MAGIC project endorsed by CORAC (french for) COuncil for Civil Aeronautics Research SEFA (french for) Embedded System and Advanced Function in subsection IKKY (french for) KocKpit and sYstem Integration
Modeling of Aircraft Global-status for Interactive Cockpit (MAGIC)
MAGIC proposal is about Modelling for operational plane state and its failure
Modeling of Aircraft Global-status for Interactive Cockpit
2015-07-01 2020-08-31
Modeling of the operational state of both the aircraft and its failures
Application domains: Avionics
Scientific areas: HCI, Software engineering
Tools: Circus, PetShop, HAMSTERS
They work on this project
Associate Professor (Head of ICS Team)
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Professor of Computer Science (Head of Department Reliability Systems and Software)
Research Assistant
They work with us on this project
Airbus Helicopters
Dassault Aviation
- International journals articlesDesign and evaluation of braced touch for touchscreen input stabilisation.. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. p:21-37.
- International journals articlesEngineering Issues Related to the Development of a Recommender System in a Critical Context: Application to Interactive Cockpits. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. p:122-141.
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- International conferences articlesA List of Pre-Requisites to Make Recommender Systems Deployable in Critical Context. ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction - Conference Engineering Interactive Computing Systems 2017 (SIGCHI - EICS). CEUR Workshop Proceedingsvol:1945. p:42-55. CEUR-WS : Workshop proceedings.