News & Open positions


  • 01/10/2022 – Loic Thierry started a Phd program in the contexte of a Co-tutelle with Carleton University (Canada) under my supervision and Jason Jaskolka. The work is a continuous collaboration between IRIT and Carleton. The research focuses particularly on the formalisation of security using positive and negative statements.
  • 10/03/2021 – Our paper Specification, detection, and treatment of STRIDE threats for software components: Modeling, formal methods, and tool support has been accepted for publication at Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier.
  • 15/02/2021 – Marwa Zeroual started her Phd program under my supervision and Morayo Adedjouma. The work is a continuous collaboration between IRIT and CEA. The research focuses particularly on Security Assurance Case for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Systems.

Open Positions


Thème : Overlay par Kaira. Texte supplémentaire
Le Cap, Afrique du sud