List of deliverables published and associated to the project.
- D1.1 Analytical Framework. Report related with WP1. Report on the theoretical SRL models, instruments and analytical methods employed in the experimental scenarios.
- D2.1 NoteMyProgress Moodle – NMP Moodle: Design and 1st Evaluation. Report related with WP2. Design and evaluation process of the NMP Moodle tool. Source code and a report on the usability tests of the first prototype of the tool.
- D3.1 Experimental scenario 1. Report on the experimental design including the protocols, instruments, data gathering techniques and main results of scenario 1
- D4.1. Website of the project. Website of the project sumarising the main results.
- Intermediate report. All the deliverables until the 18th mains of the project (D1.1; D2.1; D3.1; D4.1)