InnEO’Space Phd project just completed

InnEO’Space Phd project just completed

The InnEO’Space PhD project coordinated by Josiane MOTHE, UT2 professor and member of IRIT’s SIG Team – GD Dept, has just ended on a very high note.

A series of webinars organized to conclude the TAPAS project

A series of webinars organized to conclude the TAPAS project

The SAMoVA team of the Signals, Images (SI) department is setting up a series of seven webinars to promote the H2020 TAPAS (Training Network on Automatic Processing of PAthological Speech) project, which is nearing its end. The PhD students who participated in this project will present their thesis topics in webinars. These weekly meetings will be held every Tuesday, starting May 3, 2022 from 1 to 2 pm, and will

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DesCartes, flagship project on hybrid AI in urban critical systems in the framework of an international collaboration – The NLP component

DesCartes, flagship project on hybrid AI in urban critical systems in the framework of an international collaboration – The NLP component

The DesCartes project is a large-scale collaboration in the field of hybrid Artificial Intelligence, starting at the end of 2021. Farah BENAMARA, Associate Professor at UT3 and co-leader of the MELODI team, from the Artificial Intelligence department of IRIT, is the scientific leader for UT3 of the Automatic Natural Language Processing (NLP) research domain in this project.

AutOCampus project, our experimentation shuttle has arrived at UT3

AutOCampus project, our experimentation shuttle has arrived at UT3

The EasyMile autonomous shuttle made its debut on the campus of Paul Sabatier University on October 1st. IRIT researchers are working on research projects within the framework of the VILAGIL project, a program for the transformation of the territory led by Toulouse Métropole and financed by the Caisse des dépôts and Toulouse Métropole. The research work is being carried out by the following laboratories: CLLE, IRIT, LAAS, LERASS, LISST and

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CybserSec4Europe Project

CybserSec4Europe Project

In the context of the implementation of the cybersecurity strategy adopted by the European Commission, IRIT is selected as a partner competence center for the creation and management of one of the four pilot projects of a European competence network, in order to develop and implement a common roadmap for cybersecurity research and innovation in Europe. The CyberSec4Europe project is led by a consortium of 43 partners and covers 22

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L’IRIT en soirée projection – débat

L’IRIT en soirée projection – débat

Rentrant dans la thématique du semestre LabEx CIMI « Mathématiques et Informatique pour les sciences du vivant », des chercheurs de l’IRIT participeront à une soirée Grand Public de projection du film Downsizing, suivie d’un débat sur le thème « Comment les mathématiques et l’informatique préparent-elles l’humain de demain ? », le jeudi 8 février à 20h au cinéma Jean Marais d’Aucamville. Cette manifestation, initiée par le Quai des Savoirs

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Best paper award at ACM EICS 2023 conference

Best paper award at ACM EICS 2023 conference

Congratulations to the members of the ICS team from the FSL department and the three other authors from the Universities of Lleida and Castilla – La Mancha Albacete on winning the Best Paper Award at the ACM EICS 2023 (Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems) conference. This was the 15th ACM International Conference on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, held from June 26 to 30, 2023 in Swansea, Wales.

InnEO’Space PhD has launched its “Space Academy” platform to prepare the young researchers of tomorrow

InnEO’Space PhD has launched its “Space Academy” platform to prepare the young researchers of tomorrow

The InnEO’Space PhD project prepares young researchers for a successful career by developing modernized and transferable PhD courses, pedagogical resources aimed at the skills needed for innovation and to meet the needs of employers, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the major issues and approaches to Earth observation in all application areas. The Space Academy platform aims to equip PhD students and young researchers with the knowledge and skills

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CyberSec4Europe, a European summit on cyber security

CyberSec4Europe, a European summit on cyber security

The CyberSec4Europe project ended at the summit held on December 1st and 2nd in Brussels. It ends after four years of work. 43 partners and associates were part of the consortium. They have creatively and effectively achieved scientific advances in areas associated with cybersecurity. IRIT is represented in this consortium by 4 of its teams (ARGOS, ICS, RMESS, SIERA). The laboratory has a Strategic Application AreaCybersecurity, Heritage and People Safety

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