Conference on Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence (APIA)
Conditions of submission
Several types of communication are possible:
- original work published in the form of long or short article according to its Each accepted article (long or short) will be presented at the conference via an oral communication and authors may, if they wish, accompany their communication with a poster.
- work already published in good international conferences but unpublished in French published in the form of short article in French.
- Presentation of demonstration carried out as a part of the demonstrations of the PFIA platform.
Articles can be long or short:
- Long articles (6-8 pages, oral presentation of 30 minutes): Are concerned original or already published works or presentations of demonstrations that are successful, presenting validated results.
- Short articles (2-4 pages, oral presentation of 15-30 minutes): Are concerned original or already published works or presentations of demonstrations which are innovative but in progress or at the stage of partial results.
In the case of multiple submissions to multiple PFIA 2019 conferences, the article may only be accepted by one, at the discretion of the conferences concerned.
Submission format
Authors are invited to submit proposals for articles in PDF format only, in accordance with the instructions provided to the authors available in a Word or LaTeX format. The language of the conference is preferably French, but English communications are also accepted.
Review process
Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee, including at least one academic and one industrial PC members to review both scientific and application contributions. Review criteria include the originality of the ideas, the technical quality, the significance of results or potential of results, and the quality of the presentation.
Website submission
The submission will be via the Easychair website.