I leaded 13 projects among which 3 are international, 7 national and 3 industrial contracts.
Ongoing projects
- Lead PI of the NLP-project WP5 (together with Jian Su from A*Star) within the DesCartes Create@CNRS program funded by NRF-Singapore. (2022-2026)
- French PI of the STERHEOTYPES european project on multilingual racial stereotype detection in a multilingual context using approaches coming from psychology and computational linguistics. (2021-2024)
- Local PI of QualityOnto, an ANR-PRCI project on multilingual fact-checking for COVID knowledge graphs (2022-2025).
- Co-PI of the CNRS-premature INTACT project on NLP-based crisis management from social media (2022-2023), together with Alda Mari from IJN-Paris.
Past academic projects
- Automatic detection of Irony in Tweets. Axe Euro-Méditerranée Project (2013) (Université Paul Sabatier funding) with Sfax University. Project leader.
- CASOAR: Chaîne d’Analyse Sémantique des Opinions, Appréciations et Représentations. RAPID DGA project (2010-2012) with Synapse Développement. Project leader.
- ONTODIS: Ontologie et Discours. Université Paul Sabatier funding (2010). Project leader
Past industrial projects
- CRE project (Contrat Recherche Entreprise) with -Orange Labs (Juin 2018-Dec 2019). “Frame-based relation extraction from text”. Project leader
- 2 Industrial projects with Geotrends (2018-2019) and Atos (2017)
- EADS project (2005-2006) on question answering. Project leader.
Other projects I was involved in
- Carnot Projet DeMeSexTo (2018-2019) on sexism detection with IRIT and ENS-Institut Jean Nicod (IJN) (Alda Mari)
- MSH-T Projet AMeSexto (2018) on analysis of sexist messages with IRIT and LERASS
- DATCHA. ANR project (2015-2018). “Extraction de connaissances à partir de vastes corpus de conversations chat client-opérateur”, with IRIT, Université Aix Marseille, Orange Labs
- TextLink: Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe. Textlink is a COST action (IS1312).
- STAC (Strategic Conversation): Nicholas Asher’s ERC-STAC project (2011-2015) with Edinburgh University.
- The ASFALDA project: a French FrameNet. ANR project (2012-2015) with LLF-Université Paris Diderot, Alpage INRIA Paris Diderot, LIF, Université de la Méditerranée, CEA-List Paris, Ant’inno.
- ANNODIS: Annotation discursive, corpus de référence pour le français et outils d’aide à l’annotation et à l’exploitation. ANR project (2008-2010) with CLLE-ERSS Université Toulouse3 and GREYC Université de Caen.
- DYNAR: The Dynamics of Argumentation. CNRS-PICS project (2007-2010) with CRIL-Lens and Luxembourg University.
- A Multilingual Processing of Language in a Lexico-Semantic Perspective: Application to Question- Answering. STIC-Asia project (2006-2008) involving research institutions from France, India,Malaysia, Thailand and Japan).