Proximity-Aware Multiple Meshes Decimation using Quadric Error Metric

Proximity-Aware Multiple Meshes Decimation using Quadric Error Metric

Anahid Ghazanfarpour, Nicolas Mellado, Chems-Eddine Himeur, Loïc Barthe, Jean-Pierre Jessel
CNRS, IRIT, Université de Toulouse, France.

Graphical Models, May 2020

Progressive mesh decimation by successive edge collapses is a standard tool in geometry processing. A key element of such algorithms is the error metric, which prioritizes the edge collapses to greedily minimize the simplification error. Most previous works focus on preserving local shape properties. However, meshes describing complex systems often require significant decimation for fast transmission and visualization on low-end terminals, and preserving the arrangement of objects is required to maintain the overall system readability for applications such as on-site repair, inspection, training, serious games, etc. We present a novel approach for the joint decimation of multiple triangular meshes. We combine local edge error (e.g. Quadric Error Metric) with a proximity-aware penalty function, which increases the error of edge collapses modifying the geometry in proximity areas. We propose an automatic detection of proximity areas and we demonstrate the performances of our approach on several models generated from CAD scenes.

Left: Car scene with 425 meshes and 3M faces in total. Right: Result of our proximity-aware decimation to 150k faces in total. Some meshes are rendered with transparent material to better observe the scene complexity


title = {Proximity-aware multiple meshes decimation using quadric error metric},
journal = {Graphical Models},
volume = {109},
pages = {101062},
year = {2020},
issn = {1524-0703},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Anahid Ghazanfarpour and Nicolas Mellado and Chems E. Himeur and Loïc Barthe and Jean-Pierre Jessel},
keywords = {Mesh decimation, Quadric error metric, Geometry processing, Virtual disassembly},