This plenary meeting was help virtually and jointly with the plenary meeting of the hpc-scalable-ecosystem of Region Aquitaine.
Monday Dec. 7
- 9:30-10:30 Programming models [Chair: Samuel Thibault]
- Philippe Swartvagher: “Interactions between communications and computations within task-based runtime systems” [pdf]
- Antoine Jego: “Task-based programming models for scalable distributed memory parallel algorithms” [pdf]
- Gwenole Lucas: “Programming heterogeneous architectures with divisible tasks” [pdf]
- 10:30-11:00 Break / Exchange
- 11:00-12:00 Scheduling 1 [Chair: Olivier Beaumont]
- 12:00-12:30 Break / Exchange
Tuesday Dec. 8
- 9:30-10:30 – Appli 1 [Chair: Vincent Perrier]
- Marek Felsoci: “A preliminary comparative study of solvers for coupled FEM/BEM linear systems in a reproducible environment” [pdf]
- Cedric Augonnet: “Discussions on matrix-free CFD, and parallelization of the immersed-body method on distributed memory with migratable tasks” [pdf]
- Sangeeth Simon: “Task-Based parallelization of a Finite Volume code for the Euler Flows” [pdf]
- 10:30-11:00 Break / Exchange
- 11:00-12:20 – Appli 2 and Scheduling 2 [Chair: Loris Marchal]
- Romain Peressoni: “Using the Hausdorff distance to compare point clouds obtained with Multidimensional Scaling” [pdf]
- Mathieu Vérité: “2D Static Resource Allocation for Compressed Linear Algebra and Communication Constraints” [pdf]
- Alena Shilova: “A Makespan Lower Bound for the Scheduling of the Tiled Cholesky Factorization based on ALAP Schedule” [pdf]
- Nicolas Vidal: “Mapping and Scheduling HPC Applications for I/O optimization” [pdf]
- 12:20-12:50 Break / Exchange