
I am working to enhance the Event-B methods with the possibility to describe new Proof Obligations parameterize by Domain Theories.

I develop a Reflexive framework of Event-B using the Theory Plug-in, see more details here.

The models are presented below :

EB4EB Framework

The Event B Theory that encode the machine concept as a Data types theory.

The meta theory that represented all the proof obligations and the operator that invoke POs

Some proof rules have been developed to help the automatization side

Peano axiom of Abrial and new operator

Traces semantics of Event-B express in EB4EB

Correctness of Invariant Proof Obligations

Multiple extension of Event-B have formalized in EB4EB:







Generic context

Generic machine

A clock model in 24 h format with minutes.

The clock model in a classical way

Context of the deep modelling of the clock models

Extension of the generic shallow context to describe static part of the clock models

Refinement of the shallow generic machine to describe the dynamic part of the clock model

Thème : Overlay par Kaira. Texte supplémentaire
Le Cap, Afrique du sud