
Since 2012, cooperation with: University of Western Ontario – Canada (M. Capretz), Northeastern University of Boston – USA (G. Cooperman), National Chiao Tung University – Taiwan (Joseph Lin Fuchun), Politernico di Bari – Italy (A. Grieco), CLOUDS university of Melbourne – Australia (Buyya Rajkumar), Smart living lab – University of Wollongong – Australia (P. Perez), International Institue of Information Technology Hyderabad – IIIT (S. Chaudhari)


  • 2019-2012: Industrial transfert of Ligth OM2M software with IoT expert company and Toulouse Tech Transfert
  • since 2018: project manager for Cooperative research on data and semantization with orange labs
  • since 2018: Center of Excellence on IoT for smart City, euripean project with International Institue of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIIT)
  • since 2018: e-horizon european project with continental on connected vehicles
  • 2017-2018: International mobility with Smart Living Lab – University of Wollongong – Australia
  • 2017-2018: project manager of ADREAM-FIESTA  – opencall of european project H2020 – FIESTA
  • 2017-2018: Project Manager for LAAS of regional project Supervision of IoT systems
  • 2015-2018: Project Manager for LAAS of national S2C2 project (Service for Smart Connected vehiCles)
  • 2011: Project Manager of SOP (thinking global Service for persOnal comPuter) project funded by the ANR. The goal is to use the model of mobile service in world of ADSL and personal computer : used of cloud,  P2P service with  constraints of energy and QoS. Partners: IRIT (laboratory), DEGETEL, QoS Design and SYSFERA.
  • 2011 Participation in the project A2Nets ITEA2 European funding. Introduction of generic solutions for M2M
  • 2010 Co-director of the challenge Thinking GRID for Electromagnetic Simulation of project HEMERA INRIA. The main objective is to develop methods for 2D and 3D electromagnetic simulation based on multithreaded algorithms and communicating via MPI. These simulations will be deployed and managed with tools implementing autonomic policies
  • 2007-2008: Manager for the LAAS of the SATRIMMAP project in collaboration with Airbus, QoS design, IRIT, ONERA and CEA funded by ANR – Software Technologies
  • 2008: local manager for  INSA/ LAAS for BQR (research grant) obtained from the University of Toulouse on a project for applications gridification (general manager M. Daydé)
  • 2006: Participation in the project led by PRAI (europpeen community) grid’mip (general manager M. Daydé)
  • 2001 – 2003: Project Coordinator RNTL pre-competitive CASP (Cluster for Application Service Provider) in the context of RNTL calls (National Network for Software Technologies). This project was the establishment of a complete prototype to create a platform for ASP (Application Service Provider). I was the project director for the consortium of companies Alinka, Delta Partners and LAAS-CNRS. My contribution as a researcher was to create new algorithms for the management of resources with quality of service and developing the prototype software AROMA.
  • 2003-2007: Creating and management a center of excellence between Sun Microsystems – United States, the LAAS-CNRS and the startup QoS Design, opened in January 2004 in grids and clusters to network and telecom applications. The aim was to provide a strong partnership between the LAAS-CNRS and Sun Microsystems.
  • 2004: BQR (research grant)  of University Paul Sabatié for the software LANDA (Local Area Network for Distributed Applications) in collaboration with G. Mouney
  • 2003-2004: manager of GCC (Grid Cluster for the Calculation), this project was the establishment of a computing grid across multiple sites in Toulouse based on software globus to conduct experiments on “middleware” and applications .
  • 1999-2001: Participation of the project syspar-MPC, budget funded by the Midi-Pyrenees: This project involved the creation of a cluster and its software environment. It was based on a French interconnection network (MPC) and the software LANDA. Three laboratories participated in this project: IRIT, LAAS-CNRS, ONERA.
  • 1994-1997: Contract with DRET on using network of workstations for parallel computing.
  • 1995: Participation in the project monitoring and management of clusters (part of my phd results).
Thème : Overlay par Kaira. Texte supplémentaire
Le Cap, Afrique du sud