The FabSpace 2.0 project announced the launch of its official YouTube channel ( The channel aims to showcase various activities from various FabSpace locations worldwide.

The videos that are featured in the channel include: FabSpace activities or events; interview of students, researchers, etc.; description of ongoing project with an overview of their work; concrete application and use cases (e.g. introducing an app, a tool, etc.); interview with users; and tutorials.

Specifically, this YouTube channel is part of the activities foreseen within the project´s work package (WP) 4 – Exploitation and dissemination, which are implemented throughout the entire lifetime of the project. It is the central activities for the exploitation, maintain sustainability, and disseminate the FabSpace daily activities.

We encourage everyone to subscribe to FabSpace 2.0 YouTube channel to be updated regularly with the project activities and real-life application.