Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr -- Bannay CV (April 2024 in French)
Scientific Mediation
Current Year
- Seminar in honor of Philippe Besnard, December 2023, about ``Belief revision and incongruity: is it a joke?’’ presentation, LeaSombe movie
- Guest Presentation at the spring school AI and Humanities: AI : how it works ? (in French)
- Guest Presentation at the general meeting of CNRS staff: Artificial Intelligence : Why? How? How far will it go? (in French). Toulouse, January 23rd, 2020.
- Guest researcher at the festival Je veux savoir, in Quai des Savoirs Toulouse, October 19th, 2019 (schedule of the festival in french). I have answered the question "Do intelligent robots exist ?" then I participate in a round table discussion with Sophie Pène (design anthropologist), Véronique Bordes (University Professor in educational sciences), Jérôme Ferret (sociologist).
- Co-organiser with Erik Martin-Dorel et Guillaume Chèze of the summer camp Recherche Midi on Artificial Intelligence (August 2019) : 5 days of tutorials and practical sessions on AI for about 40 high school and Bac+2 students.
- Creation and Facilitation of the workshop on "Research in State Spaces" for the summer camp Recherche Midi about AI in August 2019.
- Correspondant for the challenges Put AI in your engine for the french computer science nights since 2015.
- Member of the working group on AI competitions: co-organiser of
Previous years