Elaastic is a tool designed to facilitate the implementation and deployment of formative assessments. It offers rich interaction modalities such as free text input and provides textual feedback to students. Currently, Elaastic is being used within several curriculum delivered by the University of Toulouse, and represents the basis for the B4MATIVE! Project. Elaastic is one of the platforms labeled by IRIT.
Lab4CE has been used at the IUT of Toulouse as a tool in several courses delivered to first-and second-year students.
NoteMyProgress (NMP) is a web-based tool designed to support self-regulation in distant and blended learning environments. Based on dashboards, it allows learners to visualize their self-regulatory processes. The tool has been already used in Coursera courses and will be adapted for Moodle and Canvas.
CompetenceDesigner is a web-based tool offering experts the opportunity to design competence frameworks specific to particular disciplines and educational areas. The tool also provides REST API for reusing the designed frameworks within learning tools intended for learners and teachers.