Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr -- Bannay CV (April 2024 in French)
Research: Artificial Intelligence
- Reasonning about change (Revision, Updating, Extrapolation...)
in knowledge base systems, Causality
- Argumentation and Dialog,
- Cognitive models for reasoning and deciding
- Decision under Uncertainty
Master 2 Internship or Phd subjects
Demos and Presentations
(An intelligent assistant for the analysis and the prevention of risks in
industrial processes). ANR project
2011 - 2013.
- MICRAC (Computational and
cognitive models of causal reasoning) achieved in june 2008.
- GeoFuse
(Uncertain Data Fusion), achieved in october 2007.
- Program Committee Co-chair of SUM 2022: 15th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management"
- Member of the program committees of/reviewer for Artificial Intelligence’23’22, Argument and Computation’23, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics’22, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning’22’20’17, International Journal of Decision Support System Technologies (IJDSST'18), ECAI’24’12, IJCAI'23’20’19’18’16’13’11’07’05, KR'20’08, AAMAS'20’19’18’17, ECSQARU'17, ICAART'15’14 (deux fois présidente du consortium doctoral), EUMAS'13, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 2012, AAAI'11,
Fuzzy Sets and System 2010,
- Member of the organizing committees of Decision Making Workshop'2017 and Toulouse e-democracy Summer School'2017, EUMAS'13 (co-president with Valérie Camps),
JELIA'2012, JFPC/IAF'2012, IJCAI'1993, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 1993.
Participation to
- BRAON’24’15: 6th (and 2nd) Madeira Workshop on Belief Revision, Argumentation, Ontologies and Norms organized by Eduardo Fermé and Guillermo Simari Madeira, Portugal.
- Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Reasoning with Imperfect Information and Knowledge
- a Synthesis and a Roadmap of Challenges: Dagstuhl Seminar 15221, May 25 – 29 , 2015. Organised by Igor Douven, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Markus Knauff,
and Henri Prade, Schloss Dagstul, Wadern, Germany.
- Belief Change and Argumentation in Multi-Agent Scenarios: Dagstuhl Seminar 13231, June 02 – 07 2013, Organized by
JĂĽrgen Dix, Sven Ove Hansson, Gabriele Kern-Isberner and
Guillermo R. Simari, Schloss Dagstul, Wadern, Germany.
Current year
Previous teaching
Current Year
Previous Years
- Correspondant new pedagogies for SRI branch at UPSSITECH (2015-2016) in the context of the ACTIFS project (Actions for Interactive, Formative and Solidary Courses for Toulouse Ingeneers)
- Member of the scientific comittee in computer science of
Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse) (2009-2017)
- Member of the council of french AI association AFIA (from Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2018).
Scientific Mediation
Current Year
- Seminar in honor of Philippe Besnard, December 2023, about ``Belief revision and incongruity: is it a joke?’’ presentation, LeaSombe movie
- Guest Presentation at the spring school AI and Humanities: AI : how it works ? (in French)
- Guest Presentation at the general meeting of CNRS staff: Artificial Intelligence : Why? How? How far will it go? (in French). Toulouse, January 23rd, 2020.
- Guest researcher at the festival Je veux savoir, in Quai des Savoirs Toulouse, October 19th, 2019 (schedule of the festival in french). I have answered the question "Do intelligent robots exist ?" then I participate in a round table discussion with Sophie Pène (design anthropologist), Véronique Bordes (University Professor in educational sciences), Jérôme Ferret (sociologist).
- Co-organiser with Erik Martin-Dorel et Guillaume Chèze of the summer camp Recherche Midi on Artificial Intelligence (August 2019) : 5 days of tutorials and practical sessions on AI for about 40 high school and Bac+2 students.
- Creation and Facilitation of the workshop on "Research in State Spaces" for the summer camp Recherche Midi about AI in August 2019.
- Correspondant for the challenges Put AI in your engine for the french computer science nights since 2015.
- Member of the working group on AI competitions: co-organiser of
Previous years