Short Bio
Date of birth: October 20, 1967
André-Luc Beylot received the Engineer Degree from the Institut d’Informatique d’Entreprise in 1989 and the Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Paris 6 in 1993. In January 2000, he received the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches from the University of Versailles .
From 1993 until 1995, he worked as a research engineer at the Institut National des Télécommunications and from 1995 until 1996 at C.N.E.T(France Telecom Research & Development) in Rennes.
From September 1996 until August 2000, he has been an Associate Professor at PRiSM Laboratory of the University of Versailles.
Since September 2000 he is a Professor at the Telecommunication and Network Department of the ENSEEIHT. From 2008 until 2011, he has been leading the IRT Team of IRIT Lab. Since January 2011, he is the head of the ENSEEIHT site of IRIT
From January 2016 until December 2020, he has been the head of GDR CNRS – Réseaux et Systèmes Distribués, RSD
Since January 2021, he is a deputy director of IRIT.
Research Interests
- Quality of Service in Mobile, vehicular, ad-hoc and Sensor Networks;
- Satellite Communications and Networking;
- IoT;
- Performance Evaluation.