Current situation

I am Professor of Computer Science at the University of Toulouse, since 2012, leading the “Interaction and Collective Intelligence” department at IRIT.

From September 2021 to August 2022, I spent part of my time at “CEA Tech en Occitanie” during my CRCT (sabbatical).


My research domain is Human Computer Interaction and I am more specifically interrested in Advanced forms of Interactive Technique to facilitate the exploration of large information spaces (Spatial UI, Inteaction with Physically-situated data, Tangible UI, Surface-based UI, Mixed and Augmented interaction, etc.) (more info …).

This research topic is particularly relevant in the context of Smart Buildings and Smart Cities. The aim of this domain is to stimulate research works in different IRIT research groups and coordinate them in order to meet some of the main scientific and technological challenges behind the multi-dimensional vision for smart cities (more info …).


I am teaching at the “Institut Universitaire de Technologie” Paul Sabatier of Toulouse (IUT A – GEA Rangueil). My students are in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd year at the University. Interestingly they are not IT students but involved in economics and management. The challenge is to make IT accessible and interesting to none experts.

I am also teachnig in a Master 2 devoted to HCI tools and methods. I am providing their a course on Augmented Reality with concrete implementations using marker-based APIs.

And in the past …

  • From 2002 to 2012: Associate Professor (“Maître de Conférences”) at the University of Toulouse in Tarbes (IUT Tarbes).
  • 2009: I received the Habilitation (HDR : Habilitation à diriger des recherches).
  • From 2001 to 2002: Post Doctoral fellow in the Department of Computing Science (DCS) at the University of Glasgow (Scotland – UK)Supervisor: Phil D. Gray.
  • 2001: PhD in Computing Science from the University of Grenoble (Université Joseph Fourier)LIG research labSupervisors: Laurence Nigay and Jocelyne Troccaz
  • 1997: Master Degree in Software and Knowledge Engineering (DEA) from the University of Grenoble (Université Joseph Fourier)
  • 1996: Master Degree in Computing Science from the Ecole d’ingénieur UTC in Belfort-Montbéliard
  • 1995: Training period at Hoechst AG, Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany), 7 months
  • 1996: Training period at Hilti AG, Vaduz (Liechtenstein), 8 months
Thème : Overlay par Kaira. Texte supplémentaire
Le Cap, Afrique du sud