Invited Seminar 30/11 – Structuring data for editing and visualization – Noura Faraj

For the weekly seminar of the STORM research group, Noura Faraj from the Université de Montpellier will give a talk on Structuring data for editing and visualization.

This seminar will take place the 30/11 at 12:30pm in the Salle des Thèses at IRIT.

We present how to combine multi-scale, and complementary representations such as topologic and geometric structures adapted to the targeted application and tailored for an unexperienced user. These representations allow tackling efficiently a variety of complex problems especially in the context of pluridisciplinary projects. Their creation, use, and visualization have to be intuitive, interactive and controllable at a high level. In this setting, the modeling process and the abstraction are guide towards the information. For instance, we present a volume representation combining voxels and tetrahedra resulting in a hybrid versatile model adapted to a number of major applications in computer graphics — in particular in the context of medical images, a multi-scale complex for the volume multi-domain features, and a hierarchical structure — a tree of shapes, used to generate intuitively a variety of stylized version of an image.

Noura Faraj is an Associate Professor at the Université de Montpellier where she joined the ICAR team of the LIRMM in September 2018. Her research work addresses how to model, interact with and visualize interactively large volume datasets with a particular focus on mesh generation and processing of segmented 3D images. Her work is at the intersection of variety of topics related to computer graphics and visualization (geometric modeling, Non-Photorealistic Rendering, image processing and stylization…). She completed her PhD in 2013 in the Computer Graphics Group of Telecom ParisTech under the supervision of Tamy Boubekeur and Isabelle Bloch. She then joined the applied mathematics research group MAP5 at Université Paris Descartes as a research engineer working on image processing. Next, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Graphics and visualization Group at Tulane University in New Orleans.