This meeting was held in conjunction with a plenary meeting of the HPC-SCALABLE-ECOSYSTEM project. 8:30: Welcome 09:00 Emmanuel Agullo “Welcome and checkpoint of the hpc-scalable-ecosystem project” [pdf] 09:15 Alexandre Denis “An overview of StarPU/NewMadeleine” [pdf] 09:45 Antoine Jego “Task-based programming…
SOLHARIS plenary meeting 09-10/02/2022
Wednesday 09/02/2022 Scheduling algorithms Maxime Gonthier “Memory-Aware Scheduling of Tasks Sharing Data on Multiple GPUs” [pdf] Lionel Eyraud-Dubois “I/O-Optimal Algorithms for Symmetric Linear Algebra Kernels” [pdf] Programming models and tools Marek Felsoci “An energy consumption study of coupled solvers for…
SOLHARIS plenary meeting 02/07/2021
Middleware 9:30 – 10:30 Philippe Swartavagher: Interferences between Communications and Computations in Distributed HPC Systems [pdf] Antoine Jego: Task-based programming models for scalable distributed memory parallel algorithms [pdf] Arthur Chevalier: HPC-Big Data Convergence: A library to apply highly parallel algorithms…
SOLHARIS plenary meeting 07-08/12/2020
This plenary meeting was help virtually and jointly with the plenary meeting of the hpc-scalable-ecosystem of Region Aquitaine. Monday Dec. 7 9:30-10:30 Programming models [Chair: Samuel Thibault] Philippe Swartvagher: “Interactions between communications and computations within task-based runtime systems” [pdf] Antoine…
SOLHARIS Kickoff meeting 05/02/2020
The kickoff meeting of the SOLHARIS project was held in Bordeaux on February 5th 2020. Here is the program with downloadable presentations 10:00-10:20 : Coffee 10:20-10:30 : A. Buttari “Project presentation” [pdf] 10:30-11:00 : P.-A. Wacrenier “Intrucing hierarchical tasks in…