Convocatoria de ponencias

CIRCLE 2022 | Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe

4-7 Julio 2022, Samatan, Gers, Francia

Convocation de ponecias


La segunda edición de CIRCLE tendrá lugar del 4 al 7 de julio de 2022 en Samatan, Gers, sur de Francia (a 50 minutos de Toulouse).

CIRCLE surgió del doble deseo de reunir tres conferencias nacionales de Recuperación de Información (IR) y de ofrecer a los jóvenes investigadores la oportunidad de reunirse y debatir con investigadores de alto nivel. CIRCLE cuenta con el apoyo de la conferencia francesa ARIA (CORIA, COnférence en Recherche d’Information et Applications), la Conferencia Española de Recuperación de Información (CERI, Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información), el Taller Italiano de Recuperación de Información y la comunidad suiza de RI. El objetivo principal de CIRCLE es proponer un lugar único para estimular y difundir la investigación en RI, donde los investigadores senior/industriales y los que se encuentran en la fase inicial (incluidos los estudiantes de maestría y de doctorado) puedan establecer redes y discutir los resultados de sus investigaciones en un entorno agradable.


  • 11 Marzo 2022 : Plazo para los artículos largos (en inglés)
  • 8 Abril 2022 : Plazo para los artículos cortos, recursos, demostraciones y resúmenes ampliados (en inglés)
  • 29 Abril 2022 : Notificación
  • 27 Mayo 2022 : Versión final


CIRCLE 2022 welcomes both theoretical and experimental papers on core IR and papers on connections between IR and close disciplines including but not limited to natural language understanding and information extraction.  Relevant topics include, but are not restricted to:

Search and ranking : Research on core IR algorithmic topics, including IR at scale, covering topics such as:

  • Queries and query analysis
  • Web search, including link analysis, sponsored search, search advertising, adversarial search and spam, and vertical search
  • Retrieval models and ranking, including diversity and aggregated search
  • Efficiency and scalability
  • Theoretical models and foundations of information retrieval and access

Content analysis, recommendation and classification : Research focusing on recommender systems, rich content representations and content analysis, covering topics such as:

  • Filtering and recommender systems
  • Document representation
  • Content analysis and information extraction, including summarization, text representation, readability, sentiment analysis, and opinion mining
  • Cross- and multilingual search
  • Clustering, classification, and topic models
  • IR and natural language processing

Domain-specific applications : Research focusing on domain-specific IR challenges, covering topics such as:

  • Social search
  • Search in structured data including email search and entity search
  • Multimedia search
  • Education
  • Legal
  • Health, including genomics and bioinformatics
  • IR and digital libraries
  • IR and databases
  • Other domains such as enterprise, news search, app search, archival search

Artificial intelligence, semantics and dialog : Research bridging AI and IR, especially toward deep semantics and dialog with intelligent agents, covering topics such as:

  • Question answering
  • Conversational systems and retrieval, including spoken language interfaces, dialog management systems, and intelligent chat systems
  • Semantics and knowledge graphs
  • Deep learning for IR, embeddings, and agents

Human factors and interfaces : Research into user-centric aspects of IR, including user interfaces, behavior modeling, privacy, and interactive systems, covering topics such as:

  • Mining and modeling search activity, including user and task models, click models, log analysis, behavioral analysis, and attention modeling
  • Interactive and personalized search
  • Collaborative search, social tagging and crowdsourcing
  • Information privacy and security

Evaluation : Research that focuses on the measurement and evaluation of IR systems, covering topics such as:

  • User-centered evaluation methods, including measures of user experience and performance, user engagement and search task design
  • Test collections and evaluation metrics, including the development of new test collections
  • Eye-tracking and physiological approaches, such as fMRI
  • Evaluation of novel information access tasks and systems such as multi-turn information access
  • Statistical methods and reproducibility issues in information retrieval evaluation

IR architectures : Research dealing with IR system architectures and scalability

  • String processing for IR
  • IR system scalability
  • Efficient text representations, indexing and ranking

Future directions : Research with theoretical or empirical contributions on new technical or social aspects of IR, especially in more speculative directions or with emerging technologies, covering topics such as:

  • Novel approaches to IR
  • Ethics, economics, and politics
  • Applications of search to social good
  • IR with new devices, including wearable computing, neuroinformatics, sensors, Internet-of-Things, vehicles


Authors are invited to submit one of the following types of contributions:

  • Long original papers (from 6 to 9 pages including references) describing mature and original research results
  • Short original papers (from 3 to 5 pages including references) which typically discuss exciting new work that is not yet mature enough for a long paper, such as for example “doctoral papers”. In particular, novel but significant proposals will be considered for acceptance into this category despite not having gone through sufficient experimental validation or lacking strong theoretical foundation.
  • Resource and demo papers (from 3 to 7 pages including references). A resource paper describes IR test collections software tools made available to the IR research community. Demo papers showcasing new technologies and prototypes in the cope of CIRCLE
  • Extended abstracts (up to 3 pages including references) containing descriptions of ongoing projects or presenting already published results

Manuscripts should be submitted to CIRCLE’22’s Easychair site ( in PDF format and must be in English using the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use the“sigconf”proceedings template).

Long and short submissions must be anonymous and will be peer reviewed by at least 3 reviewers in a double-blind process by the CIRCLE common program committee. Resource and demo submissions as well as extended abstracts are not anonymous and will be peer reviewed by at least 3 reviewers in a single-blind process by the CIRCLE common program committee.

Please indicate the type of your submission at the end of the paper title. Example : “This is the title of my paper (extended abstract)”.

The conference language for this track will be English. Each accepted paper will be orally presented and will be part of the proceedings which will be sent to for online publication.