Seminar 17/03 – Jules Vidal – Tutorial: Visualizing scientific data with ParaView

For the next STORM seminar, Jules Vidal will give a presentation titled: Tutorial: Visualizing scientific data with ParaView

Abstract: ParaView is an open-source software for interactive visualization and analysis of scientific data. Developed by Kitware (CMake, VTK), it is a broadly-used software in this field, with various features that include server/client architecture for remote visualization, LOD models for interactive analysis of large datasets, parallel and in-situ visualization, and a plugin system that makes it quite extensible.
In this seminar, I will present ParaView’s features for data visualization and analysis, and I will give a tutorial on how to use them. The tutorial will cover basic usages of ParaView, data loading, basic visualization operations (color mapping, clipping,…), rendering features, exporting high-resolution screenshots or animations, and an introduction to scripting functionalities for batch processing. The tutorial will be based on a small use case that you will be able to reproduce. Please install ParaView prior to the seminar if you want to follow along. You can download binaries ( or use your favorite package manager.

This seminar will take place on Friday 17/03 at 12:45pm in room Salle des thèses at IRIT.