International Collaborations

Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC)- Programme Amadeus France- Autriche (January 2020 – December 2021 , extended to December 2022)

Project Title: An EFficient, Semantics-driven and Economic Multi-Cloud Data Management System. In French: Un système de gestion de données multi-cloud efficace, économique et dirigé par la sémantique.

Project Responsibles: French side project head: Abdelkader Hameurlain (IRIT, UPS). Austria side project head: Jorge Martinez Gil (Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH, SCCH) and Josef Kung (Institute for Application Oriented Knowledge Processing, JKU, Linz).

Acronym: EFES

Synthetic Description of the EFES Project: The aim of this project is to propose a prototype allowing scientific applications to cross efficiently private data and public data available on different Clouds, while reducing drastically the infrastructure cost, administration cost and pay-per-use cost. The main target application will be in the life science domain. We address the challenge of efficiently querying distributed, heterogeneous and autonomous Cloud data sources, with low monetary cost, including semantic metadata and software architecture aspects. Even in a single Cloud environment, very little work proposes to take into account the monetary cost expended by tenants. In a multi-Cloud environment, to the best of our knowledge, no such work has been done, except a few research papers published in the domain of data replication.

Partenariat Hubert Curien- Programme Amadeus France- Autriche (January 2010 – December 2011)

 Project Title: Data Management in Grid Systems.

Project Responsibles: French side project head: Abdelkader Hameurlain (IRIT, UPS). Austria side project head: A. Min Tjoa (Univ. Technique de Vienne, Lab. IFS).

Project’s Objectives: The project focused on the following 3 issues: (i) resource discovery, (ii) distributed query processing including resource allocation, dynamic optimization and cost model design, and (iii) security aspect (Austrian side).

National Collaborations

Projet de recherche du Labex CIMI (January 2020 – December 2022, extended to December 2023)

Project Title: An Efficient and Economic Data Management in Multi-Cloud for Scientific Applications.

Project Acronym : MCD. 

Project Responsible: Pr. Franck Morvan. 

Synthetic Description of the MCD Project: The objective of this project is to provide an integration system for multi-Clouds that allow querying distributed, heterogeneous and autonomous biomedical data sources, with low costs. This will allow developing countries to design applications at lower monetary cost. The MCD project addresses the the three following issues: (i) cost model designing, since the autonomous public data sources do not necessarily export their models, (ii) evaluation and optimization of queries by generating robust execution plans whose monetary cost should be low and in a controllable way, and (iii) initial placement and replication of private data of a user to allow evaluating future queries with lower costs. The target application of this project will be in the field of life sciences.

Programme ARPEGE : Systèmes Embraqués et Grandes Infrastructures (November 2009 – October 2013)

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

Project Title: PAIRSE (Préservation des confidentialités dans des environnements P2P : une approche à base de Services Web). In English: Preserving Confidentiality in P2P Environments: A Web Services-Based Approach.

Project’s Objectives: Design and prototype a data sharing platform in a Peer-to-Peer environment based on Web services, taking into account data confidentiality.

Project Partner Teams: LIRIS UMR 5202 laboratory, SEMSOFT (industrial society), SWID (industrial society), TELECOM Institute, IRIT UMR 5505 laboratory (scientific responsible: F. Morvan) and MTIC EA 4171 laboratory.

Collaborations with the industry

CIFRE Contract : Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche (November 2020 – November 2023)

Ministère de l’enseignement supérieure et de la recherche – ANRT (Association Nationale Recherche Technologie)

PhD student : Antoine Bugnicourt

Partners : Paul Sabatier- Toulouse 3 University and DISRUPTDEAL (industrial partner)

Programme ULISS : Utilisation comme Levier d’Innovation des Signaux Satellites (October 2006 – February 2009)

Ministère de l’économie, des finances et de l’industrie.
Project Title: Géo-Urgence (labeled by ‘le Pôle de compétitivité Midi-Pyrénées & Aquitaine’).

Project’s Objectives: Provide regulatory doctors (in medicine) with a prototype to optimize real-time supervision of UMH Mobile Hospital Units (eg ambulances, helicopters) with the possibility of simulating intervention scenarios in addition to the recovery and real-time analysis of different multi-source geo-localized data.

Project Partner Teams: AKKA Technologies (ex SILOGIC), NOVACOM, CHU Toulouse SAMU 31 and the laboratory IRIT UMR 5505 (scientific responsibles: A. Hameurlain for the PYRAMID Team and Z. Mammeri for the ASTRE team).
For more informations, see GEO-Urgence_Presse