time Rendering", Graphics Interface, Montreal, Canada, May 2007.


2006 V. Forest, L. Barthe and M. Paulin "Realistic Soft Shadows by Penumbra-Wedges Blending", Graphics Hardware, Vienna, Austria, September 2006.

2006 G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe and M. Paulin "Splat/Mesh Blending, Perspective Rasterization and Transparency for Point-Based Rendering", EEE/Eurographics/ACM Symposium on Point-Based Graphics, Boston, US, July 2006.

2006 G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe and M. Paulin "Real-time soft shadow mapping by backprojection", Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 2006.


2005 G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Interpolatory Refinement for Real-Time Processing of Point-Based Geometry", Computer Graphics Forum, 24(3), proc. of EUROGRAPHICS, Dublin, Ireland, pages 657-666, September 2005. [pdf] [video 1] [video 2] [video 3] [more]

2005 L. Barthe, C. Gerot, M.A. Sabin and L. Kobbelt. "Simple computation of the eigencomponents of a subdivision matrix in the Fourier domain". Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling, N.A. Dodgson, M.S. Floater and M.A. Sabin (eds), Springer-Verlag, pages 245-257, 2005, ISBN: 3-540-21462-3. [pdf] [more]

2005 C. Gerot, L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson and M.A. Sabin. "Subdivision as a sequence of sampled Cp surfaces". Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling, N.A. Dodgson, M.S. Floater and M.A. Sabin (eds), Springer-Verlag, pages 259-270, 2005, ISBN: 3-540-21462-3. [pdf] [more]

2005 A. Alexe, L. Barthe, M.P. Cani and V. Gaildrat. "Shape modelling by sketching using convolution surfaces", Pacific Graphics (Short Papers), Macau, China, October 2005.


2004 L. Barthe, B. Wyvill and E. De Groot. "Controllable Binary CSG Operators for "Soft Objects"", International Journal of Shape Modeling, 10(2), pages 135-154, December 2004. [pdf]

2004 G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Dynamic Surfel Set Refinement for High Quality Rendering", Computers & Graphics, 28(6), pages 827-838, 2004.
Extended version of our SPBG'2004 paper, selected for publication in the journal. [pdf] [video] [more]

2004 G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Deferred splatting", Computer Graphics Forum, 23(3), proc. of EUROGRAPHICS, Grenoble, France, pages 653-660, September 2004. [pdf] [video 1] [video 2] [more]

2004 L. Barthe and L. Kobbelt. "Subdivision scheme tuning around extraordinary vertices", Computer Aided Geometric Design, 21(6), pages 561-583, June 2004. [pdf]

2004 A. Alexe, V. Gaildrat and L. Barthe. "Interactive modelling from sketches using spherical implicit functions", AFRIGRAPH 2004, Stellenbosch (Cape Town), South Africa, pages 25-34, November 2004.

2004 G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe and M. Paulin. "Real-time point cloud refinement", Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics, Zurich, Switzerland, pages 41-48, June 2004.


2003 L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin, B. Wyvill and V. Gaildrat. "Two-dimensional potential fields for advanced implicit modeling operators". Computer Graphics Forum, 22(1), pages 23-33, March 2003. [pdf]

2003 M.A. Sabin and L. Barthe. "Artifacts in recursive subdivision surfaces", Curve and Surface Fitting: St Malo 2002, A. Cohen, J.L. Merrien and L.L. Schumaker (eds), Nashboro Press, Brentwood, pages 353-362, ISBN: 0-9728482-1-5. [pdf]

2003 L. Barthe and L. Kobbelt. "Direct computation of a control vertex position on any subdivision level", The Mathematics of Surfaces 2003, Leeds, UK, pages 40-47, September 2003.


2002 L. Barthe, B. Mora, N.A. Dodgson and M.A. Sabin. "Interactive implicit modelling based on C1 reconstruction of regular grids", International Journal of Shape Modeling, 8(2), pages 99-117, December 2002.
Extended version of our SMI'2002 paper, selected for publication in the journal. [pdf]

2002 L. Barthe, B. Mora, N.A. Dodgson and M.A. Sabin. "Triquadratic reconstruction for interactive modelling of potential fields", SMI'2002 Shape Modeling International, Banff, Alberta, Canada, pages 145-153, May 2002.

2002 M. Cardle, S. Brooks, L. Barthe, M. Hassan and P. Robinson. "Music-Driven motion editing", SIGGRAPH 2002 Sketches and Applications, San Antonio, Texas, US, July 2002.

2002 M. Cardle, L. Barthe, S. Brooks and P. Robinson. "Music-Driven motion editing: Local motion transformations guided by music analysis", EGUK'2002 Eurographics UK Conference, Leicester, UK, pages 38-44, June 2002.


2001 L. Barthe, V. Gaildrat and R. Caubet. "Extrusion of 1D implicit profiles: Theory and first application", International Journal of Shape Modeling, 7(2), pages 179-198, December 2001.
Extended version of our SMI'2001 paper, selected for publication in the journal. [pdf]

2001 L. Barthe, V. Gaildrat and R. Caubet. "Implicit extrusion fields: General concepts and some simple applications", SMI'2001 Shape Modeling International, Genova, Italy, pages 114-123, May 2001.


2000 L. Barthe, V. Gaildrat and R. Caubet. "Implicit extrusion fields", CISST'2000 International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems and Technology, Las Vegas, U.S., pages 75-81, June 2000.


1998 L. Barthe, V. Gaildrat and R. Caubet. "Combining implicit surfaces with soft blending in a CSG tree", CSG Conference Series, Ammerdown, U.K., pages 17-31. April 1998.



2011-07-08 L. Barthe. "Modèles pour la Création Interactive et Intuitive d'Objets Tridimensionnels", HDR de l'Université de Toulouse, France, July 2011, in french.
HDR report Slides

2000-09-27 L. Barthe. "Les champs implicites d’extrusion : un outil précis pour créer, sculpter ou combiner des formes à l’aide de surfaces implicites", Thèse de l'Université de Toulouse, France, September 2000, in french.
PhD report Cover/Abstract top


2023 A. Niyazov, K.A. Satriadi, N. Mellado, L. Barthe and Marcos Serrano. "User-Driven Constraints for Layout Optimisation in Augmented Reality", CHI'23 Position paper, 2023. [pdf]

2022 A. Niyazov, K. Zhao, T. Xu, N. Mellado, L. Barthe and M. Serrano. "Challenges and Opportunities of Content Optimization for Freeform User Interfaces", CHI'22 Position paper, 2022. [pdf]

2019 C.E. Himeur, N. Mellado, L. Barthe and T. Pellegrini. "Edge detection in 3D Point-Clouds using Machine Learning", Journées j.FIG, Marseille, France, Novembre 2019.

2019 O.Hachette, F. Canezin, N. Mellado and L. Barthe. "Optimisation d’Articulations pour le "Skinning" Implicite", Journées j.FIG, Marseille, France, Novembre 2019.

2018 A. Ghazanfarpour, N. Mellado, L. Barthe and J.P. Jessel. "Simplification de maillages pour le désassemblage virtuel d'objets", Journées j.FIG, 3ème prix du meilleur papier AFIG/EGFR, Poitier, France, Novembre 2018.

2018 T. Lejemble, C. Mura, L. Barthe and N. Mellado. "Multi-scale Planar Segments Extraction from Point Clouds", Journées j.FIG, Poitier, France, Novembre 2018.

2016 V. Roussellet, N. Mellado and L. Barthe. "Implicit-based Secondary Motion for Character Animation", Journées j.FIG, 2ème prix du meilleur papier AFIG/EGFR, Grenoble, France, Novembre 2016.

2015 Slides L. Barthe. "Combiner les objets 3D par composition de fonctions", Seminar at Collège de France following the first lecture of the series given by Marie-Paule Cani, Paris, France, February 2015. [pdf] [libre-office] [presentation videos] [video of the seminar]

2014 F. Canezin, G. Guennebaud, L. Barthe. "Extraction de surface physiquement plausible de simulations de fluides par particules", 27th Journées de l'AFIG, Reims, France, Novembre 2014.

2013 C. Desprat, L. Barthe and H. Luga. "Génération bio-inspirée de formes 3D artistiques pour l’impression 3D", 26th Journées de l'AFIG, Limoges, France, Novembre 2013, in french.

2013 Slides L. Barthe. "Models and Intuitive Modeling", Presentation at the ERC Expressive seminar, Grenoble, France, March 2013.

2009 L. Barthe. "Box-Splines et Surfaces de Subdivision", Presentation at journées Modélisation Géometrique et Traitement d'Images, Grenoble, France, December 2009, in french.

2005 Slides L. Barthe. "Box-Splines et Surfaces de Subdivision", Presentation at the 18th Journées de l'AFIG, Strasbourg, France, November 2005, in french.

2003 A. Alexe, V. Gaildrat et L. Barthe. "Modelisation interactive de formes complexes à partir d'esquisses", 16th Journées de l'AFIG, Paris, France, pages 175-182, December 2003, in french.

2002 M.A. Sabin and L. Barthe. "Artifacts in subdivision surfaces", Presentation at the International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, St Malo, France, June-July 2002.


Technical Reports

2005 A. Alexe, L. Barthe, V. Gaildrat, M.P. Cani"A Sketch-Based Modelling system using Convolution Surfaces". Technical Report IRIT - 2005-17-R, Institue de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, France, July 2005.

2004 C. Gerot, L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson and M.A. Sabin. "Subdivision as a sequence of sampled Cp surfaces and conditions for tuning schemes". UCAM-CL-TR-583, ISSN 1476-2986, University of Cambridge, UK, March 2004.

2002 L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin, B. Wyvill and V. Gaildrat. "Different applications of two-dimensional potential fields for volume modeling". UCAM-CL-TR-541, ISSN 1476-2986, University of Cambridge, UK, August 2002.

2002 N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin, L. Barthe and M.F. Hassan. "Towards a ternary interpolating subdivision scheme for the triangular mesh". UCAM-CL-TR-539, ISSN 1476-2986, University of Cambridge, UK, July 2002.

1999 L. Barthe. "Implicit extrusion fields: A precise tool for implicit modeling", Internal Report IRIT / 99-26-R, University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, France, December 1999.
