
All my publications since 2001 are listed below in predefined categories: international journals, national journals, international conferences, nationale conferences, etc.

First, is a list of selected publications that I’m trying to maintain up to date.

Selected publications

Gary Perelman, Emmanuel Dubois, Marcos Serrano. Dual-Thumb Pointing and Command Selection Techniques for Tablets. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2023, pp.103203. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103203⟩⟨hal-04355332⟩ (IJHCS 2023).

Gary Perelman, Marcos Serrano, Emmanuel Dubois. Exploiting Physical Referent Features as Input for Multidimensional Data Selection in Augmented Reality. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM ToCHI 2023). ( ⟨hal-04323637⟩

Gary Perelman, Emmanuel Dubois, Alice Probst, Marcos Serrano. Visual Transitions around Tabletops in Mixed Reality: Study on a Visual Acquisition Task between Vertical Virtual Displays and Horizontal Tabletops. ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ACM ISS 2022), Nov 2022, Wellington, New Zealand. pp.660-679, ⟨DOI

Florent Cabric, Emmanuel Dubois, Marcos Serrano. A Predictive Performance Model for Immersive Interactions in Mixed Reality. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2021), IEEE Computer Society; IEEE VGTC; ACM SIGGRAPH, Oct 2021, Bari, Italy. ⟨DOI

Elio Keddisseh, Marcos Serrano and Emmanuel Dubois. KeyTch: Combining the Keyboard with a Touchscreen for Rapid Command Selection on Toolbars. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021), ACM SIGCHI, May 2021, Japan. pp.1-13, ⟨DOI

Houssem Saidi, Emmanuel Dubois and Marcos Serrano. HoloBar: Rapid Command Execution for Head-Worn AR Exploiting Around the Field-of-View Interaction. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021), ACM SIGCHI, May 2021, Japan. pp.1 – 17, ⟨DOI⟩.

Gary Perelman, Marcos Serrano, Christophe Bortolaso, Celia Picard, Mustapha Derras, Emmanuel Dubois. Combining Tablets with Smartphones for Data Analytics (regular paper). Dans : IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019), Paphos, Cyprus, 02/09/19-06/09/19, Springer, (en ligne), septembre 2019. (PDF)

Mathieu Pecchioli, Emmanuel Dubois, Pourang Irani, Marcos Serrano. Investigating Screen Reachability on an Articulated Dual-Display Smartphone (regular paper). Dans : IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019), Paphos, Cyprus, 02/09/19-06/09/19, Springer, (en ligne), septembre 2019. (PDF)

Florent Cabric, Emmanuel Dubois, Pourang Irani, Marcos Serrano. TouchGlass: Raycasting from a Glass Surface to Point at Physical Objects in Public Exhibits (regular paper). Dans : IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019), Chypre, 02/07/19-06/07/19, Vol. 11748, Springer, p. 249-269, septembre 2019. (PDF)

Houssem Eddine Saîdi, Marcos Serrano, Pourang Irani, Christophe Hurter, Emmanuel Dubois. On-Body Tangible Interaction: Using the Body to Support Tangible Manipulations for Immersive Visualization (regular paper). Dans : IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2019), Paphos, Cyprus, 02/09/19-06/09/19, Springer, p. 471-492, septembre 2019. (PDF)

Emmanuel Dubois and Augusto Celentano. 2018. Interaction modularity in multi-device systems: a conceptual approach. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI ’18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 60. (DOI)

Emmanuel Dubois, Marcos Serrano, and Mathieu Raynal. 2018. Rolling-Menu: Rapid Command Selection in Toolbars Using Roll Gestures with a Multi-DoF Mouse. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper 367, 1–12. (DOI)

Augusto Celentano, Emmanuel Dubois. A layered structure for a design space dedicated to rich interactive multimedia content. Dans : Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 76 N. 4, p. 5191-5220, février 2017. (DOI)

Houssem Saidi, Marcos Serrano, Pourang Irani, and Emmanuel Dubois. 2017. TDome: A Touch-Enabled 6DOF Interactive Device for Multi-Display Environments. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 5892–5904. (DOI)

Houssem Saidi, Marcos Serrano, and Emmanuel Dubois. 2016. Investigating the effects of splitting detailed views in Overview+Detail interfaces. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI ’16). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 180–184. (DOI)

Gary Perelman, Marcos Serrano, Mathieu Raynal, Celia Picard, Mustapha Derras, and Emmanuel Dubois. 2016. DECO: A Design Space for Device Composition. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’16). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 435–446. (DOI)

Augusto Celentano, Emmanuel Dubois. Evaluating Metaphor Reification in Tangible Interfaces. Dans : Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Springer, Vol. 9 N. 3, p. 231-252, septembre 2015. (DOI)

Louis-Pierre Bergé, Emmanuel Dubois, and Mathieu Raynal. 2015. Design and Evaluation of an “Around the SmartPhone” Technique for 3D Manipulations on Distant Display. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI ’15). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 69–78. (DOI)

Gary Perelman, Marcos Serrano, Mathieu Raynal, Celia Picard, Mustapha Derras, and Emmanuel Dubois. 2015. The Roly-Poly Mouse: Designing a Rolling Input Device Unifying 2D and 3D Interaction. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 327–336. (DOI)

Dubois, Emmanuel and Bortolaso, Christophe and Appert, Damien and Gauffre, Guillaume An MDE-based framework to support the development of Mixed Interactive Systems. (2014) Science of Computer Programming, 89. 199-221. ISSN 0167-6423 (DOI)

Louis-Pierre Bergé, Marcos Serrano, Gary Perelman, and Emmanuel Dubois. 2014. Exploring smartphone-based interaction with overview+detail interfaces on 3D public displays. In Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices & services (MobileHCI ’14). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 125–134. (DOI)

Tsandilas, Theophanis and Dubois, Emmanuel and Raynal, Mathieu Modeless Pointing with Low-Precision Wrist Movements. (2013) In: 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2013), 2 September 2013 – 6 September 2013 (Cap Town, South Africa). (DOI)

Bortolaso, Christophe and Dubois, Emmanuel Model Assisted Creativity Sessions for the Design of Mixed Interactive Systems: a Protocol Analysis. (2013) In: 14th IFIP Technical Committee 13 on Human–Computer Interaction International Conference (INTERACT 2013), 2 September 2013 – 6 September 2013 (Cap Town, South Africa). (DOI)

Emmanuel Dubois, Christophe Bortolaso, Cédric Bach, Francis Duranthon, Anne Blanquer-Maumont. Design and Evaluation of Mixed Interactive Museographic Exhibits. Dans : International Journal of Arts and Technology (IJART), Inderscience Publishers, Numéro spécial Interactive Experiences in Multimedia and Augmented Environments, Vol. 4 N. 4, p. 408-441, 2011.

Graham N., Dubois E., Bortolaso C., Wolfe C. (2011) Scenarchitectures: The Use of Domain-Specific Architectures to Bridge Design and Implementation. In: Campos P., Graham N., Jorge J., Nunes N., Palanque P., Winckler M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6947. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Christophe Bortolaso, Cédric Bach, and Emmanuel Dubois. 2011. MACS: combination of a formal mixed interaction model with an informal creative session. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems (EICS ’11). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 63–72. (DOI)

Mathieu Raynal, Guillaume Gauffre, Cédric Bach, Bénédicte Schmitt, and Emmanuel Dubois. 2010. Tactile camera vs. tangible camera: taking advantage of small physical artefacts to navigate into large data collection. In Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries (NordiCHI ’10). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 373–382. (DOI)

Dubois, Emmanuel, Gray, Philip, Nigay, Laurence (Eds.), The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems, Human–Computer Interaction Series, Vol.14, Springer, 2010, ISBN 978-1-84882-733-2

Syrine Charfi, Emmanuel Dubois, and Dominique L. Scapin. 2009. Usability recommendations in the design of mixed interactive systems. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems (EICS ’09). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 231–236. (DOI)

Emmanuel Dubois, Cédric Bach, Philippe Truillet. Comparing Mixed Interactive Systems for Navigating 3D Environments in Museum. Dans : Design Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSV-IS 2008), Kingston16/07/08-18/07/08, T.C. Nicholas Graham, Philippe Palanque (Eds.), IFIP, long paper, p. 15-28, juillet 2008. (DOI)

Guillaume Gauffre, Emmanuel Dubois, Rémi Bastide. Domain-Specific Methods and Tools for the Design of Advanced Interactive Techniques. Dans : Models in Software Engineering. Holger Giese (Eds.), Springer, p. 65-76, Vol. 5002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, juin 2008. (DOI)

Emmanuel Dubois, Wafaa Abou Moussa, Cédric Bach, Nelly de Bonnefoy. Modelling and Simulation of Mobile Mixed Systems. Dans : Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology. J. Lumsden (Eds.), Idea Group, p. 220-229, février 2008. (PDF)

Emmanuel Dubois, Philip Gray, Andrew Ramsay. A Model-Based Approach to Describing and Reasoning about the Physicality of Interaction. Dans : PhysicalityLancaster02/09/07-03/09/07, Devina Ramduny-Ellis, Alan Dix, Joanna Hare, Steve Gill (Eds.), UK Simulation Society, p. 77-82, 2007.

Dubois, E. and Gray, P. (2008) A design-oriented information-flow refinement of the ASUR interaction model. (EHCI-HCSE-DSVIS 2007)Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4940, pp. 465-482. (DOI)

Emmanuel Dubois, Guillaume Gauffre, Cédric Bach, Pascal Salembier. Participatory Design Meets Mixed Reality Design Models – Implementation based on a Formal Instrumentation of an Informal Design Approach (regular paper). Dans : Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces (CADUI 2006), Bucharest – Romania, 06/06/06-08/06/06, G. Calvary, C. Pribeanu, G. Santucci, J. Vanderdonckt (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Information Systems Series, p. 71-84, juin 2006.

Emmanuel Dubois, Luciana Porcher Nedel, Carla Dal Sasso Freitas, L. Jacon Jacob. Beyond User Experimentation: Notational-based Systematic Evaluation of Interaction Techniques in Virtual Reality Environments. Dans : Virtual Reality, Springer-Verlag, London, Vol. 8, p. 118-128, 2005.

E. Dubois, P. Gray and L. Nigay, “ASUR++: Supporting the design of mobile mixed systems,” in Interacting with Computers, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 497-520, Aug. 2003, (DOI)

Emmanuel Dubois, Laurence Nigay, J. Troccaz. Assessing Continuity and Compatibility in Augmented Reality Systems. Dans : International Journal on Universal Access in the Information Society, Vol. 1 N. 4, p. 263-273, 2002.

Emmanuel Dubois, Paulo Pinheiro Da Silva. Notational Support for the Design of Augmented Reality Systems. Dans : DSVIS’02Rostock-Germany, P Forbrig , Q Limbourg (Eds.), -, p. 74-88, juin 2002.

Emmanuel Dubois, Philip Gray, Laurence Nigay. ASUR++: a Design Notation for Mobile Mixed Systems. Dans : MobileHCI’02Pisa-Italy18/09/02-20/09/02, F. Paterno (Eds.), Springer Verlag, p. 123-139, septembre 2002.

Emmanuel Dubois, Laurence Nigay, J. Troccaz. Consistency in Augmented Reality Systems. Dans : EHCI’01Toronto-Canada, M.R. Little, L. Nigay (Eds.), Springer Verlag, p. 11-122, mai 2001.

Graham, T., C., N., Watts, L., A., Calvary, G., Coutaz, J., Dubois, E.,Nigay, L., “A Dimension Space for the Design of Interactive Systems within their Physical Environments”, in Conference Proceeding of DIS’2000, ACM Publ., August 2000, New York, USA, p. 406-416.

Just for fun …

Dissertation for my “Habilitation” :
Emmanuel Dubois. Conception, Implémentation et Evaluation de Systèmes Interactifs Mixtes : une Approche basée Modèles et centrée sur l’Interaction. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Toulouse, septembre 2009.

My PhD dissertation : Dubois, E., “Chirurgie Augmentée :un Cas de Réalité Augmentée; Conception et Réalisation Centrée sur l’Utilisateur” , Thèse de Doctorat de l’Université Joseph Fourier , Grenoble, juillet 2001, 275 pages (PDF)

My first international scientific publication ! Dubois, E., Nigay, L., Troccaz, J., Chavanon, O., Carrat, L., “Classification Space for Augmented Surgery, an Augmented Reality Case Study”, in conference proceedings of Interact99 , Sasse,A., Johnson, C., (eds.), Edimburgh- UK, September 99, p.353-359. (PDF)

My first national scientific publication ! Dubois, E., Nigay, L., Troccaz, J., “Interaction Chirurgien-Système : Gestes Médico-Chirurgicaux Assistés par Ordinateur(GMCAO)”, in Conference Proceedings of IHM’97, Poitiers – France, Septembre 97.

All publications since 2001

Liste de mes publications

Thème : Overlay par Kaira. Texte supplémentaire
Le Cap, Afrique du sud