Workshop “How to foster the innovation skills to develop novel applications based on EO data – FabSpace 2.0 including local environmental management applications” at INSPIRE Conference 2018, 18-21 September
Objective and content of the workshop
In this workshop, we will share and discuss good practices for the successful implementation of a FabSpace. A FabSpace is a place at the University where students, companies, researchers, experts, civil society, and public authorities meet, to develop novel application ideas based on Earth Observation data for various disciplines and technology fields. A specific attention will be given to local environmental management applications.
Based on the feedback from the six founding FabSpaces within the FabSpace 2.0 project (which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under the Grant Agreement n°693210), and by closely monitoring the operations and experiences of the fourteen new FabSpaces, the objectives of this workshop through the proposed brainstorming sessions are:
– Define the methods to establish universities as the heart of innovation 2.0 and local points of reference for the use of Earth Observation data for decision-making on local issues;
– Find new initiatives to develop the FabSpace 2.0 concept worldwide.
Call for communications and papers
The workshop will be organized around presentation (call for communication is open) and round tables. After the workshop, we will publish a CEUR-WS volume on the contributions. Contributions can be use cases, best practices, description of pedagogical innovations using Earth observation data. The submitted papers will follow the LNCS format, 4-6 pages for short papers, 10-20 pages for long papers. The proceedings will be published after the conference and will include a white paper on the results of the workshop.
Submissions (communications, papers) should be uploaded on easychair: