Full Professor at the Université Paul Sabatier of Toulouse (France), IRIT Laboratory
Co-founder RollingDot
Researcher in the STORM group (Structural Models and Tools in Computer Graphics) of the IRIT laboratory - Affiliated member of the Computer Graphics Group of the University of Victoria (Canada)
IRIT-CNRS UMR 5505 - Université Paul Sabatier
118, Route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
0033 (0)5 6155 6312 - Loic.Barthe at
Main Interest
Fast and frugal point cloud processing - Intuitive geometric modelling - Shape deformations during animations

Internships, Ph.D. and post-doc

I am always looking for good motivated students. If you want to do a post-doc with me or a Ph.D. (or an intership) under my supervision, have a look at these. Then feel free to contact me do discuss the different opportunities.

Image of the Day

PCEDNet : A Lightweight Neural Network for Fast and Interactive Edge Detection in 3D Point Clouds. by Chems E. Himeur et al., ACM Transaction on Graphics 2022.

posted 01/09/2021

Watch these !

PCEDNet: We introduce a new 3D point cloud parametrization allowing very simple and fast to train/evaluate neural networks to classify edge points. This is so efficient that it outperforms current learning approaches in classification quality while processing up to 500 000 points per second on a standard mono-thread CPU implementation. It also enable interactive training to better fit user/application expectations (ACM Transactions on Graphics 2022).

by Chems Eddine Himeur et al. (see also STORM's YouTube Channel).

Plane reconstruction at different scales: We introduce a new graph data struture organizing 3D points by similar attribute (here normal orientation) at different scales. The use of set operators then allows us to efficiently extract strutures by similar attribute value stabe at several neighbor scales (Euroggraphics 2020).

by Thibault Lejemble et al. (see also STORM's YouTube Channel).

Implicit skinning free demo: Based on our TOG 2014 paper, we distribute a stand-alone demo software illustrating the skin deformations produced by the time dependent version of the implicit skinning. Downloads for Linux, MacOS and Windows are provided.

see also STORM's YouTube Channel.

Implicit kinning Maya plugin: We distribute a Maya plugin for commercial use, implementing both the time independent (2013) and the time dependent (2014) versions of the Implicit Skinning.

see also STORM's YouTube Channel.


Short Bio

Member of the Scientific Strategy committee of the IRIT laboratory (since 2021)
Member of the Scientific and Administration committee of the CIMI international laboratory of excellence (since 2020)
Executive Committee of the Eurographics French Chapter (since 2023 - Vice-President from 2021 to 2022, President from 2014 to 2020)
co-Head of the Master IAFA - Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (since 2021)
Organizer of the best PhD award for the CNRS working group on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (GDR IG-RV) (from 2017 to 2023)
Head of the Master IGAI (2nd year) - Computer Graphics and Image Analysis (August 2021 to Sept 2022)
Scientific Policy Officer for the IRIT Laboratory (2015-2020)
Co-Head of the VORTEX research group (2012-2017)

Associate Editor for Graphical Models (GMOD since 2010).
Associate Editor for Computer & Graphics (C&G from 2016 to 2023) and Graphics & Visual Computing (GVC from 2021 to 2023).
Member of the Board of the CNRS research group Informatique Graphique - Réalité Virtuelle (IG-RV from 2014 to 2023)
Steering Committee Member of the international conference Shape Modeling International (SMI from 2018 to 2023)
Steering Committee Member of the international Shape Creation using Layouts, Programs, & Technology Event (SCULPT from 2022 to 2023)
Steering Committee Member of the international Fabrication and Sculpting Event (FASE 2020-2021)
Associate Editor for Computer Graphics Forum (CGF 2017-2020)

Advisory Board Member for Eurographics 2018 full papers
Full Paper Conference Chair for Eurographics 2017
Conference co-chair for Shape Modeling International 2020 and 2019
Best Paper Award Jury for Geometric & Physical Modeling (SPM2011) 2011, Chair for AFIG/EGFR from 2011 to 2015
Scientific Program Committee for Siggraph 2018, 2017, Eurographics 2016, and many others: SMI 2021 to 2024, 2015, 2014, 2010, 2005 to 2008, CGI 2015 to 2024, SMI-SCULPT 2023, 2022, MIG 2022, 2021, Eurographics-Short 2022, 2021, SMI-FASE 2021, 2015 to 2019, CAD/Graphics 2021, 2017, 2015, CASA 2019 to 2021, 2017, 2016, EURASIA Graphics 2020, Expressive 2013 to 2019, WSCG 2012 to 2015, GD/SPM 2013, SBIM 2012, 2011, 2008, GI 2012, 2011, Siggraph Asia S&P 2011, 2010, EWNP 2009, 2008, SPBG 2006 to 2008

Reviewer for Siggraph, Siggraph Asia, TOG, Eurographics, IEEE TVCG, CGF, CAGD, C&G, TVC, CAVW, etc
Habilitation Jury: Vincent Nozick 2019, Eric Guérin 2017, Benoît Crespin 2016, Romain Raffin 2013
PhD Jury: Cyprien Plateau-Holleville 2024, Quentin Wendling 2023, Axel Paris 2023, Camille Brunel 2021, Mickaël Ly 2021, Thomas Buffet 2021, Yann Cortial 2020, Thibault Lescoat 2020, Arthur Cavalier 2019, Amélie Fondevilla 2019, Cédric Bobenrieth 2019, Antoine Webanck 2019, Cong Tam Tran 2018, Jules Morel 2017, Ulysse Vimont 2016, Ludovic Blache 2016, Emilie Guy 2016, Jean-David Génevaux 2015, Stéphane Calderon 2015, Romain Casati 2015, Mathieu Bailet 2014, Adrien Bernhardt 2013, Cédric Zanni 2013, Sergey Podkorytov 2013, Lucian Stanculescu 2013, Noura Faraj 2013, Simon Boyé 2012, Yacine Boumzaïd 2012, Damien Rohmer 2011, François Destelle 2010, Mickaël Vermet 2010, Jamie Wither 2008

Funded Projects: MultIFOrm (ANR 2023-2027), PERFIN (ANR 2018-2022), CALiTrOp (ANR 2017-2021), FOLD-Dyn (ANR 2017-2021), DEMAGOS-3D (LabEx CIMI 2015-2018), R&T MNS (CNES 2013-2014), IM&M (ANR Young Researchers 2012-2015), NatSim (ANR 2006-2009)
Expert for the HCERES
Reviewer for the ANR (National Research Agency)
International Expert for the Canadian KILLAM Research Fellowship in 2017
International Expert for the Italian ANVUR (2016-2020)
Expert for the JEI and CIR (Jeunes Entreprises Innovantes et Crédit d'impôt Recherche, French government department of research and industry) (2009-2020)

Member ACM Siggraph, Eurographics, SIF, AFIG

PhD and Post-Docs
  • 2002-2003: Research associate in the Computer Graphics group of the University of Aachen - Germany
  • 2001-2002: Research associate in the Rainbow group of the University of Cambridge - UK
  • 1997-2000: PhD thesis in the SIRV group, IRIT laboratory of the University of Toulouse - France
Bibliography in Numbers: Google Scholar
Research in Videos: Vimeo
Complete List of Publications: by years
Computer Science Bibliography: dblp top

All Day Images

PCEDNet : A Lightweight Neural Network for Fast and Interactive Edge Detection in 3D Point Clouds by Chems E. Himeur et al., ACM Transaction on Graphics 2022.

posted 18/06/2021

Persistence Analysis of Multi-scale Planar Structure Graph in Point Clouds by Thibault Lejemble et al., Eurographics 2020.

posted 12/02/2020

Automatic structuring of organic shapes from a single drawing by Even Entem et al., Computer & Graphics 2019.

posted 04/03/2019

Dynamic implicit muscles for character skinning by Valentin Roussellet et al., Computer & Graphics 2018.

posted 22/01/2019

Implicit Skinning free demo now available. See also our commercial Maya plugin.

posted 25/09/2018

Structuring and Layering Contour Drawings of Organic Shapes by Even Entem et al., Expressive 2018.

posted 16/05/2018

Sketch-Based Implicit Blending by Baptiste Angles et al., Transactions on Graphics, proc. of Siggraph Asia 2017.

posted 15/09/2017

Constrained Palette-Space Exploration by Nicolas Mellado et al., Transactions on Graphics, proc. of Siggraph 2017.

posted 05/09/2017

Topology-Aware Neighborhoods for Point-Based Simulation and Reconstruction by Florian Canezin et al., Symposium on Computer Animation 2016. Funded by the ANR JCJC IM&M.

posted 24/05/2016

The video of my seminar at Collège de France is now online.

posted 06/03/2015

"Façonner l'imaginaire : de la création numérique 3D aux mondes virtuels animés" by Marie-Paule Cani at Collège de France. During this lecture series, I'll give a seminar Thursday 27 February 2015.

posted 20/01/2015

Robust Iso-Surface Tracking for Interactive Character Skinning by Rodolphe Vaillant et al., TOG - Siggraph Asia 2014.

posted 24/10/2014

Modeling 3D Animals from a Side-View Sketch by Even Entem et al., C&G - SMI2014. Congratulations Even for this nice first publication !

posted 01/10/2014

Researches on Implicit Skinning are presented in the CNRS Activity Report 2013 (page 46).

posted 11/09/2014

"Globally Adaptive Control Variate for Robust Numerical Integration" by Anthony Pajot et al., SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2014.

posted 23/05/2014

"Crack-free rendering of dynamically tesselated B-Rep models", by Frédéric Claux et al., Eurographics 2014.

posted 18/12/2013

"De la sphère à l'animation de la peau d'un personnage (From a sphere to the animation of a character skin)", talk given during the "Mois de l'Informatique Graphique" in Limoges (28 November 2013).

posted 04/12/2013

"Implicit Decals: Interactive Editing of Repetitive Patterns on Surfaces", by Erwin de Groot et al., CGF 2013.

posted 16/10/2013

"Adequate Inner Bound for Geometric Modeling with Compact Field Functions", by Florian Canezin et al., SMI 2013. Congratulations for your first paper Florian !

posted 28/05/2013

"Implicit Skinning: Real-Time Skin Deformation with Contact Modeling", by Rodolphe Vaillant et al., Siggraph 2013.

posted 27/04/2013

Our office door after Siggraph 2013 results. Congratulations Rodolphe !

posted 10/04/2013

"Adaptive Remeshing for Real-Time Mesh Deformation", by Marion Dunyach et al., Eurographics Short Papers 2013.

posted 29/01/2013

"A Gradient-Based Implicit Blend", by Olivier Gourmel et al., TOG 2013.

posted 05/10/2012

"An Efficient Trim Structure for Rendering Large B-Rep Models", by Frédéric Claux et al., VMV 2012.

posted 26/08/2012

Summer 2002, Stratford-upon-Avon (England). The Cambridge MINGLE group: Malcom, Loïc, Lucia, Neil and Cédric.

posted 24/05/2012

Our office door, before and after Siggraph 2012 results. Two submissions = one rejection and one conditional acceptance to TOG. Congratulations Olivier !

posted 13/04/2012

David's desk just after the Siggraph deadline. To not hurt sensitive souls, we've hidden all uncertain things lying on the left of the desk.

posted 27/02/2012