Seminar 19/10 – Scanned Models of Man-made Environments: from Raw Data to Semantically Rich Representations

For the weekly seminar of the STORM research group, Claudio Mura will give a presentation titled Scanned Models of Man-made Environments: from Raw Data to Semantically Rich Representations.

The recent widespread diffusion of 3D acquisition devices has led to an unprecedented availability of scanned data of interior environments. While the potential application scenarios for these 3D models are manifold, the data output by acquisition devices can not be used directly in practical workflows due to the presence of noise and artifacts and to their unstructured and highly redundant nature. In this talk, I will summarize some recent research efforts aimed at filling the gap between the acquisition of raw 3D models of interiors and real-world applications, ranging from the low-level processing of point clouds to the extraction of compact and semantically rich 3D representations.

This seminar will take place the 19/10 at 12:30pm in the Salle des Thèses at IRIT.