Dr Didier Dubois

Current Research Topics / Thèmes de Recherche Actuels

- Numerical possibility theory, statistical reasoning and risk analysis / Théorie des possibilités numériques, statistiques et analyse de risque
- Qualitative possibility theory and applications to plausible reasoning, belief revision and fusion/ Théorie des possibilités qualitatives et ses applications au raisonnement plausible la révision et la fusion d'informations
- Fuzzy interval analysis and its application to scheduling / Calcul d'intervalles flous et application à l'ordonnancement
- Qualitative decision theory / Théorie de la décision qualitative
- Fuzzy Rules in interpolative reasoning and data mining / Règles floues pour l'interpolation et la fouille de données
- Possibilistic nets in information retrieval / Réseaux possibilistes pour la recherche d'information documentaire
- Bipolarity in knowledge representation / Représentation de connaissances bipolaires
- Fuzzy set theory / Théorie des ensembles flous

Related Recent Publications by Topics / Publications Récentes par Thème

- D. Dubois, H. Prade, P. Smets. A definition of subjective possibility. Badania Operacyjne I Decyzje (Pologne) Vol. 4, 7-22, 2003. pdf
- D. Guyonnet, B. Bourgine, D. Dubois, H. Fargier, Bernard Côme, J.-P. Chilès. Hybrid Approach for Addressing Uncertainty in Risk Assessments. Journal of Environmental Engineering V. 129 N. 1 , p. 68-78 , janvier 2003. pdf
- D. Dubois, L. Foulloy, G. Mauris, H. Prade. Probability-possibility transformations, triangular fuzzy sets, and probabilistic inequalities. Reliable Computing. 2004. 10, 273-297. pdf
- C. Baudrit, D. Guyonnet, D. Dubois. Post-processing the hybrid method for addressing uncertainty in risk assessments, J. Environmental Engineering, V. 131, N. 12, December 2005, pp. 1750-1754 . pdf
- C. Baudrit, D. Dubois, H. Fargier. Practical Representation of Incomplete Probabilistic Information. In: Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems (Proc. 2nd International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics), Oviedo, 2-4 septembre 2004, Springer, p. 149-156. pdf
- D. Dubois, E. Hüllermeier. A notion of comparative probabilistic entropy based on the possibilistic specificity ordering. European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU'05) - Barcelone, 06 -08 juillet 2005. - Luis Godo (Eds.), LNAI 3571, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 848-859. pdf
- C. Baudrit, D. Dubois. Comparing Methods for Joint Objective and Subjective Uncertainty Propagation with an example in a risk assessment, 4th Int. Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications Pittsburgh, USA, Juillet 2005. pdf
- C. Baudrit, I. Couso, D. Dubois. Probabilities of Events Induced by Fuzzy Random Variables Proc.of International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT’05) Barcelona, 8-10 Septembre 2005. pdf
- D. Dubois, H. Prade. Interval-valued Fuzzy Sets, Possibility Theory and Imprecise Probability Proc.of International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT’05) Barcelona, 8-10 Septembre 2005. pdf

- S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, H. Prade, Mary-Anne Williams. A practical approach to revising prioritized knowledge bases. Studia Logica, 70, 105-130, 2002. pdf
- S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, S. Kaci, H. Prade. Logique possibiliste et fusion d'informations. Technique et Sciences Informatique (N° Spécial Fusion de données numériques et d'informations symboliques), Technique et Science Informatique, V. 22, N. 7-8, p. 1035-1064, 2003. pdf
- Dubois D. Fargier H. Prade H. Ordinal and probabilistic representations of acceptance. J. Artificial Intelligence Research, 22, 23-56, 2004. pdf
- D. Dubois H. Fargier, H. Prade. Acceptance, Conditionals, and Belief Revision, In: G. Kern-Isberner et col. (Eds.) Conditionals, Information, and Inference, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3301, Springer, 2005, p. 38-58. pdf
- Dubois D. Prade H. On the use of aggregation operations in information fusion processes. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2004. 142,143-161. pdf
- Dubois D. Prade H. Possibilistic logic: a retrospective and prospective view. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2004. 144, 3-23. pdf
- D. Dubois, H. Fargier. A unified framework for order-of-magnitude confidence relations. Proc. of the 20th Conf. of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI'04), Banff, Canada, 7 - 11 juillet 2004. AUAI Press, p. 138-145. ps

- D. Dubois, H. Fargier, P. Fortemps. Fuzzy scheduling: Modelling flexible constraints vs. coping with incomplete knowledge. European Journal of Operational Research. V. 147 , p. 231-252, 2003. pdf
- D. Dubois J. Fortin H. Fargier. Computational methods for determining the latest starting times and floats of tasks in interval-valued activity networks. J. Intell. Manufacturing, 16, 407-422, 2005. pdf
- D. Dubois, H. Fargier, J. Fortin. A generalized vertex method for computing with fuzzy intervals. Proc. of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 25 -29 juillet 2004. IEEE, p. 541-546. ps
- Didier Dubois, Hélène Fargier, Jérôme Fortin. The empirical variance of a set of fuzzy intervals. Proc. of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Reno, Nevada, 22 -25 mai 2005. IEEE, p. 885-890. pdf
- J. Fortin, P. Zielinski, D. Dubois, H. Fargier. Interval analysis in scheduling. Eleventh International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Sitges (Barcelona), Spain, October 1 - 5, 2005. pdf

- D. Dubois, H. Prade. R. Sabbadin. Decision theoretic foundations of qualitative possibility theory. European Journal of Operational Research, 128, 459-478, 2001. pdf
- D. Dubois, H. Fargier, H. Prade, P. Perny. Qualitative Decision Theory: From Savage's Axioms to Nonmonotonic Reasoning . Journal of the ACM, V. 49 N. 4 , p. 455-495 , juillet 2002. pdf
- D. Dubois, H. Fargier, P. Perny. Qualitative decision theory with preference relations and comparative uncertainty: An axiomatic approach. Artificial Intelligence, V. 148 , p. 219-260 , 2003 pdf
- D. Dubois, H. Fargier. Qualitative decision rules under uncertainty. Dans : Planning Based on Decision Theory. G. Della Riccia, D. Dubois, R. Kruse, H.-J. Lenz (Eds.), Springer, Wien, CISM 472, 3-26, 2004.
- D. Dubois, P. Fortemps. Selecting preferred solutions in the minimax approach to dynamic programming problems under flexible constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, V. 160, p. 582-598, 2005.
- D. Dubois, D. Kyselova, R. Mesiar. Limit refinements of aggregation-based ordering on continuous scale. Workshop on Aggregation Operators, Juillet 2005.

- D. Dubois, E. Hüllermeier, H. Prade. Fuzzy set-based methods in instance-based reasoning. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems V. 10 N. 3 , p. 322-332 , juin 2002.
- D. Dubois, H. Prade, L. Ughetto. A new perspective on reasoning with fuzzy rules. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, V. 18 N. 5, p. 541-567, 2003. pdf
- D. Dubois, E. Hüllermeier, H. Prade. On the representation of fuzzy rules in terms of crisp rules. Information Sciences .V. 151 , p. 301-326 , 2003.
- D. Dubois, E. Hüllermeier, H. Prade. A Note on Quality Measures for Fuzzy Association Rules . 10th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress on Fuzzy Sets and Systems - IFSA 2003 , Istanbul, Turkey. LNAI 2715, Springer-Verlag , Berlin, p. 346-353, 30 juin 2 juillet 2003. pdf Revised version, to appear in Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering. pdf
- S. Galichet, D. Dubois, H. Prade. Imprecise specification of ill-known functions using gradual rules. International Journal of Approximate reasoning. 2004. 35, 205-222. pdf
- D. Dubois, H. Prade, T. Sudkamp. On the representation, measurement, and discovery of fuzzy associations, IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems V. 13, 2005, 250- 262. pdf
- D. Dubois, E. Hüllermeier, H. Prade. Fuzzy Methods for Case-Based Recommendation and Decision Support, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, to appear.

S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, L. Garcia, H. Prade. On the transformation between possibilistic logic bases and possibilistic causal networks. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 29,n°2, 135-173, février 2002.
- A. , M. Boughanem, D. Dubois. A Model for Information Retrieval based on Possibilistic Networks. 12th. Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval SPIRE2005, 11/2/2005 - 11/4/2005 Buenos Aires, Argentina, LNCS, Springer. pdf

D. Dubois, H. Prade. Information bipolaires. Une introduction. Information-Interaction-Intelligence, V. 3 , N. 1 , p. 89-106 , 2003.
- S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, S. Kaci and H. Prade. Bipolar possibility theory in preference modeling: Representation, fusion and optimal solutions, Information Fusion, In Press,
- D. Dubois, S. Kaci, H. Prade. Bipolarity in reasoning and decision - An introduction. The case of the possibility theory framework. Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'04), Perugia, Italy, 4 - 9 juillet 2004, 959-966.
- Didier Dubois, Hélène Fargier. On the qualitative comparison of sets of positive and negative affects. European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU'05) - Barcelone, 06-08 juillet 2005. Luis Godo (Eds.), LNAI 3571, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 305-316.

- D. Dubois, Lluis Godo, H. Prade, F.Esteva. An information-based discussion of vagueness. Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science, (Henri Cohen, Claire Lefebvre, Eds.) Chap. 40, Elsevier, 2005 pp. 892-913. pdf
- D. Dubois, H. Prade. Fuzzy elements in a fuzzy set Proc. 10th Inter. Fuzzy Systems Assoc. (IFSA) Congress, Beijing, 2005, Springer. pdf


Recent Edited Volumes / Ouvrages Récents

- D. Dubois , H. Prade, (eds.) Fundamentals of Fuzzy Sets. The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2000.
- D. Dubois , H. Prade, (series eds.) The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets Series, 7 volumes (dont les 2 livres précédents), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1998-2000.
- G. Della Riccia, D. Dubois, R. Kruse and H-J. Lenz (Eds.) PLANNING BASED ON DECISION THEORY. CISM Courses and Lectures No. 472. Springer Verlag, Wien - New York, 2003.
- C. Welty , D. Dubois, M.-A Williams. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'04), Whistler, BC, Canada, 2 -5 juin 2004, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA.
- D. Dubois, J. Grzymala-Busse, M. Inuiguchi, L. Polkowski (Eds.) Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets. Transactions on Rough Sets II, LNCS 3135, Springer. 2004.


Curent Doctoral Students / Encadrements Doctoral Récents

Sébastien Destercke -> depuis Octobre 2005 (Coopération avec IRSN)
Hazael Jones -> depuis Octobre 2004 (Coopération avec INRA + CEMAGREF, Montpellier)
Jérome Fortin -> depuis Octobre 2003 (Coopération avec H. Fargier et Univ. Techn. Wroclaw, Pologne)
Asma Brini -> Thèse soutenue en Décembre. 2005 (Coopération avec M. Boughanem, SIG-IRIT)
Cédric Baudrit -> Thèse soutenue en Octobre 2005 (coopération avec BRGM, IRSN, INERIS)