Education / Positions

2019 -- CNRS researcher
- Member of the Signal & Communications Group at IRIT.
- Member of the AOC project-team supported by the LabeX CIMI.
- Member of the MAMBO team at CBI lead by P. Weiss.
2016 - 2018 Postdoctoral researcher with the Biomedical Imaging Group (Prof. Michael Unser), EPFL.
2013 - 2016 PhD degree in Automatic, Signal and Image Processing, MORPHEME team, INRIA-SAM/I3S/iBV Sophia Antipolis. Defense: October 14, 2016.
Title: Sur quelques problèmes de reconstruction en imagerie MA-TIRF et en optimisation parcimonieuse par relaxation continue exacte de critères pénalisés en norme-l0. [Manuscript]
Supervisors: Laure Blanc-Féraud, Sébastien Schaub and Gilles Aubert
Referees: Jean-Christophe Pesquet and Gabriel Peyré
Examiners: Mila Nikolova, Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling and Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin
2012 - 2013 MSc in Operational Research, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse.
2008 - 2013 MSc in Applied Mathematics and Modeling, INSA Toulouse.


2021 Runner-up for Best Student Paper Award (for T-a. Pham), IEEE ISBI 2021 [link]
2019 Runner-up for Best Student Paper Award (for T-a. Pham), IEEE ISBI 2019 [link]
2018 UCA Excellence Prize [link]
2018 MIA PhD prize [link]

Service to the Community and University

2021 -- Member of the IRIT Conseil de Laboratoire.
2021 -- Elected Member of the IEEE Bio Imaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee (BISP).
2020 -- Member of the MITT doctoral school committee.


2022 -- Organizing Committee of the Séminaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (SPOT)
2024 GdR IASIS Meeting on L0-based minimization: from continuous relaxations and non-convex algorithms to global optimization (Paris). Co-organiser: L. Calatroni.
2023 Organizing Committee of the Workshop Off-the-grid and continuous methods for optimization and inverse problems in imaging (Paris).

Workshop 30 years of mathematics for optical imaging (Marseille).
Co-organisers: L. Calatroni and P. Weiss.

Organizing Committee of the ANITI-PRAIRIE Workshop on Optimization and ML (Toulouse).

Mini-workshop on Obtenir la PSF d'un système de microscopie de fluorescence at Mifobio. Co-organisers: V. Debarnot, D. Sage and P. Weiss.

Organizing Committee of Docteurs@IRIT (Toulouse).

2022 Mini-symposium on Blind Inverse Problems in Imaging at SIAM IS (Berlin).
Co-organisers: F. Krahmer and P. Weiss.

Organizing Committee of Docteurs@IRIT (Toulouse).

2021 Communication/Virtual conference chair for the IEEE ISBI 2021 conference.

Organizing Committee of the CIMI-ANITI School on Optimization.
Co-organisers: E. Cazelles, C. Févotte, and L. Risser.

Mini-workshop on Obtenir la PSF d'un système de microscopie de fluorescence at Mifobio. Co-organisers: D. Sage and P. Weiss.

2020 Thematic Day (GdR MIA) on Non-Convex Sparse Optimization.

Mini-symposium on Advances on Non-Smooth/Non-Convex Optimization for Inverse Problems in Imaging at SIAM IS (Toronto). Co-organisers: L. Calatroni and P. Escande.

Editorial and Evaluation Activities

Associate Editor Signal Processing (2024 --).
Area Chair IEEE ICASSP 2024.
Reviewer for journals
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing SIAM Journal on Imaging Science
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging Mathematical Programming
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Optimization
IEEE Signal Processing Letters Inverse Problems and Imaging
Signal Processing Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Digital Signal Processing Medical Image Analysis
Bioinformatics Nature Photonics
Optics Express Nature Communications
PLOS ONE Journal of Electronic Imaging
Reviewer for conferences IEEE ISBI (2020 - 2024) - IEEE ICASSP (2021 - 2024) - IEEE IPAS (2018) - IEEE ICAS (2021) - SSVM (2021 - 2023) - SPARS (2019) - ITWIST (2020) - ISCS (2023) - GRETSI (2017 - 2023)
Reviewer for grants Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France (2022 - 2023).
Ph.D. Juries 2024  Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (examiner)
      UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (examiner)
      École Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France (examiner)
2022  Université Jean-Monnet, Saint Etienne, France (examiner)

Emmanuel Soubies - 2014