The Copernicus Academy Network Founding Members list was published in December 2016.

University Paul Sabatier, coordinator of the European FabSpace 2.0 was selected along with partners IDGEO and University of Rome Tor Vergata.

Other project partners have been selected as Copernicus Relay, the partners’ nominations having been presented in a collaborative way as part of the FabSpace 2.0 project, the network’s objectives being in resonance with those of the project (see opposite).

This year-long recognition will be conductive to the dissemination of the FabSpace 2.0 project in new universities and new countries.






The EU’s Copernicus Programme seeks to inspire and enable the future generation of great minds. While the Copernicus Sentinel satellites observe the Earth from space, the European Commission focuses on enabling users on the ground to take advantage of free data and services provided not only to participating countries but also to the world.

The Copernicus Academy will link European universities, research institutions, business schools, private and non-profit organisations, in the countries participating in the programme and beyond. The objective of the Network is to develop conferences, training sessions, internships and educational and training materials to enable the next generation of researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs with appropriate skills to make full use of Copernicus data and information services.

The Academy network will also strive to increase the exchange of ideas and best practices across borders and disciplines, while contributing to the development of the use of Earth observation data in general and Copernicus data and information in particular in various public or private user organisations or industries . In addition, the Academy will foster collaboration between educational institutions and established commercial operators or entrepreneurs so that innovation can reach the market and benefit European citizens and the future of our planet.

Text adapted from the Copernicus Academy Network page.