Final workshop of the DATAZERO Project on renewable energy-powered datacenters : 

Here you find the research papers related to the DATAZERO Project: 

  1. Patricia StolfDamien BorgettoMael Aubert. Host management policy for energy efficient dynamic allocation (regular paper). Dans / In : International Workshop on Resilience and/or Energy-aware techniques for High-Performance Computing (RE-HPC) in conjonction with International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (RE-HPC 2016), Hangzhou, China, 07/11/2016-09/11/2016,IEEE, (en ligne), avril / april 2017. URL :
  2. Georges Da Costa, Léo Grange, Inès De Courchelle, “Modeling and Generating large-scale Google-like Workload”. In International Workshop on Resilience and/or Energy-aware techniques for High-Performance Computing (RE-HPC) in conjonction with International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), November 7-9, 2016, Hangzhou, China
  3. Haddad, Maroua and Nicod Jean-Marc and Marie-Cécile Péra, “Optimisation énergétique des Data-Centers et usages des énergies renouvelables,”, Congrès National de la Recherche des IUT 2017 (CNRIUT 2017), Never, mai 2017
  4. Ayham Kassab, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe, Veronika Rehn-Sonigo: Assessing the Use of Genetic Algorithms to Schedule Independent Tasks Under Power Constraints. In proceedings of International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, HPCS 2018, Orleans, France,  2018
  5. A. Kassab, J.-M. Nicod, L. Philippe, and V. Rehn-Sonigo, “Scheduling independent tasks in parallel under power constraints,” Institut FEMTO- ST, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comte, CNRS, Research Rep. 8426, 2017. Available:
  6. Léo GrangePatricia StolfGeorges Da CostaAmal Sayah. Heuristiques d’ordonnancement pour les centres de données alimentés par énergies renouvelables (regular paper). Dans / In : Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système (ComPAS 2017), Sophia Antipolis, 28/06/2017-30/06/2017, 2017
  7. Ayham Kassab, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe and Veronika Rehn-Sonigo, “Scheduling independent tasks in parallel under power constraints,” In proceeding of 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2017), Bristol, UK, Aug 2017.
  8. Jean-Marc Nicod, Valentina Orlando and Christophe Varnier, “Optimization of renewable energy sources for a Data Center using energy storage”, Communication in the 17th Annual Conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics, Naples, Italy, Sep 2017.
  9. S. Kong, M. Hilairet, and R. Roche, Advanced Passivity-Based Control for a Fuel Cell/Super-capacitor Hybrid Power System. Accepted for presentation at IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2017) in December 2017.
  10. Maroua Haddad, Jean-Marc Nicod and Marie-Cécile Péra, “Hydrogen infrastructure: data center supply-refueling station synergy.”, In proceedings of IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2017), Belfort, December 2017.
  11. Georges Da Costa, Léo Grange, Inès De Courchelle. Modeling, Classifying and Generating large-scale Google-like Workload. Dans : Sustainable Computing, Elsevier, 2018 (à paraître).
  12. Léo Grange, Georges Da Costa, Patricia Stolf. Green IT scheduling for data center powered with renewable energy. Dans : Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 2018, (en ligne), mars 2018.
  13. Ayham Kassab, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe and Veronika Rehn-Sonigo. Ordonnancement de tâches indépendantes sur machine parallèle sous contraintes d’énergie renouvelable, Compas 2018, Toulouse
  14. Stephane CauxPaul Renaud-GoudGustavo RostirollaPatricia StolfIT Optimization for Datacenters Under Renewable Power Constraint (regular paper). Dans : Euro-ParTurin27/08/2018-31/08/2018Springer, p. 1-12, août 2018
  15. Stephane CauxGustavo RostirollaPatricia StolfSmart Datacenter Electrical Load Model for Renewable Sources Management (regular paper). Dans : International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ 2018)Salamanca, Spain21/03/2018-23/03/2018, Vol. 16, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality, p. 127-132, avril 2018.
  16. Kong, S., M. Hilairet, and R. Roche. “Passivity-Based Control for a PV/Battery/Fuel Cell/Electrolyser Hybrid Power System.” 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech. IEEE, 2019.
  17. Maroua Haddad, Jean-Marc Nicod, Marie-Cécile Pera, Christophe Varnier. Stand-Alone Renewable Power System Scheduling for a Green Data-Center using Integer Linear Programming Version 1. [Research Report] RR-FEMTO-ST-7927, FEMTO-ST, 30 pages, 2019, available online at
  18. Jean-Marc Pierson, Gwilerm Baudic and Stéphane Caux, Berk Celik, Georges Da Costa, Léo Grange, Marwa Haddad, Jérôme Lecuivre, Jean-Marc Nicod, laurent Philippe, Veronika Rehn-Sonigo, Robin Roche, Gustavo Rostirolla, Amal Sayah, Patricia Stolf, Thi Minh-Thuyen and Christophe Varnier, DATAZERO: Datacenter With Zero Emission and Robust Management Using Renewable Energy, in IEEE Access journal, Volume 7, pages 103209 – 103230, july 2019,
  19. Haddad Marwa, Nicod, Jean-Marc, Boubacar Maïinassara Yacouba, Rabehasaina Landy, Al Masry Zeina, Péra, Marie-Cécile. “Wind and Solar Forecasting for Renewable Energy System using SARIMA-based Model”, 6th International conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2019), Granada, Spain, September 2019
  20. Stéphane Caux, Paul Renaud-Goud, Gustavo Rostirolla, Patricia Stolf. Phase-Based Tasks Scheduling in Data Centers Powered Exclusively by Renewable Energy. International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2019), Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, 15/10/19-18/10/19, IEEE (Eds.), October 2019.
  21. Maroua Haddad, Jean-Marc Nicod,Christophe Varnier, Marie-Cécile Pera, “Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach to Optimize the Hybrid Renewable Energy System Management for supplying a Stand-Alone Data Center”, Tenth International GREEN and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Alexandria, USA, October 2019
  22. Berk Celik, Gustavo Rostirolla, Stéphane Caux, Paul Renaud-Goud, Patricia Stolf. Analysis of demand response for datacenter energy management using GA and time-of-use prices. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe 2019), Bucharest, Romania, 29/09/19-02/10/19, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Novembre 2019
  23. Ayham Kassab, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe, Veronika Rehn-Sonigo. Green Power Constrained Scheduling for Sequential Independent Tasks on Identical Parallel Machines, in 17th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2019), Xiamen, China, December, 2019.
  24. Minh-Thuyen Thi, Jean-Marc Pierson, Georges Da Costa, Patricia Stolf, Jean-Marc Nicod, Gustavo Rostirolla, and Marwa Haddad. Negotiation game for joint it and energy management in green datacenters. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019
  25. Minh-Thuyen Thi, Jean-Marc Pierson, Georges Da Costa, Game-Based Negotiation between Power Demand and Supply in Green Datacenters. IEEE International Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). 17-19 December 2020. Exeter, United Kingdom.
  26. Suyao Kong, M. Bressel, Mickael Hilairet, Robin Roche. Advanced passivity-based, aging-tolerant control for a fuel cell/super-capacitor hybrid system

. Control Engineering Practice, Volume 105, December 2020, 104636,
  27. Ayham Kassab, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe, Veronika Rehn-Sonigo,. Green power aware approaches for scheduling independent tasks on a multi-core machine, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Volume 31, 2021, 100590, ISSN 2210-5379,

Scientific Presentations of Datazero results (in national venues):

  1. Léo Grange, Heuristiques d’ordonnancement pour les centres de données alimentés par énergies renouvelables, CloudDays 2017, Nancy, September 2017
  2. R. Roche, S. Caux, J. Lecuivre, J.-M. Pierson, D. Hissel, and J.-M. Nicod, “DATAZERO: Designing and Operating Datacenters Powered by Renewable Energy-Based Stand-Alone Microgrids”. Accepted for presentation to Journée Scientifique Nationale Micro-Réseaux – GDR SEEDS, October 2017
  3. Jean-Marc Nicod, Management of energy sources for Green DataCenter with 100% Renewable Supply, Aussois 2018, New challenges in Scheduling Theory, April 2018
  4. Marwa Haddad, Sizing of Energy Sources for Green DataCenter with 100% Renewable Supply, Aussois 2018, New challenges in Scheduling Theory, April 2018
  5. Ayam Kassab, An evolution strategy for scheduling independent tasks in parallel on a multi-core platform powered by green energy sources, Aussois 2018, New challenges in Scheduling Theory, April 2018
  6. Veronika Sonigo, Scheduling independent tasks in parallel under power constraints, Aussois 2018, New challenges in Scheduling Theory, April 2018
  7. Robin Roche, Modélisation et intégration des énergies renouvelables, GreenDays@Toulouse, July 2018
  8. Jean-Marc Nicod, Sizing of Energy Sources for Green DataCenter with 100% Renewable Supply, GreenDays@Toulouse, July 2018
  9. Gustavo Rostirolla, Optimisation IT sous contrainte de puissance provenant de sources renouvelables,  GreenDays@Toulouse, July 2018
  10. Ayham Kassam, Scheduling tasks on a parallel platform powered by renewable energy sources,  GreenDays@Toulouse, July 2018
  11. Léo Grange, Négociation multiobjectif de profils de puissance pour centre de données alimentés par énergies renouvelables sur site, GreenDays@Toulouse, July 2018
  12. Gwilherm Baudic, Intégration de SimGrid dans le projet Datazero : défis et solutions, CloudDays 2018, Troyes, September 2018
  13. Gustavo Rostirolla, Tasks Scheduling in Cloud Datacenters Under Renewable Power Constraint, CloudDays 2018, Troyes, September 2018
  14. Georges Da Costa, Jean-Marc Nicod. DATAZERO : Optimisation d’un centre de données alimenté 100% avec des énergies renouvelables,  Journée scientifique du pôle de recherche MSTIC, Grenoble, February 2019
  15. Suyao Kong, Mickaël Hilairet, and Robin Roche. “Commande passive d’un système d’alimentation hybride photovoltaïque/batterie/pile à combustible/électrolyseur.” 2019 Jeune Chercheur en Génie Électrique
  16. Georges Da Costa. Performance- and Energy-aware HPC and Clouds From Datacenters to processors, LIP Lyon, Invited Seminar, May 2019
  17. Jean-Marc Nicod. Stand-Alone Renewable Power System Scheduling for a Green Data-Center using Integer Linear Programming,  Journée scientifique du GT MAO du GDR RO, Besançon, June 2019

The project was presented in the following venues as invited talks:

  1. May 2016 : Gestion d’énergie dans les systèmes distribués @ Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs sur l’Efficacité Energétique des Réseaux et Systèmes Distribués, Dinard (G. Da Costa)
  2. July 2016 : Energy- and Thermal-aware scheduling for datacenters @ Nesus Fifth Working Group Meeting, Ljubljana (G. Da Costa)
  3. August 2016 : Harnessing heterogenous architectures for green cloud datacenters. Keynote @ Heteropar 2016, Grenoble  (G. Da Costa)
  4. September 2016 : Energy and thermal aware placement @ GdR RSD – Journées Cloud 2016, Nice (P. Stolf)
  5. October 2016 : The DATAZERO Project, Journées GreenDays 2016, Nantes, (JM. Pierson)
  6. Jan 2017 – DataZero project during Erasmus+ visit in Yerevan at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences (G. Da Costa)
  7. April 2017 – The Datazero project, Nesus Plenary Meeting, Bayreuth (JM. Pierson)
  8. February 2019 – DATAZERO Negotiation and Optimizations, during Erasmus+ visit in Yerevan at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences (JM. Pierson)
  9. March 2019 – DATAZERO Project, a project management perspective, M1 SIR, UPS (JM. Pierson)
  10. May 2019 – Performance- and Energy-aware HPC and Clouds From Datacenters to processors. LIP / ENS-Lyon (G. Da Costa)
  11. July 2019 – Mesures et efficacité énergétique sur plate-forme expérimentale with Laurent Lefevre during TILECS workshop (Towards an Infrastructure for Large-Scale Experimental Computer Science)

The project is also presented in Industrial and General Public venues: 

  1. European Science Open Forum (ESOF 2018) : Poster. Challenges and Solutions for Data Center Powered by on Site Renewable Energy Only. Gustavo Rostirolla, Leo Grange, Patricia Stolf, Stephane Caux, Georges da Costa, Jean-Marc Pierson
  2. Innovation ITDay (DigitalPlace, May 17th, 2018) : Totem. Gwilherm Baudic, Jean-Marc Pierson.
  3. Occitanie Innov (January 31st, 2019) : Gwilherm Baudic
  4. IRIT-Enterprises meeting (May 21st, 2019) : Creation of a demonstration platform. Rodez, Georges Da Costa
  5. Innovation ITDay (Digital 113, June 13th, 2019) : Totem. Gwilherm Baudic, Jean-Marc Pierson.
  6. October 2019 – DATAZERO Project. “Green IT Day“, organized by DERBI and Digital 113, Montpellier (Jean-Marc Pierson)
  7. Nov 2019 – Un Data Centre 100% alimenté en énergie renouvelable, est-ce possible? During the event « Digitalisation : quels enjeux énergétiques et environnementaux ? » organized by the CCI de Région Occitanie à Blagnac (G. Da Costa)
  8. Nov 2019 – DATAZERO. France Data Center, Toulouse Event (Jean-Marc Pierson)
  9. Nov 2019 – DATAZERO Project was nominated at the “Transform France” Event (Transformons La France) in the “Ecology” theme. Even if not winner, proud to be part of it!

A number of students made their internships in the DATAZERO Project: 

  1. Internship report: Leo Grange (Master 2 Informatique, IRIT). Title: Optimization of Datacenters with renewables sources” (“Optimisation de centres de calculs avec sources d’énergies renouvelables”). (in French). 2016
  2. Internship report: Thomas Demissy (Engineer INPT/ENSEEIHT, LAPLACE). Title: “Characterization of renewable energy sources to optimize multi-sources energy”. (in French). 2016
  3. Internship report: Valentina Orlando (Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Facoltà di Ingegneria, FEMTO-ST Institute) Title: “Optimization of a platform composed of different renewable energy sources and storage system for a data center application”. 2016
  4. Internship report: Ayham Kassab (Master 2 Informatique, FEMTO-ST). Title: High Performance Computing and Renewable Energy. 2016
  5. Internship report: Suyao Kong (Master 2 Energie, FEMTO-ST). Title : Analysis and modeling of electrical architecture based on renewable energy for a green Data Center. 2016
  6. Internship report: Jérémie Duran (IUT 2a, IRIT). Title: Graphical User Interface for Datazero. June 2017.  (in French)
  7. Internship report: Yanis Houachine (PFE Machine Learning and Data Mining, Université Jean Monet, Eaton). Title: “Server power profiling and modeling a new approach for Datacenter power characterization”, July 2017.
  8. Internship report: Luis Fernando Bello Ocampo (Internship PFE Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, Ensimag, INPGrenoble, Eaton). Title: “Orchestrateur de Cloud et optimisation de la consommation énergétique de Datacenter”,  July 2017. (in French)
  9. Internship report: Meryem Zaïd (Internship M2 RT, iLORD, Toulouse, IRIT). Title: “Set up and Optimization of an OpenStack Cloud Platform”, September 2018.
  10. Internship report: Maël Madon (Internship Ecole Polytechnique X, Toulouse, IRIT). Title: “Integrating Pre-Cooling of Datacenter operated with Renewable Energies” , July 2019.

PhD Dissertations made in the context of DATAZERO Project: 

  1. Léo Grange (IRIT) : Datacenter Management for on-site Intermittent and Uncertain Renewable Energy Sources, defended 03/10/2019.
  2. Ayam Kassab (FEMTO-ST) : Optimization of parallel scheduling and the use of renewable energy sources to power computing centers, defended 14/11/2019
  3. Gustavo Rostirolla (IRIT, LAPLACE) : Ordonnancement dans un centre de calculs alimenté par des sources d’énergie renouvelables sans connexion au réseau avec une charge de travail mixte basée sur des phases“, defended 25/09/2019.
  4. Maroua Haddad (FEMTO-ST) : Dimensionnement et management d’un système hybride pour l’alimentation d’un data center, defended 28/11/2019.
  5. Suyao Kong (FEMTO-ST) : Advanced passivity-based control for hybrid power systems : application to hybrid electric vehicles and microgrids, defended 29/05/2020

Movies of the Project:

  1. Datazero (in French)
  2. Datazero (in English)
  3. Datazero Negotiation

Official communication of DATAZERO in the Media and Social Media: #DATAZERO on Twitter and on LinkedIn

  1. May 2018: Introduction to DATAZERO.
  2. August 2018: First steps. LinkedIn and
  3. Nov 2018: VMWorld2018.
  4. Nov 2018: Testing microgrids.
  5. Nov 2018: Negotiation loop. and
  6. June 2019: A first validation has been done.
  7. June 2019: La Tribune : et (article complet)
  8. October 2019: EATON Press Release (English, French), on Twitter and LinkedIn also.
  9. November 2019: Le Journal Toulousain :
  10. November 2019: France Bleue Besançon (audio, 3mn) :
  11. December 2019: L’Est Républicain :
  12. January 2020: Magazine “En Direct” :