
Congratulations to Esteban Villalobos!!

Esteban Villalobos, a member of the TALENT team, defended his thesis entitled Developing a learning analytics framework to understand the temporal behavior of students in blended learning environments on 28 June 2024. Congratulations to him!!!!!!!! The jury was composed of: Abstract of the thesis: In the evolving landscape of educational technology, Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) emerges … Continue reading Congratulations to Esteban Villalobos!!

Seminar on Learning Analytics

The TALENT team was pleased to welcome Mohammed Saqr and Sasha Poquet who presented their work at IRIT on 28 June 2024. 1 – Learning analytics for social interactions in digital learning Learning analytics, defined as the collection, analysis, and measurement of data collected in learning settings, have been a part of the scholarly discourse … Continue reading Seminar on Learning Analytics

Esteban Villalobos gave a talk for Inria Chile

Esteban Villalobos, mathematical engineer, M.Sc. in computer science, and Ph.D. candidate in the TALENT team, presented a talk for Inria Chile. In this talk, “Developing a data analysis framework to understand the temporal behavior of students”, he introduces an analytical framework designed to understand the temporal behavior of students in digital environments beyond traditional classrooms. … Continue reading Esteban Villalobos gave a talk for Inria Chile

Congratulations to Franck Silvestre !!

Franck Silvestre, a member of the TALENT team, defended his Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) entitled Évaluation formative et génération de feedbacks soutenues par la technologie (Technology-supported formative assessment and feedback generation) on 5 April 2024. Congratulations to him!!!!!!!! The jury was composed of : Rapporteurs Examiners

LAFE Meeting

This week, the TALENT team had the pleasure of welcoming Elaine Teixeira and Rafael Ferreira Mello in Toulouse for the second LAFE meeting.

IEEE Transaction of Learning Technologies

The article by Rialy Andriamiseza, Franck Silvestre, Jean-François Parmentier and Julien Broisin proposing a new model for orchestrating formative assessment sequences has just been published. Check it out!

Rialy Andriamiseza defended his thesis

Rialy Andriamiseza successfully defended his thesis "Learning Analytics-Based Formative Assessment Recommendations for Technology-Enhanced Learning Practices".

PROF-XXI Meeting in Toulouse

Last 12th and 13th September 2022 TALENT had the honour to host the meeting of the European Project PROF-XXI.

Closing of the ECTEL 2022 conference organized by the TALENT team

The entire TALENT team is proud to have organized the ECTEL 2022 conference!

Another ECTEL best paper award for TALENT!

The paper by Esteban Villalobos Supporting Self-regulated Learning in BL: Exploring learners’ tactics and strategies has won the best paper award at the 2022 ECTEL conference! Last year (ECTEL 2021), it was Rialy Andriamiseza who won this award.

TALENT organizes the PROF-XXI event on September 13 on the theme of “Hybrid Education”

As part of the PROF-XXI EU Project, TALENT organises this year the PROF-XXI Event.

TALENT organises the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2022

This year, it is the TALENT team from IRIT who is in charge of hosting the ECTEL 2022 conference from 12th-16th September 2022.