Seminar 26/10 – A Versatile Parameterization for Measured Material Manifolds

For the weekly seminar of the STORM research group, Mathias Paulin will give a talk on A Versatile Parameterization for Measured Material Manifolds.

We will discuss the use of Gaussian Processes Latent Variable Models and their use for dimension reduction.
Trough the analysis of the paper by Cyril Soler, Kartic Subr, Derek Nowrouzezahrai: A Versatile Parameterization for Measured Material Manifolds. Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley, 2018, 37 (2),
We’ll introduce how GPLVM could be use to identify a low dimensional manifold embeded in the high dimensional measured BSDF space and its use for BSDF construction.

This seminar will take place the 26/10 at 12:30pm in the Salle des Thèses at IRIT.