Alexandra Berger

Ses 2 Articles :

Mots-clefs : Ambient Intelligence, intelligent agent and multiagent technologies, roadmap, applications
Résumé : ABSTRACT: The notion of Ambient Intelligence is currently receiving considerable attention in research and industry. In this paper, we investigate how intelligent agent and multiagent technologies can provide methods and IT infrastructure to support Ainbient Intelligence applications. We present a roadmap and building blocks for Ambient Intelligence. By means of three application case studies from different domains, we review the state-of-the-art in Ambient. Thus, we point out the current applicability and limitations of Ambient Intelligence research as well as white spots and research opportunities from a practical perspective.

Mots-clefs : conversational agent, speech acts, human-machine interaction, ACL
Résumé : Les langages de communication entre agents (ACLs) actuels ont été construits pour des agents artificiels, essentiellement dans un but d'échange de connaissances et d'interopérabilité Cet article s'intéresse aux systèmes multi-agents mixtes (ou communautés mixtes) composés d'agents artificiels et d'agents humains. Un Langage de Conversation Expressif est proposé pour donner la possibilité aux agents de construire des dialogues «expressifs» (principalement des dialogues délibératifs comme une négociation, une consultation d'expert, un marchandage, une prise de rendez-vous ). Trente-deux actes ont, d'ores et déjà, été définis formellement : des actes de conversation basiques comme informer et demander (présents dans les ACLs sous la forme de Inform et Request), niais également promettre, suggérer ou encore affirmer,, qui donnent des capacités langagières avancées aux agents artificiels. agent conversationnel, actes de discours, interaction homme-machine, ACL et un et un Ce ABSTRACT Agent Communication Languages (ACL) typically assume that Multi-Agent Systems sont are composed of artificial agents and that knowledge exchange is the main activity. This paper sont are composed of artificial agents and that knowledge exchange is the main activity. This paper considers Multi-Agent Systems extended w humans, named «mixed community», where con- versations rather than interactions are important to ensure dialogues such as negotiation in an e-business application. Therefore, we propose a new language, an Expressive Conversation e-business application. Therefore, we propose a new language, an Expressive Conversation Language for conversational agents of mixed communities. Thirty-two expressive conversation acts are formally defined, such as the basic acts inform and request, but also promise, suggest, insist on etc., which give a primitive but interesting expressiveness to agents. This also opens the way of expressive discourse to Embodied Conversational Agents which constitute a new insist on etc., which give a primitive but interesting expressiveness to agents. This also opens the way of expressive discourse to Embodied Conversational Agents which constitute a new the way of expressive discourse to Embodied Conversational Agents which constitute a new sur generation of multi-modal interfaces.sur generation of multi-modal interfaces.