Coordinator: UPS/IRIT
(Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3, IRIT Lab. –, UMR 5505)
The IRIT lab (Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research) is one of the biggest lab. in computer science in France. The SEPIA team is centered on the efficient conception and usage of distributed operating systems, for clusters, grids and clouds, and is managing the Grid5000 node in Toulouse. SEPIA developed a strong expertise in energy consumption, management and reduction. SEPIA participated in EU CoolEmAll project (oct 2011-mar 2014, on middleware and cooling datacenters), ANR SOP project (dec 2011-feb 2015), EU COST Action IC804 (Chair) and IC1305 on “Sustainable Ultrascale Computing” (2014-2018), ANR Energumen project (2019-2022), and leaded ANR DATAZERO (2015-2019), before leading DATAZERO2 (2020-2024).
Key scientists: JM. Pierson (PR), G. Da Costa, P. Stolf (Ass. Profs HdR), A. Sayah, P. Renoud-Goud (Ass. Prof), F. Thiebolt (Researcher Engineer), L. Grange (PhD. candidate, Datazero1), G. Rostirolla (PhD. candidate, Datazero1), B. Celik and G. Baudic (Eng., Datazero1), M. Thi (PostDoc, Datazero1), I. Fontana de Nardin (PhD. candidate, Datazero2), Manal Benaissa ((PhD. candidate, Datazero2), Leila Helali (PostDoc, Datazero2)
(Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 and INP Toulouse, LAPLACE Laboratory UMR 5213 CNRS – )
The LAPLACE (Plasma and energy Conversion lab) UMR 5213 (A+ rated), is one of the biggest laboratory in electrical engineering (topics developed: power electronics, materials, plasma and electrical systems design, control and diagnostic). The CODIASE team conducts research on energy management of multi-sources systems and in this particular activities develop smart splitting of the power flow, formal modelling and resolution of optimization problem and task scheduling approach. Collaboration in ANCRE National coordination of research on energy management (
Key scientists: S. Caux (Pr), P. Maussion (Pr, Datazero1), J. Benaioun, D. Bonafous (Engineers, Datazero1), Zorah Kader (MCF, Datazero2), G. Rostirolla (PhD Candidate, Datazero1), I. Fontana de Nardin (PhD Candidate, Datazero2)
Partner 3: FEMTO-ST Institute
FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR6174 A+ rated is one of the biggest French lab in engineering sciences (about 700 persons). Among its 7 research departments, AS2M (Automation and MicroMechatronics Systems), ENERGIE and DISC (Informatique des Systèmes Complexes) are involved in this project. Research projects already exist within the three departments where prognostics and decision making are common scopes either to extend the useful life of systems (fuel cells, wind turbines) or to optimize task assignment in a cluster. The departments AS2M and ENERGIE participate in particular in two projects related to the health management of fuel cells ANR PROPICE (2013/2016) and EU SAFFIRE (2013/2016).
Key scientists: JM. Nicod (PR), D. Hissel (PR), L. Philippe (PR), Ch. Varnier (AssPr-HdR), R. Gouriveau (AssPr-HdR, Datazero1), M.C. Péra (PR), V. Sonigo (AssPr), M. Hilairet (PR, Datazero1), A. Gaillard (AssPr, Datazero1), R. Roche (AssPr), M. Haddad (PhD. candidate, Datazero1), S. Kong (PhD. candidate, Datazero1), M. Benaissa (PhD. Candidate, Datazero2), D. Garzon (PhD. Candidate, Datazero2), Mohammed Sayah (Eng, Datazero2)
Partner 4: EATON
EATON is an international leader in components and electrical systems, in particular for the datacenter segment, with more than 100000 employees. EATON has a R&D center in Grenoble. EATON Power Quality offers a wide range of products and services in Data Center. EATON’s products include items such as Backup Power (UPS), Power Distribution, Surge Suppression, and Power Conditioning. In addition EATON provides supervision and management software solutions integrated into latest virtualization management tools.
Key Scientists: J. Lecuivre (PhD), E. Kia (Eng.)