
This pages includes all the tools developed during the project, including user manuals and links to the source code.

NoteMyProgress (NMP) Manuals

You will find here the list of manuals for the different tool versions in both English and French. All versions include: (1) a manual for Moodle Administrators, indicating the steps to follow for installing the plugin; (2) a manual for Teachers to know how to use the tool, and (3) a manual for Students to learn hot to use the tool.

NoteMyProgress (NMP) Source Code

The source code is available under the License CC (in process) in the following Gitlab Project . Notice that you can download the tool and install it. If you want to contribute to the project you can create a new branch.


If you are interested on downloading the source code of NMP 3.0, install it in your institution and collaborate with us for advancing research, please fill in this form and we’ll contact you.