Jmauclair/ February 2, 2024/ Previous

Le projet VOTONA est un projet de maturation avec Toulouse Tech Transfert et l’entreprise Poétie. Dans ce projet, l’équipe SAMoVA propose ses outils de traitement de l’audio pour développer une solution pertinente autour du livre musical vivant, thème au coeur de la société Poétie Ce projet a duré un an et a permis de lever plusieurs challenges autour notamment du

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Clinical relevance of speech intelligibility measures

Jpinquier/ September 22, 2020/ Applications, Research

Context Intelligibility can be defined as an analytical, acoustic-phonetic decoding notion – i.e. addressing “low-level” linguistic units –, referring to the quality of pronunciation at the segmental (phoneme and syllable) levels. Speech intelligibility is usually assessed using perceptual tasks. While these are informative, they entail several drawbacks, as they rely on subjective ratings, biased, among other factors, by the familiarity

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