ROLLING MINDS (web-app) is a conversational web-app designed in collaboration with BSD (Italy) and supported by Sterheotype Project to promote awareness of Racial Hoaxes and prevent Ethnic discrimination by means of ‘socio-analytical intervention’ (see the paper by D’Errico, Cicirelli, Corbelli, Paciello, 2023: freely available). Interested teachers or researchers can use it with adolescents (from 13 to 17 years old) by keeping in touch with us and sending details for a potential intervention at school. 

The Rolling Minds (‘Giramenti’) web-app is available in the Italian language (for the moment) and it can be requested by mailing at:

Figure 1. Introductory phase: Sofia introduces herself and talks to the user.

Figure 2. Sofia, helped by the user, explains the racial hoax’s fallacies to her aunt.

“Giramenti – Sample Video”