RTNS 2010 > Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors

Final papers are limited to 10 two-column pages in font no smaller than 10-points. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format, without page numbers.
All papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings. RTNS proceedings are typically published as a technical report by the host institution (for RTNS 2010, by the IRIT lab), which is distributed at the conference and made available in electronic form on-line on open access HAL-INRIA archive, an environment for self-archiving of scientific publications. However, these proceedings are not considered to be archived publications with publisher copyright and hence presenting research at RTNS does not preclude its later submission to another conference or journal.

The guidelines for preparing proceedings-style manuscripts are described in Author Guidelines:

Go to the EasyChair submission page to submit your final paper.
Deadline is on September 30, 2010.