
Research topics

  • Real-time systems
  • Compilation, automatic code generation
  • Static analysis and scheduling
  • Parallel hardware and software
  • Transactional memory

Current research

  • Fine-grain static analysis of interference in multicore architectures
  • WCET analysis of neural networks accelerated on GPUs
  • Efficient time-predictable processor architectures

PhD Students


  • Alban Gruin: Efficient, deterministic and composable RISC-V computation core
  • Noïc Crouzet: Open source and predictable GPU architecture
  • Louison Jeanmougin: Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for GPU Architectures
  • Hector Chabot: Modeling and fine-grain program analysis for handling interference in multi-core architectures


  • Rémi Meunier: Prediction of execution time of applications running on multi-core processors
  • Iryna de Albuquerque Silva: Certified Programming Framework for Machine Learning Applications

Current and past Projects

  • CIMI project AVATAr: Static analysis of autonomous vehicle software on GPUs (As project leader)
  • ANR JCJC MeSCAliNe: Joint analysis, scheduling and code generation for autonomous vehicles software (As project leader)
  • ANR ProTiPP: Proven predictable Processors
  • ANR CAOTIC: Collaborative Action On Timing Interference
  • ANITI – Chaire Towards the certification of ML-based systems (As Co-chair)
  • FRAE project AIxIA: Analyse d’Interférences par Intelligence Artificielle (Artificial Intelligence for Interference Analysis)

Program comitees/organising comitees

  • International conference on architecture of computing systems (ARCS): 2020 – now
  • Euromicro Conference on Real-Time systems (ECRTS): 2023 – now
  • Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS): 2024 – now
  • International conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS): 2024 – now
  • CAPITAL workshop: 2022 – now
  • EMSOFT WiP: 2022 – now
  • Local organization committee for HiPEAC 2023
  • WCET workshop: Workshop chair 2024

Invited talks – Summer schools – Conference talks

  • École d’été temps-réel (ETR): 2021. WCET analysis principles with OTAWA (PDF — FR)
  • Journée nationale GDR SoC2/IRT Saint Exupery: 2023. Timing predictability of GPUs: challenges and advances (PDF — EN)
  • RTAS 2024. A predictable SIMD library for GEMM routines (PDF short presentation version/ PDF full reading companion version)
  • Habilitation à diriger les recherches: 2024. Parallelism and timing predictability in real-time systems (PDF — EN)
Thème : Overlay par Kaira. Texte supplémentaire
Le Cap, Afrique du sud