Last 12th and 13th September 2022 TALENT had the honour to host the meeting of the European Project PROF-XXI. Visitors from Guatemala, Colombia, Spain and Portugal participated in the event.
Linked to this event, we organised an open session to discuss about Experiences and policies to promote hybrid education. We counted, in this case, with the participation of António Teixeira (Universidade Aberta de Portugal) as a keynote, participants of the project to present their experiences in Latin America and another round table with experts from France. Here you have name of the participants and their affiliations.
The event was a success, with more than 40 people attending.
Participants Round table Experiences in Latin America:
- Mario Solarte, Asociado Universidad del Cauca, Colombia;
- Carlos Delgado Kloos, Catedrático Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España;
- Miguel Morales, Director del Área de Educación Digital, Universidad Galileo, Guatemala;
- Olga Lucía Saavedra Villega, Directora CEA USB;
- JORGE MALDONADO MAHAUAD, Director CEA Universidad de Cuenca.
Participants Round table Experiences in France:
- Claude Maranges, Directeur du Département Formation et Vie Etudiante, Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi Pyrénées (;
- Alain Bérard, Directeur adjoint du C2IP – Centre d’Innovation et d’Ingénierie Pédagogiques de l’INSA Toulouse (;
- Patrice Terrier, Vice-président délégué au développement des usages du numérique et des systèmes d’information Université Tolouse II – Jean Jaurès (;
- Sylvain Crémoux, Chargé de mission Développement et évaluation des formations et des enseignements (;
- Elodie Guillon, Cheffe de projet THE Campus – Hybridation des formations, Université de Toulouse.
You can have a look at the main results obtained from the project in the website of the project.