About me

I am Associate Professor (HDR) at the University of Toulouse 3 (France) and head of the Elipse research group (IRIT Lab). My research is dedicated to designing novel interaction techniques in the field of ubiquitous computing. My most recent publications cover interactions with unconventional displays, immersive environments, and mobile devices.

Associate Professor (HDR)
Head of the ELIPSE research group, IRIT Lab
Head of the second year of the “Robotic and Interactive Systems” (SRI) engineer training program.
ELIPSE - IRIT, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse, France


  • October 2024: Arthur Fages is joining the ELIPSE research group as associate professor!
  • Our work on interaction with physical referents in AR has been published at TOCHI in August 2024
  • Our work on dual-thumb interaction for tablets has been accepted as a journal paper at IJHCS in Dec. 2023
  • The work of Aziz Niyazov on constraint-based optimization in augmented reality has been accepted as a paper at CHI 2023
  • The work of Elen Sargsyan on multistore physical models for people with visual impairment has been accepted as a paper at CHI 2023


 PhD Supervision

  • Victor Bréhault (start Oct. 2023). Collaboration in Hybrid Environments: co-defining collaborative spatial layouts. Co-supervised with Arnaud Prouzeau and Emmanuel Dubois.
  • Elen Sargsyan (start Nov. 2021). Tangible interaction for the orientation and guidance of people with visual impairment. Co-supervised with Christophe Jouffrais.
  • Clément Truillet (start Oct. 2022). Interaction with phygital models. Co-supervised with Emmanuel Dubois.
  • Reda Benkhelifa (start Nov. 2022). Interactive visualization in hybrid environments. Co-supervised with Emmanuel Dubois and Louis-Pierre Bergé.
  • Aziz Niyazov (2019-2023). Interaction for pervasive freeform interfaces. Co-supervised with Loïc Barthe and Nicolas Mellado.
  • Brice Parilusyan (2020-2023). Exploring soft and active matter technology for the synthesis of bio-organical properties for artificial prosthesis. Co-supervised with Clément Duhart.
  • Florent Cabric (2018-2021). Interactive data physicalization. Co-supervised with Emmanuel Dubois and Christophe Hurter.
  • Kaixing Zhao (2018-2021). Multimodal tangible interfaces for people with visual impairment. Co-supervised with Christophe Jouffrais.
  • Elio Keddisseh (2018-2021). Multi-display interaction techniques for railway simulator-based training. Co-supervised with Emmanuel Dubois.
  • Sandra Bardot (2015-2019). Wearable interaction techniques for people with visual impairment. Co-supervised with Christophe Jouffrais.
  • Gary Perelman (2015-2018). Advanced interactions for the fluid manipulation of large data spaces. Co-supervised with Emmanuel Dubois and Celia Picard.
  • Houssem Saidi (2015-2018). Multi-display interaction techniques for multi-dimensional data. Co-supervised with Emmanuel Dubois


  • Coordinator of the targeted project on Collaboration Spaces of the PEPR eNSEMBLE (2023-2030).
  • Leader of National Research Agency Young Researcher project (ANR JCJC) on Pervasive Freeform Interfaces, PERFIN (2018-2024).
  • Member of the Interplay ANR project (2022-2026)
  • Member of the ActivMap ANR project (2019-2023)
  • Member of the AP2D ANR project (2015-2019)
  • Leader of international scientific cooperation CNRS project (PICS-CNRS). Partner institution: University of Manitoba, Canada (2017-2019)
  • Work-package leader of ACCESSIMAP ANR project (2014-2018)


You can find my full list of publications in the Publications page.
Alternatively, you can check my publications in Google Scholar or Dblp.