M2 Internship (5 to 6 months) on tensor-based machine learning methods

We look for strongly motivated candidates with a solid background on mathematics and statistics, having good programming skills in scientific computing languages (Python, Matlab, Julia), for an M2 internship on the performance of tensor-based machine learning methods for large-scale data.

The internship shall last 5 to 6 months, starting from Spring 2022, and will take place at the ENSEEIHT site of IRIT, in Toulouse. It will be co-supervised by Henrique Goulart (Assistant Professor at Toulouse INP) and Rodrigo Cabral (Assistant Professor at Polytech Nice), and will be fully funded by a CIMI grant.

For more details on this offer, please check the detailed description at https://cloud.irit.fr/index.php/s/FyzGeSlAT9LfSkw