Interview with Josiane MOTHE, optimizing information retrieval (IR)

Interview with Josiane MOTHE, optimizing information retrieval (IR)

We publish the fourth video of the series of interviews presenting research works of our different departments. Josiane MOTHE, teacher-researcher in the Data Management (GD) department – GIS team, presents her research in the field of information retrieval (IR). What is at stake? Responding to strong societal issues.

From raw data to intelligible information

> Large scale representation of data and knowledge Integration of heterogeneous information (visual, textual…) > Multifactorial access to data Taking into account simultaneously volume and velocity Taking into account by various factors of relevance (content, user, context) > Generation of understandable information Aggregation/synthesis of information Reasoning on inconsistent and uncertain data Knowledge extraction from data : synergy between symbolic and statistical approaches Various approaches for machine-learning

Visite du NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) à l’IRIT

Visite du NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) à l’IRIT

Afin d’engager de nouvelles collaborations internationales, l’IRIT a reçu le 22 mai 2014 une délégation japonaise du NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) accompagnée par le Professeur Henri Angelino, professeur invité du National Institute of Informatics Tokyo, et par le Professeur Gilbert Casamatta, Président de l’IRT-AESE. Cette délégation était composée de : Professeur Masao SAKAUCHI, Président du NICT Fumihiko Tomita, Vice Président, Directeur de recherche et Responsable de

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IRIT presentations on deep learning for Earth observation at the AI4AGRI Spring School in Romania

IRIT presentations on deep learning for Earth observation at the AI4AGRI Spring School in Romania

We are proud to announce that two members of our laboratory, Josiane Mothe and Nathalie Neptune (SIG Team in the Data Management Dept), gave a lecture on “Introduction to Deep Learning for Earth Observation” at the AI4AGRI 2024 Spring School, funded by the European Union and organised by Mihai Ivanovici, Professor at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. Their session, which took place on 8 May 2024, offered an in-depth

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IRIT presentations on deep learning for Earth observation at the AI4AGRI Spring School in Romania

IRIT presentations on deep learning for Earth observation at the AI4AGRI Spring School in Romania

We are proud to announce that two members of our laboratory, Josiane Mothe and Nathalie Neptune (SIG Team in the Data Management Dept), gave a lecture on “Introduction to Deep Learning for Earth Observation” at the AI4AGRI 2024 Spring School, funded by the European Union and organised by Mihai Ivanovici, Professor at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. Their session, which took place on 8 May 2024, offered an in-depth

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Publication of the book “Cryptography: Algorithms, Protocols, and Standards for Computer Security”

Publication of the book “Cryptography: Algorithms, Protocols, and Standards for Computer Security”

Organized into 16 chapters, “Cryptography: Algorithms, Protocols, and Standards for Computer Security” has just been published by John Wiley & Sons, 624 pages – ISBN: 978-1-394-20750 – February 3, 2024. Its author is Zoubir Z. Mammeri, professor at Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier University; head of the T2RS team in IRIT’s ASR department.  This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the algorithms, protocols and standards that protect the modern

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Josiane Mothe, keynote speaker at ECIR 2024

Josiane Mothe, keynote speaker at ECIR 2024

Josiane Mothe, Head of the Data Management Department / SIG Team, has been invited to give a keynote presentation at the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) 2024. The presentation will take place on March 26, 2024, in Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain. She has chosen the theme of large language models for languages with few digital resources and automatic text processing tools to make her presentation. Below is a

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Digital learning, a major research theme in computer science

Digital learning, a major research theme in computer science

Digital learning tools are more and more popular among learners and teachers, in the context of hybrid pedagogical programs. At IRIT, a research niche exists in this field and the researchers involved in this research theme are invested in two projects that we wish to highlight in this article.