Library tsimu

Require Import Setoid.
Require Import time.

Section TTS.
Variable Event: Type.

Inductive TLabel L: Type :=
  DLab: TimeTLabel L
| ELab: EventTLabel L
| Tau: LTLabel L.

Definition notDelay L (l: TLabel L): Prop :=
  match l with
    DLab _False
  | _True

Definition isDelay L (l: TLabel L): Prop :=
  match l with
    DLab _True
  | _False

Record TTS: Type := {
        State: Type;
        LEvent: Type;
        Init: StateProp;
        Next: StateTLabel LEventStateProp;
        additivity: q d1 q' d2 q'', Next q (DLab _ d1) q'Next q' (DLab _ d2) q''Next q (DLab _ (d1 @+ d2)) q'';
        zero_delay: q q', Next q (DLab _ Zero) q' q = q';
        continuity: q d' d'' q', Next q (DLab _ (d' @+ d'')) q' r, Next q (DLab _ d') r Next r (DLab _ d'') q';
        determinism: q d q'1 q'2, Next q (DLab _ d) q'1Next q (DLab _ d) q'2q'1 = q'2


Inductive DNext T st l st'': Prop :=
  DNprf: d st', Next T st (DLab _ d) st'Next T st' l st''DNext T st l st''.

Inductive execFrom T s: list (Event + LEvent T) → State TProp :=
  Enil: s', s = s'execFrom T s nil s'
| Etau: l e s' s'', execFrom T s l s'DNext T s' (Tau _ e) s''execFrom T s ((inr _ e)::l) s''
| Eevt: l e s' s'', execFrom T s l s'DNext T s' (ELab _ e) s''execFrom T s ((inl _ e)::l) s''.

Inductive exec T l: State TProp :=
  EE: s s', Init T sexecFrom T s l s'exec T l s'.

Require lts.

Definition SSCG (T:TTS): lts.LTS Event := {|
        lts.State := list (Event + LEvent T);
        lts.LEvent := LEvent T;
        lts.Init lt := lt = nil;
        lts.Next lt t lt' := lt' = (t::lt)%list s, exec T lt' s

CoInductive Trace: Type :=
  TrEvent: TimeEventTraceTrace
| TrDiv: Trace.

Inductive skipTauWait (T: TTS): State TTimeState TProp :=
  wtau: q q' d d' d'' q'' q''' l, Next T q (DLab _ d') q'Next T q' (Tau _ l) q''skipTauWait T q'' d'' q'''d = d' @+ d''skipTauWait T q d q'''
| wnop: q d q', Next T q (DLab _ d) q'skipTauWait T q d q'.

Lemma DelaySkipTauWait: (T:TTS) q1 q2 q3 d d',
  Next T q1 (DLab _ d) q2skipTauWait T q2 d' q3skipTauWait T q1 (d @+ d') q3.
  inversion_clear H0.
  apply wtau with q' (d @+ d'0) d'' q'' l; auto.
  apply additivity with q2; auto.
  rewrite H4,tplus_assoc; tauto.
  apply wnop.
  apply additivity with q2; tauto.

Lemma TauSkipTauWait: (T:TTS) q1 q2 q3 d l,
  Next T q1 (Tau _ l) q2skipTauWait T q2 d q3skipTauWait T q1 d q3.
  apply wtau with q1 Zero d q2 l; auto.
  apply zero_delay; auto.
  rewrite tplus_0_n; auto.

Lemma wait_additivity: T q1 d1 q2 d2 q3,
  skipTauWait T q1 d1 q2skipTauWait T q2 d2 q3
    skipTauWait T q1 (d1 @+ d2) q3.
  induction H.
  rewrite H3 in *; clear H3 d.
  rewrite tplus_assoc.
  apply DelaySkipTauWait with q'; auto.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with q'' l; auto.

  apply DelaySkipTauWait with q'; auto.

Inductive NextEvt T st d e st'': Prop :=
  NEprf: st', skipTauWait T st d st'Next T st' (ELab _ e) st''NextEvt T st d e st''.

Definition deadlock (T: TTS) (q:State T): Prop :=
         d e q', ¬NextEvt T q d e q'.

Definition divergeFrom (T: TTS) (q:State T): Prop :=
         d, q', skipTauWait T q d q' deadlock T q'.

CoInductive acceptFrom (T:TTS) (s: State T): TraceProp :=
  accE: d e s'' tr, NextEvt T s d e s''acceptFrom T s'' tracceptFrom T s (TrEvent d e tr)
| accD: divergeFrom T sacceptFrom T s TrDiv.

Inductive accept (T:TTS) (tr: Trace): Prop :=
  accPrf: s, Init T sacceptFrom T s traccept T tr.

Definition refines (T1 T2: TTS): Prop :=
   tr, accept T1 traccept T2 tr.

CoInductive checkFrom (T1 T2: TTS): State T1State T2Prop :=
  CFE: s1 s2,
      ( e s'1, Next T1 s1 (ELab _ e) s'1 s'2, s''2, skipTauWait T2 s2 Zero s'2 Next T2 s'2 (ELab _ e) s''2 checkFrom T1 T2 s'1 s''2)
  → ( e s'1, Next T1 s1 (Tau _ e) s'1checkFrom T1 T2 s'1 s2)
  → ( d s'1, Next T1 s1 (DLab _ d) s'1 s'2, skipTauWait T2 s2 d s'2 checkFrom T1 T2 s'1 s'2)
  → (deadlock T1 s1 s'2, skipTauWait T2 s2 Zero s'2 deadlock T2 s'2)
  → checkFrom T1 T2 s1 s2.

Definition check (T1 T2: TTS): Prop :=
   s1, Init T1 s1 s2, Init T2 s2 checkFrom T1 T2 s1 s2.

Definition diverge T: Prop :=
   st d, st', skipTauWait T st d st'.

Definition isEvt L (l: TLabel L): Prop :=
  match l with
    Tau _True
  | ELab _True
  | _False

Lemma checkFrom_nextEvt:
   T1 T2 s1 s2 d l s''1, checkFrom T1 T2 s1 s2NextEvt T1 s1 d l s''1 s''2, NextEvt T2 s2 d l s''2 checkFrom T1 T2 s''1 s''2.
  inversion_clear H0.
  revert H; revert s2; induction H1; intros.
  inversion_clear H4.
  elim (H7 d' _ H); clear H8 H7 H6 H5; intros.
  destruct H4.
  inversion_clear H5.
  generalize (H7 _ _ H0); clear H6 H7 H8 H9; intros.
  elim (IHskipTauWait H2 x H5); clear IHskipTauWait; intros.
  destruct H6.
   x0; split; try assumption.
  destruct H6.
  split with st'; try assumption.
  rewrite H3.
  apply wait_additivity with x; try assumption.

  inversion_clear H0.
  elim (H4 _ _ H); clear H1 H3 H4 H5; intros.
  destruct H0.
  inversion_clear H1.
  elim (H3 _ _ H2); clear H3 H4 H5 H6; intros.
  decompose record H1; clear H1.
   x1; split; try assumption.
  split with x0; try assumption.
  rewrite <- (tplus_n_0 d).
  apply wait_additivity with x; assumption.

Lemma checkFrom_diverge:
   T1 T2 s1 s2, checkFrom T1 T2 s1 s2divergeFrom T1 s1divergeFrom T2 s2.
  intros T1 T2; intros; intro; intros.
  elim (H0 d); clear H0; intros.
  destruct H0.
  revert H1 H; revert s2; induction H0; intros.
  inversion_clear H4.
  elim (H7 _ _ H); clear H5 H6 H7 H8; intros.
  destruct H4.
  inversion_clear H5.
  generalize (H7 _ _ H0); clear H6 H7 H8 H9; intros.
  elim (IHskipTauWait _ H3 H5); clear IHskipTauWait; intros.
  destruct H6.
   x0; split; intros.
  rewrite H2; apply wait_additivity with x; assumption.
  apply H7.

  inversion_clear H0.
  elim (H4 _ _ H); clear H2 H3 H4 H5; intros.
  destruct H0.
  inversion_clear H2.
  generalize (H6 H1); clear H3 H4 H5 H6; intros.
  decompose record H2; clear H2.
   x0; split; auto.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 d).
  apply wait_additivity with x; auto.

Lemma checkFrom_refines:
   T1 T2 s1 s2, checkFrom T1 T2 s1 s2 → ( tr, acceptFrom T1 s1 tracceptFrom T2 s2 tr).
  intros T1 T2; intros.
  revert H0; revert tr; revert H; revert s2; revert s1; cofix; intros.
  revert H0; case tr; clear tr; intros.
  inversion_clear H0.
  elim (checkFrom_nextEvt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H1); intros.
  destruct H0.
  apply accE with x; try assumption.
  apply checkFrom_refines with s''; try assumption.

  inversion_clear H0.
  apply accD.
  apply checkFrom_diverge with T1 s1; auto.

Lemma check_refines:
   T1 T2, check T1 T2refines T1 T2.
  intros T1 T2; intros.
  intro; intros.
  inversion_clear H0.
  elim (H s H1); clear H; intros.
  destruct H.
   x; auto.
  apply checkFrom_refines with T1 s; auto.

End TTS.

Variable Event: Type.

Inductive OState: Type :=
  OK: OState
| WAIT: EventOState.

Inductive DState: Type := Devt0 | Ddly.

Definition preEvt dl :=
  match dl with
  | DdlyFalse

Definition preDly dl :=
  match dl with
  | DdlyTrue
  | _False

Definition isDevt dl :=
  match dl with
  | _False

Definition isDevt_dec: dl, {isDevt dl} + {¬isDevt dl}.
  induction dl; simpl; try (left; apply I); right; intro H; elim H.

Record PState (T1 T2:TTS Event): Type := mkPState {
        State1: State _ T1;
        State2: State _ T2;
        StateO: OState;
        StateD: DState

Inductive LEvents T1 T2: Type :=
  Tau1: LEvent Event T1LEvents T1 T2
| Tau2: LEvent Event T2LEvents T1 T2
| Delay: LEvents T1 T2.

Definition DLabDly d dl :=
  if teq_0_dec d then dl else Ddly.

Lemma DLabDly0: dl, DLabDly Zero dl = dl.
  intro; unfold DLabDly; case (teq_0_dec Zero); simpl; intros; auto.
  contradiction n; reflexivity.

Lemma DLabDlyNZ:
   d, d Zero dl, DLabDly d dl = Ddly.
  induction dl; unfold DLabDly; case (teq_0_dec d); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim (H e).

Lemma pre_DLabDly_evt0: d, preEvt (DLabDly d Devt0) → d = Zero.
  intro d.
  unfold DLabDly; case (teq_0_dec d); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim H.

Lemma pre_DLabDly_cut: d1 d2 st,
  preEvt (DLabDly d1 (DLabDly d2 st)) → preEvt (DLabDly d1 st).
  case (teq_0_dec d2); intro.
  rewrite e, DLabDly0 in H; apply H.
  rewrite (DLabDlyNZ _ n) in H.
  revert H; unfold DLabDly; simpl; case (isDevt_dec st); simpl; intros; auto.
  revert H; case (teq_0_dec d1); simpl; intros; auto.
  revert H; case (teq_0_dec d1); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim H.

Lemma pre_DLabDly_next: d1 d2 st,
  preEvt (DLabDly d1 (DLabDly d2 st)) → preEvt (DLabDly d2 st).
  case (teq_0_dec d1); intro.
  rewrite e, DLabDly0 in H; apply H.
  rewrite (DLabDlyNZ _ n) in H.
  revert H; unfold DLabDly; simpl; case (isDevt_dec st); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim H.
  elim H.

Lemma DLabDly_additivity: d1 d2 st,
  DLabDly d2 (DLabDly d1 st) = DLabDly (d1 @+ d2) st.
  case (teq_0_dec d1); case (teq_0_dec d2); intros.
  rewrite e,e0,tplus_n_0; repeat (rewrite DLabDly0); reflexivity.
  rewrite e, tplus_0_n, DLabDly0; reflexivity.
  rewrite e, tplus_n_0, DLabDly0; reflexivity.
  assert (d1 @+ d2 Zero).
  intro; apply n; clear n.
  apply eq_sym in H; apply tplus_eq_0 in H; destruct H; assumption.
  induction st; unfold DLabDly; case (teq_0_dec d1); intro ee; try (elim (n0 ee)); clear ee;
    case (teq_0_dec d2); intro ee; try (elim (n ee)); clear ee;
      case (teq_0_dec (d1 @+ d2)); intro ee; try (elim (H ee)); clear ee; simpl; auto.

Program Definition Compare (T1 T2: TTS Event): TTS (Event+Event) := {|
        State := PState T1 T2;
        LEvent := LEvents T1 T2;
        Init st := let (s1,s2,s,dl) := st in Init _ T1 s1 Init _ T2 s2 s=OK dl=Devt0;
        Next st l st' := let (s1,s2,s,dl) := st in let (s1',s2',s',dl') := st' in
                match l with
                  Tau (Tau1 e) Next _ T1 s1 (Tau _ _ e) s1' s2' = s2 s = OK s'=s preEvt dl dl' = Devt0
                | Tau (Tau2 e) Next _ T2 s2 (Tau _ _ e) s2' s1' = s1 s'=s preEvt dl dl' = Devt0
                | Tau Delay s1' = s1 s2' = s2 s' = s preDly dl dl' = Devt0
                | ELab (inl e) Next _ T1 s1 (ELab _ _ e) s1' s2' = s2 s=OK s'=WAIT e preEvt dl dl' = Devt0
                | ELab (inr e) Next _ T2 s2 (ELab _ _ e) s2' s1' = s1 s=WAIT e s'=OK preEvt dl dl' = Devt0
                | DLab d Next _ T1 s1 (DLab _ _ d) s1' Next _ T2 s2 (DLab _ _ d) s2' (s=OK d=Zero) s'=s dl' = DLabDly d dl

Next Obligation.
  induction q; induction q'; induction q''; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  rewrite H4 in *; clear H4 StateO1.
  rewrite H8 in *; clear H8 StateO2.
  rewrite H10,H6 in *; clear H10 StateD2 H6 StateD1.
  repeat split; intros; auto.
  apply additivity with State5; assumption.
  apply additivity with State6; assumption.
  elim H2; intro; try (left; assumption).
  elim H5; intro; try (left; assumption).
  right; rewrite H0,H4; apply tplus_n_0.
  apply DLabDly_additivity.

Next Obligation.
  induction q; induction q'; simpl in ×.
  rewrite zero_delay.
  rewrite zero_delay.
  split; intros.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  clear H1; rewrite H0, H2, H3, H5, DLabDly0; auto.

  injection H; clear H; intros.
  rewrite <-H.
  repeat split; auto.
  case StateD0; simpl; auto.
  rewrite DLabDly0; auto.
  rewrite DLabDly0; auto.

Next Obligation.
  induction q; induction q'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  rewrite H3 in *; clear H3 StateO1.
  elim (continuity _ _ _ _ _ _ H0); clear H0; intros.
  elim (continuity _ _ _ _ _ _ H2); clear H2; intros.
  destruct H; destruct H0.
  rewrite H5; clear H5 StateD1.
  elim (teq_0_dec d'); intro.
  rewrite a in *; clear a d'.
  rewrite tplus_0_n in ×.
   (mkPState _ _ x x0 StateO0 StateD0).
  repeat split; intros; trivial.
  destruct H1; [left|right]; trivial.
  case StateD0; simpl; auto.
  apply sym_eq; apply DLabDly0.
  apply sym_eq; apply DLabDly0.

   (mkPState _ _ x x0 StateO0 (DLabDly d' StateD0)).
  repeat split; intros; auto.
  left; destruct H1; try assumption.
  apply eq_sym in H1; apply tplus_eq_0 in H1; destruct H1.
  elim (b H1).
  destruct H1; try assumption.
  apply eq_sym in H1; apply tplus_eq_0 in H1; destruct H1.
  elim (b H1).
  apply eq_sym; apply DLabDly_additivity.

Next Obligation.
  induction q; induction q'1; induction q'2; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H).
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H7).
  rewrite H4,H8, H10,H6.

Definition isTau2 T1 T2 (l: TLabel (Event+Event) (LEvents T1 T2)): Prop :=
  match l with
    Tau (Tau2 _) ⇒ True
  | _False

Definition isEvt1 T1 T2 (l: TLabel (Event+Event) (LEvent _ (Compare T1 T2))): Prop :=
  match l with
    Tau (Tau1 _) ⇒ True
  | ELab (inl _) ⇒ True
  | _False

Definition isTauD T1 T2 (l: TLabel (Event+Event) (LEvent _ (Compare T1 T2))): Prop :=
  match l with
    Tau (Tau1 _) ⇒ True
  | Tau (Tau2 _) ⇒ True
  | Tau (Delay) ⇒ True
  | _False

Inductive EU T1 T2 (L: TLabel _ _Prop) (P U: PState T1 T2Prop): PState T1 T2Prop :=
  EU0: st, U stEU T1 T2 L P U st
| EU1: st l st', P stDNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st l st'L lEU T1 T2 L P U st'EU T1 T2 L P U st.

Inductive EF T1 T2 (L: TLabel _ _Prop) (P: PState T1 T2Prop): PState T1 T2Prop :=
  EF0: st, P stEF T1 T2 L P st
| EF1: st l st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st l st'L lEF T1 T2 L P st'EF T1 T2 L P st.

CoInductive AG T1 T2 (L: TLabel _ _Prop) (P: PState T1 T2Prop): PState T1 T2Prop :=
| AGprf: st, P st → ( l st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st l st'L lAG T1 T2 L P st') → AG T1 T2 L P st.

Definition AX T1 T2 L (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
   l st', L lDNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st l st'P st'.

Definition AXE1 T1 T2 e (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
   st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (ELab _ _ (inl _ e)) st'P st'.

Definition AXT1 T1 T2 e (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
   st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau1 _ _ e)) st'P st'.

Definition AXT2 T1 T2 e (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
   st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st'P st'.

Inductive EXT2 T1 T2 e (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
EXT2prf: st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st'P st'EXT2 T1 T2 e P st.

Inductive EX T1 T2 L (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
EXprf: l st', L lDNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st l st'P st'EX T1 T2 L P st.

Inductive EXE1 T1 T2 e (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
EXE1prf: st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (ELab _ _ (inl _ e)) st'P st'EXE1 T1 T2 e P st.

Inductive EXE2 T1 T2 e (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
EXE2prf: st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (ELab _ _ (inr _ e)) st'P st'EXE2 T1 T2 e P st.

Inductive AND T1 T2 (P Q: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
ANDprf: P stQ stAND T1 T2 P Q st.

Inductive IMP T1 T2 (P Q: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
IMPprf: (P stQ st) → IMP T1 T2 P Q st.

Inductive AND3 T1 T2 (P Q R: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
AND3prf: P stQ stR stAND3 T1 T2 P Q R st.

Inductive AND4 T1 T2 (P Q R S: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
AND4prf: P stQ stR stS stAND4 T1 T2 P Q R S st.

Inductive DIV T1 T2 (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
DIVprf: ( d, st', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ d) st') → DIV T1 T2 st.

Definition ALLE T1 T2 (P: EventPState T1 T2Prop) st: Prop :=
e, P e st.

Definition ALL1 T1 T2 (P: LEvent _ T1PState T1 T2Prop) st: Prop :=
e, P e st.

Definition ALL2 T1 T2 (P: LEvent _ T2PState T1 T2Prop) st: Prop :=
e, P e st.

Definition EXE T1 T2 (P: EventPState T1 T2Prop) st: Prop :=
e, P e st.

Definition EX1 T1 T2 (P: LEvent _ T1PState T1 T2Prop) st: Prop :=
e, P e st.

Definition EX2 T1 T2 (P: LEvent _ T2PState T1 T2Prop) st: Prop :=
e, P e st.

Inductive ED T1 T2 (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
ED_intro: st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'P st'ED T1 T2 P st.

Definition AD T1 T2 (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
   st', DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'P st'.

Definition nDL1 T1 T2 st :=
  (EF _ _ (isTauD _ _) (EXE T1 T2 (fun e ⇒ (EXE1 T1 T2 e (fun _True))))) st.

Definition nDL2 T1 T2 st :=
  (EF _ _ (isTauD _ _) (EXE T1 T2 (fun e ⇒ (EXE2 T1 T2 e (fun _True))))) st.

Lemma nDL1_ndeadlock: T1 T2 st,
  nDL1 T1 T2 st¬deadlock _ T1 (State1 _ _ st).
  induction H; intros.
  inversion_clear H.
  inversion_clear H1.
  inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H3; clear H3; subst.
  decompose record H1; clear H1; subst.
  unfold deadlock in H0.
  specialize H0 with d x State5.
  apply H0; clear H0.
  split with State7; auto.
  apply wnop; assumption.

  clear H1.
  intro; apply IHEF; clear IHEF; unfold deadlock in *; intros.
  inversion_clear H.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H3; clear H3; subst.
  specialize H1 with (d0 @+ d) e q'; apply H1; clear H1.
  induction l; simpl in *; try (elim H0).
  induction l; simpl in *; try (elim H0); clear H0;
    decompose record H4; clear H4; subst.
  inversion_clear H2.
  split with st'; auto.
  apply wait_additivity with State5; auto.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 d0).
  apply DelaySkipTauWait with State7; auto.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with State5 l; auto.
  apply wnop; apply zero_delay; reflexivity.

  inversion_clear H2.
  split with st'; auto.
  apply wait_additivity with State7; auto.
  apply wnop.

  inversion_clear H2.

  split with st'; auto.
  apply DelaySkipTauWait with State7; auto.

Lemma nDL2_ndeadlock: T1 T2 st,
  nDL2 T1 T2 st¬deadlock _ T2 (State2 _ _ st).
  induction H; intros.
  inversion_clear H.
  inversion_clear H1.
  inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H3; clear H3; subst.
  decompose record H1; clear H1; subst.
  unfold deadlock in H0.
  specialize H0 with d x State6.
  apply H0; clear H0.
  split with State8; auto.
  apply wnop; assumption.

  clear H1.
  intro; apply IHEF; clear IHEF; unfold deadlock in *; intros.
  inversion_clear H.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H3; clear H3; subst.
  specialize H1 with (d0 @+ d) e q'; apply H1; clear H1.
  induction l; simpl in *; try (elim H0).
  induction l; simpl in *; try (elim H0); clear H0;
    decompose record H4; clear H4; subst.
  inversion_clear H2.
  split with st'; auto.
  apply wait_additivity with State8; auto.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 d0).
  apply DelaySkipTauWait with State8; auto.
  apply wnop; apply zero_delay; reflexivity.

  inversion_clear H2.
  split with st'; auto.
  apply wait_additivity with State8; auto.
  apply wnop.

  apply TauSkipTauWait with State6 l; auto.

  inversion_clear H2.
  split with st'; auto.
  apply DelaySkipTauWait with State8; auto.

Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical_Pred_Type.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical_Prop.

Lemma ndeadlock_nDL2: T1 T2, diverge _ T1 s1 s2,
  ¬deadlock _ T2 s2nDL2 T1 T2
  {| State1 := s1; State2 := s2; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |}.
  intros T1 T2 DV1; intros.
  unfold deadlock in H.
  apply not_all_ex_not in H; destruct H.
  apply not_all_ex_not in H; destruct H.
  apply not_all_not_ex in H; destruct H.
  destruct H.
  revert s1; induction H; intros.
  elim (DV1 s1 d'); intros.
  apply IHskipTauWait with (s1:=x) in H0; clear IHskipTauWait.
  clear H2 H3 d'' d.
  revert H; revert q; induction H4; intros.
  rewrite H3 in H5; clear H3 d.
  apply continuity in H5; destruct H5.
  destruct H3.
  case (teq_0_dec d'); intro.
  rewrite e in *; clear e d'.
  apply zero_delay in H3; rewrite H3 in *; clear H3 q0.
  apply zero_delay in H; rewrite H in *; clear H q.
  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau1 _ _ l0)) (mkPState _ _ q''0 x OK Devt0); simpl; auto.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ q'0 x OK Devt0); simpl; intros; repeat split; auto.
  rewrite zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite DLabDly0; auto.
  apply IHskipTauWait; auto.

  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) (mkPState _ _ q'0 x OK Devt0); simpl; auto.
  split with d' (mkPState _ _ q'0 x OK Ddly); simpl; intros; repeat split; auto.
  unfold DLabDly; case (teq_0_dec d'); tauto.
  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau1 _ _ l0)) (mkPState _ _ q''0 x OK Devt0); simpl; auto.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ q'0 x OK Devt0); simpl; intros; repeat split; auto.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite DLabDly0; auto.
  apply IHskipTauWait; auto.

  case (teq_0_dec d); intro.
  rewrite e in *; clear e d.
  apply zero_delay in H2; rewrite H2 in *; clear H2 q0.
  apply zero_delay in H; rewrite H in *; clear H q.
  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ l)) (mkPState _ _ q'0 q'' OK Devt0); simpl; repeat split; auto.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ q'0 q' OK Devt0); simpl; intros; repeat split; auto.
  rewrite zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite DLabDly0; auto.

  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) (mkPState _ _ q'0 q' OK Devt0); simpl; auto.
  split with d (mkPState _ _ q'0 q' OK Ddly); simpl; intros; repeat split; auto.
  unfold DLabDly; case (teq_0_dec d); tauto.
  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ l)) (mkPState _ _ q'0 q'' OK Devt0); simpl; repeat split; auto.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ q'0 q' OK Devt0); simpl; intros; repeat split; auto.
  rewrite zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite DLabDly0; auto.

  elim (DV1 s1 d); intros.
  admit. Qed.

Lemma ndeadlock_nDL1: T1 T2, diverge _ T2 s1 s2,
  ¬deadlock _ T1 s1nDL1 T1 T2 {| State1 := s1; State2 := s2; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |}.

CoInductive pCheckFrom T1 T2 (st: PState T1 T2): Prop :=
      StateO _ _ st = OKpreEvt (StateD _ _ st)
  → AND4 T1 T2
        (ALLE T1 T2 (fun e ⇒ (AXE1 T1 T2 e (EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _)
                                                       (EXE2 T1 T2 e (pCheckFrom T1 T2))))))
        (ALL1 T1 T2 (fun eAXT1 T1 T2 e (pCheckFrom T1 T2)))
        (IMP T1 T2
          (EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) (ED T1 T2 (fun _True)))
          (EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) (AND T1 T2 (ED T1 T2 (fun _True))
            (AD T1 T2 (pCheckFrom T1 T2)))))
        (IMP T1 T2 (AG T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) (nDL2 _ _)) (nDL1 _ _))
  → pCheckFrom T1 T2 st.
Definition pCheck T1 T2: Prop :=
   st, Init _ (Compare T1 T2) stpCheckFrom T1 T2 st.

Lemma pCheckFrom_state: T1 T2 st, pCheckFrom T1 T2 stStateO _ _ st = OK.
  inversion_clear H.

Lemma EF_tau2:
   T1 T2 P st, EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) P st
     d, st', skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) d (State2 _ _ st') P st' Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (DLab _ _ d) (State1 _ _ st').
  induction H.
  split; auto.
  apply wnop.
  rewrite zero_delay; auto.
  rewrite zero_delay; auto.

  destruct IHEF.
  destruct H2.
  destruct H2.
  destruct H3.
  induction l; try (elim H0).
  induction l; try (elim H0); clear H0.
  inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H5; clear H5.
  rewrite <-H7,<-H6,H10 in *; clear H7 H6 StateO2 State7 H10 StateD1.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  rewrite H9 in *; clear H9 StateO1.
   (d @+ x).
   x0; simpl.

  split; auto.
  apply DelaySkipTauWait with State8; try trivial.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with State6 l; try trivial.
  split; try trivial.
  apply additivity with State5; trivial.

Lemma DNext_tau2_evt0: T1 T2 st l st', (isTau2 _ _ l) →
  DNext (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2) st l st'StateD _ _ st' = Devt0.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  induction l; simpl in H; try (contradiction H; apply I).
  induction l; try (elim H); clear H.
  destruct H0; simpl in ×.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  rewrite H6,H4 in *; clear H6 StateD2 H4 StateO2.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  apply H8.

Lemma DNext_tau2_evt: T1 T2 st l st', (isTau2 _ _ l) →
  DNext (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2) st l st'StateD _ _ st' = Devt0.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  induction l; simpl in H; try (contradiction H; apply I).
  induction l; try (elim H); clear H.
  destruct H0; simpl in ×.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  rewrite H6,H4 in *; clear H6 StateD2 H4 StateO2.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  apply H8.

Lemma preevt0: d, preEvt (DLabDly d Devt0) → d = Zero.
  unfold DLabDly in H.
  revert H; case (teq_0_dec d); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim H.

Lemma EF_tau2_evt0:
   T1 T2 P st, EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) P stStateD _ _ st = Devt0
     st', skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) Zero st' P (mkPState _ _ (State1 _ _ st) st' (StateO _ _ st) Devt0).
  revert H0; induction H; intro Hd.
   (State2 _ _ st).
  induction st; simpl in ×.
  split; auto.
  apply wnop.
  rewrite zero_delay; auto.
  rewrite Hd in H; assumption.
  generalize (DNext_tau2_evt0 _ _ _ _ _ H0 H); intro.
  elim (IHEF H2); clear IHEF H2; intros.
  destruct H2.
  induction l; try (elim H0).
  induction l; try (elim H0); clear H0.
  inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H4; clear H4.
  rewrite H9,<-H5,<-H6 in *; clear H9 H5 H6 StateO2 State7 StateD1.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  rewrite H10,H8 in *; clear H10 H8 StateD2 StateO1.
  rewrite Hd in *; clear Hd StateD0.
   x; simpl.
  apply pre_DLabDly_evt0 in H7.
  rewrite H7 in *; clear H5 H7 d.
  apply zero_delay in H4; rewrite <-H4 in *; clear H4 State5.
  split; auto.
  apply zero_delay in H6; rewrite <-H6 in *; clear H6 State8.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with State6 l; assumption.

Require Import Classical.

Lemma AX_EX: T1 T2 L P st,
  AX T1 T2 L P st EX T1 T2 L (fun st¬ P st) st.
  elim (classic (AX T1 T2 L P st)); intro.
  left; assumption.
  apply NNPP; intro.
  apply H; clear H; intro; intros.
  apply NNPP; intro.
  apply H0; clear H0.
   l st'; assumption.

Definition isWait (T1 T2: TTS Event) (st: State _ (Compare T1 T2)): Prop :=
  match StateO _ _ st with
  | WAIT _True

Lemma EF_tau2_WAIT:
   T1 T2 P st, isWait T1 T2 stEF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) P st
     st', skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) Zero (State2 _ _ st') P st' State1 _ _ st = State1 _ _ st'.
  intros T1 T2 P st W; intros.
  induction H.
  split; auto.
  apply wnop.
  apply zero_delay; trivial.

  cut (isWait _ _ st'); intros.
  destruct (IHEF H2); clear H2.
  destruct H3.
  destruct H3.
  induction l; try (elim H0).
  induction l; try (elim H0); clear H0.
  inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H5; clear H5.
  rewrite <-H7,<-H6,H10 in *; clear H6 H7 H10 StateO2 State7 StateD1.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  rewrite H9,H11 in *; clear H9 StateO1 H11 StateD2.
   x; simpl.
  induction StateO0; simpl in W; try (elim W).
  elim H6; clear H6; intro H6; try (discriminate H6); subst.
  rewrite zero_delay in H5,H7.
  rewrite H5,<-H7 in *; clear H5 H7 State3 State8.
  split; [idtac | split; trivial].
  apply TauSkipTauWait with State6 l; trivial.

  clear IHEF.
  induction l; try (elim H0).
  induction l; try (elim H0); clear H0.
  inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H2; clear H2.
  rewrite H4,H7,<-H3 in *; clear H4 H7 State5 StateD1 H3 StateO2.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  rewrite H6; trivial.

Lemma Tau2Obs:
   T1 T2 st l st', DNext (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2) st l st'isTau2 _ _ lStateO _ _ st' = StateO _ _ st.
  induction l; try (elim H0).
  induction l; try (elim H0); clear H0.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in H; simpl.
  destruct H; simpl in ×.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  rewrite H4; apply H5.
  rewrite H4; apply H5.

Lemma Tau2Proj1:
   T1 T2 st l st', DNext (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2) st l st'
    → isTau2 _ _ lisWait T1 T2 stState1 _ _ st' = State1 _ _ st.
  induction l; try (elim H0).
  induction l; try (elim H0); clear H0.
  destruct H.
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in *; try (elim H1); simpl in H1.
  rewrite H8 in H1; elim H1.
  rewrite H8 in *; clear H8 d.
  rewrite zero_delay in H2.
  rewrite <- H2 in H3; apply H3.

Lemma EXE2_ex2:
   T1 T2 e P st, EXE2 T1 T2 e P st s2, Next _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) (ELab _ _ e) s2 P (mkPState _ _ (State1 _ _ st) s2 OK Devt0).
  induction st; simpl in ×.
  inversion_clear H.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  inversion_clear H0.
  simpl in ×.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  decompose record H2; clear H2.
  rewrite H6,H9,H8,H12 in *; clear H9 StateO1 H6 StateO2 H8 State5 H12 StateD1.
  rewrite <- H5 in *; clear H5 StateO0.
  elim H3; clear H3; intro H3; try (discriminate H3).
  rewrite H7 in *; clear H7 StateD2.
  rewrite H3 in *; clear H3 d.
  rewrite zero_delay in H4,H0.
  rewrite H0,H4 in *; clear State3 State4 H0 H4.
  repeat split; auto.

Lemma EF_tau2Z_intro:
   T1 T2 (P: PState T1 T2Prop) (st st': PState T1 T2),
    StateD _ _ st = Devt0StateD _ _ st' = Devt0
    skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) Zero (State2 _ _ st') → P st'State1 _ _ st = State1 _ _ st'StateO _ _ st = StateO _ _ st'
      → EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) P st.
  intros until st'; intros D1 D2 H; intros.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  rewrite D1,D2 in *; clear D1 D2 StateD0 StateD1.
  rewrite <-H1 in *; clear H1 State5.
  set (d := Zero).
  generalize (refl_equal d); intro.
  unfold d in H1 at 2.
  rewrite <- H1 in H.
  revert H0; revert H1; induction H; intros; auto.
  rewrite H4 in H3.
  apply tplus_eq_0 in H3.
  destruct H3.
  rewrite H3,H6,H2 in *; clear H2 StateO0 H3 d' H6 d'' H4 d.
  generalize (IHskipTauWait (refl_equal _) H5); clear IHskipTauWait; intro.
  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ l)) (mkPState _ _ State3 q'' StateO1 Devt0); simpl; auto.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ State3 q' StateO1 Devt0); simpl.
  rewrite zero_delay.
  rewrite zero_delay.
  rewrite DLabDly0.
  repeat split; try trivial.
  rewrite zero_delay in H; trivial.
  right; trivial.
  repeat split; trivial.

  apply EF0; auto.
  rewrite H1 in H.
  apply zero_delay in H.
  rewrite H, H2.
  apply H0.

Lemma pCheckFrom_NextEvt:
   T1 T2 st, pCheckFrom T1 T2 st
     st1' e,
      Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (ELab _ _ e) st1'
         st2', st2'',
          skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) Zero st2'
          Next _ T2 st2' (ELab _ _ e) st2''
          pCheckFrom T1 T2 (mkPState _ _ st1' st2'' OK Devt0).
  intros T1 T2; intros.
  inversion_clear H.
  inversion_clear H3.
  rename H6 into dlp.
  induction st; simpl in ×.
  rewrite H1 in *; clear H1 StateO0.
  cut (DNext (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2)
       {| State1 := State3; State2 := State4; StateO := OK; StateD := StateD0 |}
       (ELab (Event + Event) (LEvent (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2))
          (inl Event e))
       {| State1 := st1'; State2 := State4; StateO := WAIT e; StateD := Devt0 |}); intros.
  generalize (H e (mkPState _ _ st1' State4 (WAIT e) Devt0) H1); clear H H4 H5; intros.
  apply EF_tau2_WAIT in H; simpl in ×.
  destruct H; destruct H.
  destruct H3.
  rewrite H4 in *; clear H4 st1'.
  inversion_clear H1; simpl in ×.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H5; clear H5.
  rewrite <-H7,H6 in *; clear H7 H6 H8 H11 StateO0 State6.
  decompose record H4; clear H4.
  rewrite H11 in *; clear H11 H8 H6 StateD1.
  induction x; simpl in ×.
  inversion_clear H3.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  inversion_clear H4; simpl in ×.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H8; clear H8.
  rewrite H15,<-H11,H12,H10 in *; clear H15 StateD2 H12 StateO1 H11 State10 H10 StateO2.
  decompose record H3; clear H3.
  rewrite <- H12 in *; clear H12 StateO0.
  elim H10; clear H10; intro H10; try (discriminate H10).
  rewrite H10,H15 in *; clear H10 d0 H15 StateD3.
   State11; State9.
  rewrite zero_delay in H8.
  rewrite <-H8 in *; clear H8 State8.
  split; [idtac|split]; try assumption.
  rewrite zero_delay in H11.
  rewrite <-H11; assumption.

  apply I.

  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ State3 State4 OK StateD0); simpl.
  repeat (rewrite zero_delay); repeat split; try reflexivity.
  left; reflexivity.
  revert H2; case StateD0; simpl; intros; auto.
  apply eq_sym; apply DLabDly0.
  repeat split; trivial.
  elim H2.
  repeat split; auto.

Lemma pCheckFrom_NextTau:
   T1 T2 st, pCheckFrom T1 T2 st
     e st1',
      Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (Tau _ _ e) st1'
          skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) Zero st2'
          pCheckFrom T1 T2 (mkPState _ _ st1' st2' OK Devt0).
  intros T1 T2; intros.
  inversion_clear H.
  induction st; simpl in ×.
  rewrite H1 in *; clear H1 StateO0.
  destruct H3.
  rename H4 into dlp.
  cut (DNext (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2)
   {| State1 := State3; State2 := State4; StateO := OK; StateD := StateD0 |}
   (Tau _ _ (Tau1 _ _ e))
   {| State1 := st1'; State2 := State4; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |}); intros.
  generalize (H1 e (mkPState _ _ st1' State4 OK Devt0) H4); clear H H1 H2 H3; intros.
  split; try assumption.
  apply wnop.
  rewrite zero_delay; reflexivity.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ State3 State4 OK StateD0); simpl.
  repeat (rewrite zero_delay); repeat split; try reflexivity.
  left; reflexivity.
  revert H2; case StateD0; simpl; intros; auto.
  apply eq_sym; apply DLabDly0.
  repeat split; trivial.
  elim H2.
  repeat split; auto.

Lemma checkFrom_refl: L T s, checkFrom L T T s s.

Inductive skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T s d s': Prop :=
  stw1t: s'1 s'2 d' e d'',
    d = d' @+ d''skipTauWait L T s d' s'1Next L T s'1 (Tau _ _ e) s'2skipTauWait L T s'2 d'' s'skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T s d s'.

Inductive skipTauWaitNZ L T st d0: TimeState L TProp :=
  wtau1: d st', skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T st d st'skipTauWaitNZ L T st d0 d st'
| wdly1: d st', d = d0Next L T st (DLab _ _ d0) st'skipTauWaitNZ L T st d0 d st'.

Lemma skipTauWaitNZ_max_intro: L T s d s',
  skipTauWait L T s d s'skipTauWaitNZ L T s d d s'.
  inversion_clear H.
  apply wtau1.
  apply stw1t with q' q'' d' l d''; auto.
  apply wnop; assumption.
  apply wdly1; auto.

Lemma skipTauWaitAtl1Tau_skipTauWait: L T st d st',
  skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T st d st'skipTauWait L T st d st'.
  inversion_clear H.
  apply wait_additivity with s'1; auto.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with s'2 e; auto.

CoInductive isTauZeno L T st d: Prop :=
  istz: st' d' d'', skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T st d' st'isTauZeno L T st' d''d' @+ d'' @<= disTauZeno L T st d.

Definition isTauNonZeno L T := st d, ¬isTauZeno L T st d.

Definition nonZenoTauPath L T: Prop :=
   (P: TimeState L TProp) d,
    ( st d1 d2, P d1 std2 Zerod1 @+ d2 = d
       d3, st',
        d3 @<= d2 skipTauWaitNZ L T st d2 d3 st' P (d1 @+ d3) st') →
     st, P Zero st st', skipTauWait L T st d st' P d st'.

Lemma nonZenoTauPath_isTauNonZeno:
   L T, nonZenoTauPath L TisTauNonZeno L T.
  unfold isTauNonZeno; intros.
  elim (tunb d); intros.
  generalize (H (fun t s t', t @+ t' @<= d isTauZeno L T s t') x); clear H; intros.
  elim H with (st:=st); clear H; intros.
  decompose record H; clear H; intros.
  rewrite tplus_assoc in H1.
  apply tlt_plus_nlt in H1; apply H1.
  destruct H as [t' [e H]]; subst.
  destruct H.
   d'; st'.
  repeat split.
  destruct H1.
  generalize (tle_trans _ _ _ e H1); intro.
  destruct H6.
  rewrite tplus_assoc in H6; apply tplus_opp_l in H6; subst.
  apply tle_trans with t'.
  destruct H4.
   (d''@+t0); subst.
  apply eq_sym; apply tplus_assoc.
   t; now auto.

  apply wtau1; auto.
   d''; split; auto.
  rewrite tplus_assoc.
  apply tle_trans with (d1 @+ t'); auto.
  destruct H4.
   t; subst.
  rewrite tplus_assoc; now auto.

   d; split; auto.
  rewrite tplus_0_n.
  apply tplus_n_0.

Lemma isTauNonZeno_nonZenoTauPath:
   L T, isTauNonZeno L TnonZenoTauPath L T.
  unfold isTauNonZeno in H.
  intro; intros.
  specialize H with st d.
  apply NNPP; intro.
  apply H; clear H.
  elim (teq_0_dec d); intros; subst.
  clear H0.
  apply False_ind; apply H2; clear H2.
   st; split; auto.
  apply wnop.
  apply zero_delay; now auto.
  assert ( st0, skipTauWait L T st0 Zero st).
   st; apply wnop; apply zero_delay; now auto.
  destruct H as [st0 H].
  assert (Zero @<= d) by ( d; apply tplus_0_n).
  destruct H3.
  assert (t = d) by (rewrite tplus_0_n in H3; auto).
  assert (¬ ( st' : State L T, skipTauWait L T st t st' P d st')).
  rewrite H4; apply H2.
  clear H2.
  rewrite <-H4 in b |- *; clear H4.
  revert H3 H H1; generalize Zero; intros.
  revert dependent st; revert dependent t; revert t0; cofix; intros.
  elim (H0 st t0 t H1 b (refl_equal _)); intros.
  decompose record H2; clear H2; intros; subst.
  inversion_clear H4.
  apply istz with x0 x t1; intros; auto.
  apply isTauNonZeno_nonZenoTauPath with (t0 @+ x); clear isTauNonZeno_nonZenoTauPath; intros; auto.
  intro; subst; apply H5; clear H5.
  rewrite tplus_n_0.
   x0; split; auto.
  apply skipTauWaitAtl1Tau_skipTauWait; assumption.

  apply H0; intros; auto.
  rewrite tplus_assoc in H6; apply H6.

  apply wait_additivity with st; auto.
  apply skipTauWaitAtl1Tau_skipTauWait; assumption.

  intro; apply H5; clear H5.
  decompose record H3; clear H3.
  rewrite tplus_assoc in H6.
   x1; split; auto.
  apply wait_additivity with x0; auto.
  apply skipTauWaitAtl1Tau_skipTauWait; assumption.

  apply tle_refl.

  assert (x @+ Zero = x @+ t1) by (rewrite tplus_n_0; apply H2).
  apply tplus_opp_l in H4.
  clear H2; subst.
  rewrite tplus_n_0 in ×.
  apply False_ind; apply H5; clear H5.
   x0; split; auto.
  apply wnop; auto.

Inductive skipTau2Wait (T1 T2: TTS Event) (st: State (Event+Event) (Compare T1 T2)) (d: Time) (st': State (Event+Event) (Compare T1 T2)): Prop :=
  st2we: e st1,
    Next (Event+Event) (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau (Event+Event) (LEvents T1 T2) (Tau2 T1 T2 e)) st1
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st1 d st'
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st'
| st2wd: d' st1 st2 d'',
    Next (Event+Event) (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ d') st1
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st1 (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st2
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st2 d'' st'
    d = d' @+ d''
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st'
| st2wn: st' = std = ZeroskipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st'.

Inductive timedPred T1 T2 d dl s1 s2 d' (s'2: State Event T2): Prop :=
  tpGt: ~(d' @<= d)timedPred T1 T2 d dl s1 s2 d' s'2
| tpTau:
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK dl) d' st
    pCheckFrom T1 T2 st
    State2 _ _ st = s'2
    timedPred T1 T2 d dl s1 s2 d' s'2
| tpDly:
    d'=d s'1,
    Next _ T1 s1 (DLab _ _ d') s'1
    Next _ T2 s2 (DLab _ _ d') s'2
    pCheckFrom T1 T2 (mkPState _ _ s'1 s'2 OK Devt0) →
    timedPred T1 T2 d dl s1 s2 d' s'2.

Lemma Devt0_exDelay: T1 T2 s1 d s2, Next _ (Compare T1 T2) s1 (DLab _ _ d) s2d ZeropreEvt (StateD _ _ s1) →
   s3, Next _ (Compare T1 T2) s2 (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) s3.
  induction s1; induction s2; simpl in ×.
   (mkPState _ _ State5 State6 StateO1 Devt0); simpl.
  repeat split; auto.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  rewrite H7; clear H7 StateD1.
  unfold DLabDly; simpl.
  induction StateD0; simpl in ×.
  case (teq_0_dec d); auto.
  elim H1.

Lemma pCheckFrom_preEvt:
   T1 T2 st, pCheckFrom T1 T2 stpreEvt (StateD _ _ st).
  inversion_clear H.

Lemma pCheckFrom_EFD:
   T1 T2 st, pCheckFrom T1 T2 st
    (EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) (ED T1 T2 (fun _True))) st
    (EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _) (AND T1 T2 (ED T1 T2 (fun _True))
      (AD T1 T2 (pCheckFrom T1 T2))))
  inversion_clear H.
  inversion_clear H3.
  inversion_clear H5.
  apply (H3 H0).

Lemma Tau2_proj1:
   T1 T2 st e st', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st'
    → State1 _ _ st' = State1 _ _ st.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma Tau2_proj2:
   T1 T2 st e st', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st'
    → Next _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) (Tau _ _ e) (State2 _ _ st').
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma Tau2_StateD:
   T1 T2 st e st', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st'
    → StateD _ _ st' = Devt0.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma Tau2_StateO:
   T1 T2 st e st', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st'
    → StateO _ _ st' = StateO _ _ st.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma Delta_proj1: T1 T2 st d st',
  Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ d) st'
    Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (DLab _ _ d) (State1 _ _ st').
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma Delta_proj2: T1 T2 st d st',
  Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ d) st'
    skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) d (State2 _ _ st').
  apply wnop.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma Delta_StateO: T1 T2 st d st',
  Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ d) st'
    StateO _ _ st' = StateO _ _ st.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma Delay_proj2: T1 T2 st st',
  Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'
    skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) Zero (State2 _ _ st').
  apply wnop.
  apply zero_delay.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  apply sym_eq; apply H2.

Lemma Delay_State1:
   T1 T2 st st',
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'
      State1 _ _ st' = State1 _ _ st.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; auto.

Lemma Delay_State2:
   T1 T2 st st',
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'
      State2 _ _ st' = State2 _ _ st.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; auto.

Lemma Delay_StateD: T1 T2 st st',
  Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'
    StateD _ _ st' = Devt0.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma Delay_StateO: T1 T2 st st',
  Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'
    StateO _ _ st' = StateO _ _ st.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; assumption.

Lemma DeltaEvtZ: T1 T2 st1 st2 st3 e d,
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st1 (DLab _ _ d) st2
      Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st2 (ELab _ _ e) st3
        d = Zero.
  induction e; induction st1; induction st2; induction st3; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  induction StateD1; try (elim H9); clear H9.
  revert H6; unfold DLabDly.
  case (teq_0_dec d); intros; auto.
  discriminate H6.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  induction StateD1; try (elim H9); clear H9.
  revert H6; unfold DLabDly.
  case (teq_0_dec d); intros; auto.
  discriminate H6.

Lemma DeltaTau1Z: T1 T2 st1 st2 st3 e d,
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st1 (DLab _ _ d) st2
      Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st2 (Tau _ _ (Tau1 _ _ e)) st3
        d = Zero.
  induction st1; induction st2; induction st3; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  induction StateD1; try (elim H9); clear H9.
  revert H6; unfold DLabDly.
  case (teq_0_dec d); intros; auto.
  discriminate H6.

Lemma DeltaTau2Z: T1 T2 st1 st2 st3 e d,
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st1 (DLab _ _ d) st2
      Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st2 (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st3
        d = Zero.
  induction st1; induction st2; induction st3; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  induction StateD1; try (elim H8); clear H8.
  revert H6; unfold DLabDly.
  case (teq_0_dec d); intros; auto.
  discriminate H6.

Lemma DeltaDelay_NZ: T1 T2 st1 st2 st3 d,
  preEvt (StateD _ _ st1) →
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st1 (DLab _ _ d) st2
      Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st2 (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st3
        d Zero.
  induction st1; induction st2; induction st3; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H1; clear H1.
  clear H2 H4 H3.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  clear H4 H2 H1 H3.
  induction StateD1; simpl in *; try (elim H5); clear H5.
  induction StateD0; simpl in *; try (elim H); clear H.
  revert H8; unfold DLabDly; simpl; case (teq_0_dec d); intros; auto.
  discriminate H8.

Lemma Delay_Delta1:
   T1 T2 st d st' s'1,
    Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (DLab _ _ d) s'1Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'
      Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st') (DLab _ _ d) s'1.
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H0; auto.
  rewrite H1; auto.

Lemma Delay_preEvt:
   T1 T2 st st',
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'
      preEvt (StateD _ _ st').
  induction st; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; auto.
  rewrite H5; simpl; auto.

Lemma DeltaDelay_skipTau2Wait:
   T1 T2 st d st' st'',
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ d) st'
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st' (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st''
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st''.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 d).
  apply st2wd with d st' st'' Zero; auto.
  apply st2wn; auto.

Lemma Tau2_skipTau2Wait:
   T1 T2 st e st', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st'
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st Zero st'.
  apply st2we with e st'; try assumption.
  apply st2wn; auto.

Lemma DeltaDelaySkipTau2Wait:
   T1 T2 st d' st1 st2 d'' st',
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ d') st1
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st1 (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st2
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st2 d'' st'
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st (d' @+ d'') st'.
  apply st2wd with d' st1 st2 d''; auto.

Lemma DelaySkipTau2Wait:
   T1 T2 st st' d st'', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st' d st''
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st''.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n d).
  apply st2wd with Zero st st' d; auto.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.

Lemma Tau2SkipTau2Wait:
   T1 T2 st e st' d st'', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ e)) st'
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st' d st''
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st''.
  apply st2we with e st'; assumption.

Lemma wait2_additivity: T1 T2 st d1 st' d2 st'',
  skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d1 st'skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st' d2 st''
    skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st (d1 @+ d2) st''.
  revert H0; induction H; intros.
  apply Tau2SkipTau2Wait with e st1; try assumption.
  apply IHskipTau2Wait; assumption.

  rewrite H2, tplus_assoc.
  apply DeltaDelaySkipTau2Wait with st1 st2; try assumption.
  apply IHskipTau2Wait; assumption.

  rewrite H0, tplus_0_n,<-H; assumption.

Lemma skipTau2Wait_Delta1: T1 T2 st d st',
  skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st'Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (DLab _ _ d) (State1 _ _ st').
  induction H.
  apply Tau2_proj1 in H.
  rewrite H in IHskipTau2Wait; assumption.

  apply Delay_State1 in H0.
  rewrite H2.
  rewrite H0 in IHskipTau2Wait.
  apply additivity with (State1 _ _ st1); try assumption.
  apply Delta_proj1; assumption.

  rewrite H,H0.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.

Lemma skipTau2Wait_proj2: T1 T2 st d st',
  skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st'skipTauWait _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) d (State2 _ _ st').
  induction H.
  apply Tau2_proj2 in H.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with (State2 _ _ st1) e; assumption.

  apply Delay_State2 in H0.
  apply Delta_proj2 in H.
  rewrite H2.
  apply wait_additivity with (State2 _ _ st1); try assumption.
  rewrite H0 in IHskipTau2Wait; assumption.

  rewrite H,H0.
  apply wnop; apply zero_delay; reflexivity.

Lemma skipTau2Wait_StateO: T1 T2 st d st',
  skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st d st'StateO _ _ st' = StateO _ _ st.
  induction H.
  apply Tau2_StateO in H.
  apply eq_trans with (StateO _ _ st1); assumption.

  apply Delay_StateO in H0.
  apply Delta_StateO in H.
  apply eq_trans with (StateO _ _ st2); try assumption.
  apply eq_trans with (StateO _ _ st1); assumption.

  f_equal; assumption.

Lemma skipTau2Wait_cutDelta1:
   T1 T2 st d1 st' d2 s'1,
    Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (DLab _ _ (d1 @+ d2)) s'1skipTau2Wait _ T2 st d1 st'
      Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st') (DLab _ _ d2) s'1.
  apply skipTau2Wait_Delta1 in H0.
  apply continuity in H; destruct H.
  destruct H.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H H0) in H1; apply H1.

Lemma skipTau2Z_preEvt: T1 T2 st st',
  preEvt (StateD _ _ st) → skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st Zero st'preEvt (StateD _ _ st').
  set (d := Zero).
  fold d in H0.
  assert (d=Zero) by reflexivity.
  generalize dependent d; intros.
  revert H H1; induction H0; intros.

  apply IHskipTau2Wait; auto.
  rewrite (Tau2_StateD _ _ _ _ _ H).
  simpl; auto.

  rewrite H4 in H2.
  apply tplus_eq_0 in H2.
  destruct H2.
  apply IHskipTau2Wait; auto.
  rewrite (Delay_StateD _ _ _ _ H0).
  simpl; auto.

  rewrite H; auto.

Lemma DNextTau2_preEvt: T1 T2 st st' l,
  preEvt (StateD _ _ st) → isTau2 _ _ lDNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st l st'
    Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st l st'.
  destruct H1.
  assert (st'0 = st).
  induction l; try (elim H0).
  induction l; try (elim H0).
  induction st; induction st'; induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H1; clear H1.
  rewrite H8,H6 in *; clear H8 H6 StateD2 StateO2.
  decompose record H2; clear H2.
  rewrite <-H7 in *; clear H10 StateD1 H6 StateO1 H7 State7.
  induction StateD0; simpl in *; try (elim H).
  apply pre_DLabDly_evt0 in H8.
  rewrite H8 in *; clear H8 d.
  apply zero_delay in H3; apply zero_delay in H5.
  rewrite H3,H5,DLabDly0; reflexivity.
  rewrite H3 in H2; assumption.

Lemma ADF_EDT_Atl1Tau:
   T1 T2 st st', preEvt (StateD _ _ st) → AD T1 T2 (fun _False) stskipTau2Wait T1 T2 st Zero st'ED T1 T2 (fun _True) st'
    skipTauWaitAtl1Tau _ T2 (State2 _ _ st) Zero (State2 _ _ st').
  intros T1 T2 st st' e0; intros.
  destruct H0.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n Zero).
  apply stw1t with (State2 _ _ st) (State2 _ _ st1) Zero e Zero; auto.
  apply wnop; apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  apply Tau2_proj2 in H0; assumption.
  apply skipTau2Wait_proj2 in H2; assumption.
  apply tplus_eq_0 in H4.
  destruct H4.
  rewrite H4,H5 in *; clear H4 H5 d' d''.
  apply zero_delay in H0.
  rewrite <-H0 in *; clear H0 st1.
  induction st; induction st2; simpl in *; decompose record H2; clear H2.
  induction StateD0; [elim H6 | elim e0].
  rewrite H0 in *; clear H0 st' H2.
  destruct H1.
  elim (H _ H0).

Lemma EF_tau2_elim: T1 T2 P st,
  EF T1 T2 (isTau2 _ _ ) P stpreEvt (StateD _ _ st) → st', skipTau2Wait T1 T2 st Zero st' P st'.
  induction H.
  split; try assumption.
  apply st2wn; auto.

  elim IHEF; intros.
  destruct H3.
   x; split; auto.
  apply DNextTau2_preEvt in H; try assumption.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n Zero).
  apply wait2_additivity with st'; try assumption.
  induction l; try (elim H1).
  induction l; try (elim H1).
  apply Tau2_skipTau2Wait with l; assumption.
  apply DNextTau2_preEvt in H; try assumption.
  clear IHEF.
  induction l; try (elim H1).
  induction l; try (elim H1).
  apply Tau2_StateD in H.
  rewrite H; simpl; auto.

Inductive NextD_inf_t T1 T2 st t: Prop :=
  NextD_inf_t_ex: st' t' st'',
    t' @<= tt' ZeroNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ t') st'
      Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st' (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st''
        NextD_inf_t T1 T2 st t.

Lemma EDT_inf_t: T1 T2 st t, ED T1 T2 (fun _True) stpreEvt (StateD T1 T2 st) → t Zero
  NextD_inf_t T1 T2 st t.
  destruct H.
  clear H2.
  destruct H.
  case (tle_total t d); intro.
  destruct t0.
  rewrite <-H3 in *; clear H3 d.
  apply continuity in H; destruct H.
  destruct H.
  clear H2 H3.
  elim (Devt0_exDelay _ _ _ _ _ H H1); intros; auto.
  split with x t x0; auto.
  apply tle_refl.

  generalize (DeltaDelay_NZ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H H2); intro.
  split with st'0 d st'; auto.

Lemma skipTauWaitAtl1TauLeft:
   L T s d1 s' d2 s'',
    skipTauWait L T s d1 s'skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T s' d2 s''
      skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T s (d1 @+ d2) s''.
  destruct H0.
  split with s'1 s'2 (d1@+d') e d''; try assumption.
  rewrite H0; rewrite tplus_assoc; reflexivity.
  apply wait_additivity with s'; assumption.

Lemma skipTauWaitAtl1TauRight:
   L T s d1 s' d2 s'',
    skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T s d1 s'skipTauWait L T s' d2 s''
      skipTauWaitAtl1Tau L T s (d1 @+ d2) s''.
  destruct H.
  split with s'1 s'2 d' e (d'' @+ d2); try assumption.
  rewrite H; rewrite tplus_assoc; reflexivity.
  apply wait_additivity with s'; assumption.

Lemma skipTauWait_skipTauWaitNZ: L T d st1 d1 st2 d2 st3,
  skipTauWait L T st1 d1 st2skipTauWaitNZ L T st2 d d2 st3
    skipTauWaitNZ L T st1 (d1 @+ d) (d1 @+ d2) st3.
  destruct H0.
  apply wtau1.
  apply skipTauWaitAtl1TauLeft with st2; assumption.
  rewrite H0 in *; clear H0 d0.
  apply skipTauWaitNZ_max_intro.
  apply wait_additivity with st2; try assumption.
  apply wnop; assumption.

Lemma DV_EF_Tau2_evt0_EDT:
   T1 T2, diverge _ T2 st d s'1,
    d Zero
    Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (DLab _ _ d) s'1
    StateD _ _ st = Devt0StateO _ _ st = OK
    EF T1 T2 (isTau2 T1 T2) (ED T1 T2 (fun _ : PState T1 T2True)) st.
  intros T1 T2 DV st d s'1 dnz; intros.
  induction st; simpl in ×.
  elim (DV State4 d); intros.
  rewrite H1 in *; clear H1 StateO0.
  revert H0 H; revert StateD0 State3; induction H2; intros.
  case (teq_0_dec d'); intro.
  rewrite e in *; clear e d'.
  rewrite tplus_0_n in H1; rewrite <-H1 in *; clear H1 d''.
  apply zero_delay in H; rewrite <-H in *; clear q' H.
  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ l))
    (mkPState _ _ State3 q'' OK Devt0); simpl; auto.
  split with Zero {| State1 := State3; State2 := q; StateO := OK; StateD := StateD0 |}.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite H3; simpl; repeat split; auto.

  apply EF0.
  rewrite H1 in H4; apply continuity in H4; destruct H4.
  destruct H4.
  split with {| State1 := x; State2 := q'; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |}; simpl; repeat split; auto.
  split with d' {| State1 := x; State2 := q'; StateO := OK; StateD := Ddly |}; simpl; repeat split; auto.
  rewrite H3; unfold DLabDly; simpl; auto.
  case (teq_0_dec d'); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim (n e).

  apply EF0.
  split with {| State1 := s'1; State2 := q'; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |}; simpl; repeat split; auto.
  split with d {| State1 := s'1; State2 := q'; StateO := OK; StateD := Ddly |}; simpl; repeat split; auto.
  rewrite H0; unfold DLabDly; simpl.
  case (teq_0_dec d); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim (dnz e).

Lemma AD_ED_cases: T1 T2 st,
  AD T1 T2 (ED T1 T2 (fun _True)) st ED T1 T2 (AD T1 T2 (fun _False)) st.
  case (classic (AD T1 T2 (ED T1 T2 (fun _ : PState T1 T2True)) st)); intro; [left; assumption|right].
  apply NNPP; intro.
  apply H; clear H; unfold AD; simpl; intros.
  apply NNPP; intro.
  apply H0; clear H0.
  split with st'; try assumption.
  clear H.
  intro; intros.
  apply H1; clear H1.
  split with st'0; auto.

Definition right_open L (T: TTS L) st: Prop :=
   d' st', Next L T st (DLab _ _ d') st'
     d'', st'', d'' Zero Next L T st' (DLab _ _ d'') st''.

Definition right_closed L (T: TTS L) b st: Prop :=
   st', Next L T st (DLab _ _ b) st'
     d st'', Next L T st (DLab _ _ d) st''d @<= b.

Lemma open_or_closed: L T st,
  right_open L T st b, right_closed L T b st.
  elim (classic (right_open L T st)); intro.
  left; assumption.
  unfold right_open in H.
  apply not_all_ex_not in H.
  destruct H.
  apply not_all_ex_not in H.
  destruct H.
  apply imply_to_and in H.
  destruct H.
  split with x0; repeat split; intros; auto.
  elim (tle_total d x); intro; auto.
  destruct b.
  rewrite <- H2 in *; clear H2 d.
  apply continuity in H1; destruct H1.
  destruct H1.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H H1) in *; clear H x0.
  apply not_ex_all_not with (n:=t) in H0.
  apply not_ex_all_not with (n:=st'') in H0.
  apply not_and_or in H0.
  destruct H0.
  case (teq_0_dec t); intro.
  rewrite e.
  rewrite tplus_n_0.
  apply tle_refl.
  elim (H n).
  elim (H H2).

Definition right_open_is_unb L (T: TTS L): Prop :=
   st, right_open L T st
     d, st', Next L T st (DLab _ _ d) st'.

Lemma all_and: T (P Q: TProp), ( x, P x Q x) → ( x, P x) ( x, Q x).
  split; intros; elim (H x); intros; auto.

Lemma EDT_prj1: T1 T2 st, isDevt (StateD _ _ st) → ED T1 T2 (fun _True) st
   s'1, d, Next _ T1 (State1 _ _ st) (DLab _ _ d) s'1 d Zero.
  intros T1 T2 st ev; intros.
  destruct H.
  clear H0.
  destruct H.
  induction st; induction st'0; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
   State5; d; split; auto.
  rewrite H6 in H8.
  revert H8 ev; unfold DLabDly; induction StateD0; simpl; intros; auto.
  revert H8; case (teq_0_dec d); simpl; intros; auto.

Definition atleast L T b s: Prop :=
   s', Next L T s (DLab _ _ b) s'.

Definition atmost L T b s: Prop := s', ¬Next L T s (DLab _ _ b) s'.

Inductive prod_closed_cases T1 T2 st:Prop :=
  PC1: b, right_closed _ T1 b (State1 _ _ st) → atleast _ T2 b (State2 _ _ st) → prod_closed_cases T1 T2 st
| PC2: b, right_closed _ T2 b (State2 _ _ st) → atleast _ T1 b (State1 _ _ st) → prod_closed_cases T1 T2 st.

Record prod_open_cond T1 T2 st: Prop := {
  PO1: b, right_closed _ T1 b (State1 _ _ st) → atmost _ T2 b (State2 _ _ st);
  PO2: b, right_closed _ T2 b (State2 _ _ st) → atmost _ T1 b (State1 _ _ st)

Lemma prod_open_imp_proj_open: T1 T2 st,
  isDevt (StateD _ _ st) → ED T1 T2 (fun _True) stAD T1 T2 (ED T1 T2 (fun _True)) stprod_open_cond T1 T2 st.
  intros T1 T2 st ev; intros.
  split; intros.
  assert (StateO _ _ st = OK) as ok.
  clear H1; induction st; inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  induction st'; simpl in *; destruct H1; simpl in ×.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H1; clear H1 H2.
  clear H8 H3 H5.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  rewrite H8 in H6; clear H8 StateD2 H5 H3 H1.
  unfold DLabDly in H6.
  induction StateD0; try (elim ev).
  destruct H2; auto.
  revert H6; case (teq_0_dec d); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim H6.
  elim (n H).

  assert (b Zero) as nz.
  apply EDT_prj1 in H; auto.
  decompose record H; clear H.
  rewrite H in *; clear H b.
  destruct H1.
  destruct H.
  generalize (H1 x0 x H2); clear H1; intro.
  apply tle_n_0 in H1.
  elim (H4 H1).

  intro; intro.
  destruct H1.
  destruct H1.
  assert (DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) (mkPState _ _ x s' OK Devt0)).
  split with b (mkPState _ _ x s' OK Ddly); induction st; simpl in *; repeat split; intros; auto.
  induction StateD0; try (elim ev); clear ev.
  unfold DLabDly.
  case (teq_0_dec b); intros; auto.
  elim (nz e).

  generalize (H0 _ H4); clear H0; intro.
  apply EDT_prj1 in H0; try (apply I).
  decompose record H0; clear H0; simpl in ×.
  generalize (additivity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H5); intro.
  generalize (H3 _ _ H0); intro.
  destruct H6.
  rewrite tplus_assoc in H6.
  revert H6; rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 b) at 2; intro.
  apply tplus_opp_l in H6.
  apply eq_sym in H6; apply tplus_eq_0 in H6.
  apply proj1 in H6.
  elim (H7 H6).

  admit. Qed.

Lemma right_open_prod: T1 T2,
  right_open_is_unb _ T1right_open_is_unb _ T2
     st, isDevt (StateD _ _ st) → StateO _ _ st = OKED T1 T2 (fun _True) stAD T1 T2 (ED T1 T2 (fun _True)) st
       d, st', Next _ (Compare T1 T2) st (DLab _ _ d) st'.
  unfold right_open_is_unb; simpl; intros.
  rename H2 into ok.
  rename H3 into nz.
  rename H4 into H2.
  generalize (H (State1 _ _ st)); clear H; intros.
  generalize (H0 (State2 _ _ st)); clear H0; intros.
  case (teq_0_dec d); intro.
  rewrite e.
  clear H H0 H2.
  induction st; simpl in *; repeat split; try (apply zero_delay); auto.
  unfold DLabDly; induction StateD0; try (elim H1).
  case (teq_0_dec Zero); intro; auto.
  contradiction n; reflexivity.
  elim (prod_open_imp_proj_open _ _ _ H1 nz H2); intros.
  elim (open_or_closed _ _ (State1 _ _ st)); intro; elim (open_or_closed _ _ (State2 _ _ st)); intro.

  clear PO3 PO4.
  elim (H H3 d); clear H H3; intros.
  elim (H0 H4 d); clear H0 H4; intros.
   (mkPState _ _ x x0 OK (DLabDly d (StateD _ _ st))); induction st; simpl; repeat split; intros; auto.

  destruct H4.
  generalize (PO4 _ H4); clear PO3 PO4; intros.
  elim (H H3 x); clear H H3 H0; intros.
  elim (H5 x0 H).

  destruct H3.
  generalize (PO3 _ H3); clear PO3 PO4; intros.
  elim (H0 H4 x); clear H0 H4 H; intros.
  elim (H5 x0 H).

  destruct H3.
  destruct H4.
  elim (tle_total x x0); intro.
  generalize (PO3 _ H3); clear PO3 PO4; intros.
  destruct H4.
  destruct H4.
  destruct a.
  rewrite <-H7 in H4; apply continuity in H4; destruct H4.
  destruct H4.
  elim (H5 _ H4).

  generalize (PO4 _ H4); clear PO3 PO4; intros.
  destruct H3.
  destruct H3.
  destruct b.
  rewrite <-H7 in H3; apply continuity in H3; destruct H3.
  destruct H3.
  elim (H5 _ H3).

Lemma one_step: T1 T2 s1 s2 st1 st2 st3 d1 d2 d dl,
  skipTau2Wait T1 T2 (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK dl) d1 st1
  preEvt (StateD _ _ st1) → d2 Zero
  AD T1 T2 (pCheckFrom T1 T2) st1
    Next (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2) st1 (DLab _ _ d) st2
      Next _ _ st2 (Tau _ _ (Delay T1 T2)) st3d2 @<= d
    d3, st',
    d3 @<= d2
    skipTauWaitNZ Event T2 (State2 _ _ st1) d2 d3 st'
    timedPred T1 T2 (d1 @+ d2) dl s1 s2 (d1 @+ d3) st'.
  destruct H5.
  rewrite <-H5 in *; clear H5 d.
  apply continuity in H3; destruct H3; destruct H3.
  clear H4 st3 st2 H5 t.
  elim (Devt0_exDelay _ _ _ _ _ H3 H1); try assumption; intros.
  generalize (H2 x0 (DNprf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H4)); intro.
   d2; (State2 _ _ x0).
  split; try (apply tle_refl).
  apply skipTauWaitNZ_max_intro.
  generalize (DeltaDelay_skipTau2Wait _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H4); intro.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 d2).
  apply wait_additivity with (State2 _ _ x0).
  apply skipTau2Wait_proj2 in H6; assumption.
  apply wnop.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  apply tpTau with x0; auto.
  apply wait2_additivity with st1; try assumption.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 d2).
  apply wait2_additivity with x0; try assumption.
  apply (DeltaDelay_skipTau2Wait _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H4).
  apply Delay_StateD in H4.
  apply st2wn; auto.

Theorem pCheckFrom_check:
   T1 T2, diverge _ T1diverge _ T2nonZenoTauPath _ T2
    right_open_is_unb _ T1right_open_is_unb _ T2
     s1 s2 dl, preEvt dlpCheckFrom T1 T2 (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK dl) → checkFrom _ T1 T2 s1 s2.
  intros T1 T2 DV1 DV2 NZTP ro1 ro2.
  cofix; intros s1 s2 dl pdl; intros.
  apply CFE; intros.
  elim (pCheckFrom_NextEvt _ _ _ H _ _ H0); simpl; intros.
  destruct H1.
  destruct H1.
  destruct H2.
   x; x0; split; [idtac|split]; auto.

  inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  clear H4.
  inversion_clear H6.
  assert (DNext (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2)
      {| State1 := s1; State2 := s2; StateO := OK; StateD := dl |}
      (ELab _ _ (inl _ e))
      {| State1 := s'1; State2 := s2; StateO := WAIT e; StateD := Devt0 |}); intros.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK dl); simpl; repeat split; trivial.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  left; reflexivity.
  revert pdl; case dl; simpl; intros; auto.
  apply eq_sym; apply DLabDly0.
  elim pdl.
  generalize (H e (mkPState _ _ s'1 s2 (WAIT e) Devt0) H6); clear H H4 H7 H6; intro.
  apply pCheckFrom_check with Devt0; simpl; trivial.

  inversion_clear H; simpl in ×.
  clear H1.
  inversion_clear H3.
  assert (DNext (Event + Event) (Compare T1 T2)
      {| State1 := s1; State2 := s2; StateO := OK; StateD := dl |}
      (Tau _ _ (Tau1 _ _ e))
      {| State1 := s'1; State2 := s2; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |}); intros.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK dl); simpl; repeat split; trivial.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  left; reflexivity.
  revert pdl; case dl; simpl; intros; auto.
  apply eq_sym; apply DLabDly0.
  elim pdl.
  generalize (H1 e (mkPState _ _ s'1 s2 OK Devt0) H3); clear H H1 H4 H3; intro.
  apply pCheckFrom_check with Devt0; simpl; trivial.

  elim (teq_0_dec d); intro.
  rewrite a in *; clear a d.
  apply zero_delay in H0.
  rewrite <-H0 in *; clear H0 s'1.
   s2; split.
  apply wnop; apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  apply pCheckFrom_check with dl; trivial.

  elim (NZTP (timedPred T1 T2 d dl s1 s2)) with d s2; intros; trivial.
  destruct H1.
  destruct H2.
  contradiction H2; apply tle_refl.

   x; split; try assumption.
  apply pCheckFrom_check with (StateD _ _ st); simpl; trivial.
  apply pCheckFrom_preEvt; assumption.

  induction st; simpl in ×.
  rewrite H4 in *; clear H4 State4.
  generalize (skipTau2Wait_Delta1 _ _ _ _ _ H2); simpl; intro.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H4); clear H4.
  generalize (skipTau2Wait_StateO _ _ _ _ _ H2); simpl; intro.
  rewrite H4 in H3; apply H3.

   x; split.
  apply wnop; assumption.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H3).
  apply pCheckFrom_check with Devt0; simpl; trivial.

  inversion_clear H1.
  contradiction H4.
   d2; assumption.

  clear pCheckFrom_check.
  rewrite <-H3 in *; clear H3 d.
  generalize (skipTau2Wait_Delta1 _ _ _ _ _ H4); simpl; intro.
  apply continuity in H0; destruct H0.
  destruct H0.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H1) in *; clear H0 x.
  generalize (pCheckFrom_preEvt _ _ _ H5); intro.
  generalize (pCheckFrom_state _ _ _ H5); intro.
  assert (StateD T1 T2 st0 = Devt0) by (
    revert H0; generalize (StateD _ _ st0); intro dd; induction dd; simpl; intro ff; auto; elim ff).
  generalize (DV_EF_Tau2_evt0_EDT _ _ DV2 st0 d2 _ H2 H3 H8 H7); intro.
  apply pCheckFrom_EFD in H5; try (apply H9); clear H9.
  apply EF_tau2_elim in H5; try assumption; destruct H5.
  destruct H5.
  destruct H9.
  elim (AD_ED_cases _ _ x); intro.

  rewrite <-H6.
  generalize (skipTau2Wait_StateO _ _ _ _ _ H5); intro.
  rewrite H7 in H12.
  generalize (skipTau2Z_preEvt _ _ _ _ H0 H5); intro.
  apply right_open_prod with (d:=d2) in H11; try assumption.
  destruct H11.
  elim (Devt0_exDelay _ _ _ _ _ H11 H2); try assumption; intros.
  assert ( d3 : Time,
     st'1 : State Event T2,
    d3 @<= d2
    skipTauWaitNZ Event T2 (State2 T1 T2 x) d2 d3 st'1
    timedPred T1 T2 (d1 @+ d2) dl s1 s2 (d1 @+ d3) st'1).
  apply one_step with x0 x1 d2; try assumption.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 d1).
  apply wait2_additivity with st0; assumption.
  apply tle_refl.
  destruct H15.
  destruct H15.
  destruct H15.
  destruct H16.
   x2; x3; split; auto.
  split; auto.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n d2).
  apply skipTau2Wait_proj2 in H5.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n x2).
  apply skipTauWait_skipTauWaitNZ with (State2 _ _ x); assumption.

  clear H9.
  destruct H11.
  destruct H9.
  case (tle_lt_cases d2 d); intros.
  rewrite <-H6.
  assert ( d3 : Time,
     st'1 : State Event T2,
    d3 @<= d2
    skipTauWaitNZ Event T2 (State2 T1 T2 x) d2 d3 st'1
    timedPred T1 T2 (d1 @+ d2) dl s1 s2 (d1 @+ d3) st'1).
  apply one_step with st'0 st' d; try assumption.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 d1).
  apply wait2_additivity with st0; assumption.
  apply skipTau2Z_preEvt in H5; assumption.
  destruct H14.
  destruct H14.
  destruct H14.
  destruct H15.
   x0; x1; split; auto.
  split; auto.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n d2).
  apply skipTau2Wait_proj2 in H5.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n x0).
  apply skipTauWait_skipTauWaitNZ with (State2 _ _ x); assumption.

  destruct H13.
  destruct H13.
  rewrite H13 in *; clear H13 d2.
  assert (DNext _ _ x (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st') by (split with d st'0; assumption).
  generalize (H10 _ H13); clear H10; intro.
  apply pCheckFrom_EFD in H10.
  apply EF_tau2_elim in H10.
  destruct H10 as [st'2 [H15 [H16 H17]]].
  apply EDT_inf_t with (t:=x0) in H16; auto.
  inversion_clear H16.
  generalize (H17 _ (DNprf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H19 H20)); clear H17; intro.
   (d@+t'); (State2 _ _ st'').
  apply tle_mono_l; assumption.
  apply wtau1.
  assert (DNext _ (Compare T1 T2) st'2 (Tau _ _ (Delay _ _)) st'') as exd by (split with t' st'1; assumption).
  apply skipTau2Wait_proj2 in H5.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n (d@+t')).
  rewrite <-H6.
  apply skipTauWaitAtl1TauLeft with (State2 _ _ x); try assumption.
  generalize (DeltaDelay_skipTau2Wait _ _ _ _ _ _ H9 H12); clear H9 H12; intro.
  apply skipTau2Wait_proj2 in H9.
  apply skipTauWaitAtl1TauLeft with (State2 _ _ st'); try assumption.
  rewrite <-(tplus_n_0 t').
  apply skipTauWaitAtl1TauRight with (State2 _ _ st''); try assumption.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n t').
  generalize (DeltaDelay_skipTau2Wait _ _ _ _ _ _ H19 H20); clear H20 H19; intro.
  apply skipTau2Wait_proj2 in H12.
  apply skipTauWaitAtl1TauRight with (State2 _ _ st'2); try assumption.
  assert (ED T1 T2 (fun _True) st'2) by ( st''; auto); clear exd.
  apply ADF_EDT_Atl1Tau; auto.
  destruct H13.
  apply Delay_preEvt in H19; assumption.
  apply wnop; apply zero_delay; reflexivity.

  apply tpTau with st''; auto.
  apply wait2_additivity with st0; try assumption.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n (d@+t')).
  apply wait2_additivity with x; try assumption.
  apply DeltaDelaySkipTau2Wait with st'0 st'; try assumption.
  rewrite <-(tplus_0_n t').
  apply wait2_additivity with st'2; try assumption.
  apply DeltaDelay_skipTau2Wait with st'1; assumption.
  apply skipTau2Z_preEvt with st'; try assumption.
  apply Delay_preEvt in H12; assumption.
  apply Delay_preEvt in H12; assumption.

  apply DV_EF_Tau2_evt0_EDT with x0 s'1; auto.
  apply skipTau2Wait_Delta1 in H5.
  apply zero_delay in H5.
  apply Delay_State1 in H12.
  rewrite H12.
  apply Delta_proj1 in H9.
  destruct H13.
  apply Delta_proj1 in H13.
  apply Delay_State1 in H15.
  rewrite <-H15 in H13; clear H15 st'1.
  rewrite <-H12 in *; clear H12 st'0.
  rewrite <- H5 in *; clear H5 x.
  apply skipTau2Wait_Delta1 in H4; simpl in H4.
  apply continuity in H3; destruct H3; destruct H3.
  rewrite <-(determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H9); assumption.
  apply pCheckFrom_preEvt in H10.
  revert H10; case (StateD _ _ st'); simpl; intros; auto.
  elim H10.
  apply pCheckFrom_state in H10; assumption.

  clear H7 H6 H5; apply False_ind.
  rewrite <- (tplus_n_0 d),H4 in H3.
  apply tplus_opp_l in H3.
  apply (H2 H3).

  apply tpTau with {| State1 := s1; State2 := s2; StateO := OK; StateD := dl |}.
  apply st2wn; auto.
  apply H.

  inversion_clear H.
  inversion_clear H3.
  clear H H1 H2 H4 H5.
  inversion_clear H6.
  apply NNPP; intro.
  generalize (not_ex_all_not _ _ H1); clear H1; intro.
  generalize (fun nnot_and_or _ _ (H1 n)); clear H1; intro.
  generalize (fun nor_to_imply _ _ (H1 n)); clear H1; intro.
  assert (~~deadlock _ T1 s1) by tauto; clear H0.
  apply H2; clear H2.
  change s1 with (State1 _ _ {| State1 := s1; State2 := s2; StateO := OK; StateD := dl |}).
  apply nDL1_ndeadlock.
  apply H; clear H.
  induction dl; try (elim pdl); clear pdl.
  revert H1; revert s1 s2; cofix; simpl in *; intros.
  split; intros.
  generalize (H1 s2); clear H1; intro.
  assert (skipTauWait Event T2 s2 Zero s2) by (apply wnop; apply zero_delay; reflexivity).
  apply H in H0; clear H.
  apply ndeadlock_nDL2; auto.

  destruct H.
  induction st'0; induction st'; simpl in ×.
  destruct l; try (elim H0).
  destruct l; try (elim H0); clear H0.
  decompose record H2; clear H2; subst.
  decompose record H; clear H; subst.
  clear H3.
  apply pCheckFrom_check0; intros.
  apply H1.
  unfold DLabDly in H5.
  revert H5; case (teq_0_dec d); intros deq0 H5; try (elim H5); try tauto.
  rewrite deq0 in *; clear deq0 d.
  apply zero_delay in H4; rewrite <-H4 in *; clear H4 State4.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with State6 l; auto.

Inductive hasInit E (T: TTS E): Prop :=
 exInit: st, Init E T sthasInit E T.

Lemma pCheck_check:
   T1 T2, hasInit _ T2diverge _ T1diverge _ T2right_open_is_unb _ T1right_open_is_unb _ T2nonZenoTauPath Event T2pCheck T1 T2check _ T1 T2.
  intros T1 T2 II DV1 DV2 ro1 ro2 NZTP H.
  intro; intros.
  unfold pCheck in H.
  inversion_clear II.
  split; auto.
  apply pCheckFrom_check with Devt0; simpl; auto.
  apply H.
  simpl; split; auto.

Theorem pCheck_refines:
   T1 T2, diverge _ T1diverge _ T2hasInit _ T2nonZenoTauPath Event T2right_open_is_unb _ T1right_open_is_unb _ T2pCheck T1 T2refines _ T1 T2.
  apply check_refines; auto.
  apply pCheck_check; auto.


Definition atmost1tau L T: Prop :=
   s1 s2 s3 e1 e2,
    DNext L T s1 (Tau _ _ e1) s2DNext L T s2 (Tau _ _ e2) s3False.

Inductive skipTauWait1 L T s1 d s2: Prop :=
| tau1: l s' s'' d1 d2, d = d1 @+ d2Next L T s1 (DLab _ _ d1) s'Next L T s' (Tau _ _ l) s''Next L T s'' (DLab _ _ d2) s2skipTauWait1 L T s1 d s2
| tau0: Next L T s1 (DLab _ _ d) s2skipTauWait1 L T s1 d s2.

Lemma ATM1_skp: L T s1 d s2,
  atmost1tau L TskipTauWait L T s1 d s2skipTauWait1 L T s1 d s2.
  inversion_clear H0.
  inversion_clear H3.
  apply False_ind.
  assert (DNext L T s1 (Tau _ _ l) q'').
  split with d' q'; simpl in *; assumption.
  assert (DNext L T q'' (Tau _ _ l0) q''0).
  split with d'0 q'0; simpl in *; assumption.
  apply (H _ _ _ _ _ H3 H8).
  left with l q' q'' d' d''; assumption.
  right; assumption.

Lemma ATM1_skp0: L T s1 s2,
  atmost1tau L TskipTauWait L T s1 Zero s2
    s1 = s2 e, Next _ T s1 (Tau _ _ e) s2.
  elim (ATM1_skp _ _ _ _ _ H H0); intros.
  apply tplus_eq_0 in H1.
  destruct H1.
  rewrite H1,H5 in *; clear H1 H5 d1 d2.
  apply zero_delay in H2.
  apply zero_delay in H4.
  rewrite <-H2 in *; clear H2 s'.
  rewrite H4 in *; clear H4 s''.
  right; l; assumption.
  apply zero_delay in H1.
  left; assumption.

Lemma ATM1_Tau: L T, atmost1tau L T s1 s2 s3 e d,
  Next L T s1 (Tau _ _ e) s2skipTauWait L T s2 d s3
    Next L T s2 (DLab _ _ d) s3.
  apply ATM1_skp in H1; try assumption.
  destruct H1.
  assert (DNext L T s1 (Tau _ _ e) s2).
  split with Zero s1; auto.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  assert (DNext L T s2 (Tau _ _ l) s'').
  split with d1 s'; auto.
  elim (H _ _ _ _ _ H5 H6).

Lemma checkFrom_skip_tau:
   L T1 T2 s1 s2 s'2 l,
    Next _ T2 s2 (Tau _ _ l) s'2checkFrom L T1 T2 s1 s'2checkFrom L T1 T2 s1 s2.
  revert H0; revert s1; cofix; intros.
  split; intros.
  clear checkFrom_skip_tau.
  inversion_clear H0.
  elim (H2 _ _ H1); clear H2 H3 H4 H5; intros.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
   x; x0.
  split; [idtac|split]; try assumption.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with s'2 l; assumption.

  inversion_clear H0.
  generalize (H3 _ _ H1); clear H2 H3 H4 H5; intros.
  apply checkFrom_skip_tau; assumption.

  clear checkFrom_skip_tau.
  inversion_clear H0.
  generalize (H4 _ _ H1); clear H2 H3 H4 H5; intros.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
   x; split; try assumption.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with s'2 l; assumption.

  inversion_clear H0.
  clear H2 H3 H4.
  apply H5 in H1; clear H5.
  destruct H1.
  destruct H0.
   x; split; auto.
  apply TauSkipTauWait with s'2 l; auto.

Lemma checkFrom_Next: L T1 T2 s1 s2 e s'1,
  checkFrom L T1 T2 s1 s2Next L T1 s1 (ELab _ _ e) s'1
     s'2, s''2, skipTauWait L T2 s2 Zero s'2 Next L T2 s'2 (ELab _ _ e) s''2 checkFrom L T1 T2 s'1 s''2.
  inversion_clear H.
  cut (Next L T1 s1 (DLab _ _ Zero) s1); intros.
  elim (H1 _ _ H0); clear H1 H2 H3; intros.
  decompose record H1; clear H1.
   x; x0.
  split; [assumption | split; try assumption].
  rewrite zero_delay; auto.

Lemma checkFrom_trans:
   L T1 T2 T3 s1 s2 s3,
    checkFrom L T1 T2 s1 s2checkFrom L T2 T3 s2 s3checkFrom L T1 T3 s1 s3.

Lemma Delta2NZ_EDT: T1 T2 s1 s2 d s'1 s'2,
   Next _ T1 s1 (DLab _ _ d) s'1Next _ T2 s2 (DLab _ _ d) s'2
     d ZeroED T1 T2 (fun _True) (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK Devt0).
  split with (mkPState _ _ s'1 s'2 OK Devt0); auto.
  split with d (mkPState _ _ s'1 s'2 OK Ddly).
  simpl; repeat split; intros; auto.
  unfold DLabDly.
  case (teq_0_dec d); intros; auto.
  elim (H1 e).
  simpl; repeat split; intros; auto.

Definition tau_delta_exch L T: Prop :=
   q q1 q2 q' d e, Next L T q (DLab _ _ d) q'Next L T q (Tau _ _ e) q1Next L T q1 (DLab _ _ d) q2
     q'', e', Next L T q' (Tau _ _ e') q'' checkFrom L T T q2 q''.

Lemma skip_delta_sim: L T, atmost1tau L Ttau_delta_exch L T
   s1 d s2 s'2, skipTauWait L T s1 d s2Next L T s1 (DLab _ _ d) s'2
    checkFrom L T T s2 s'2.
  apply ATM1_skp in H1; try assumption.
  destruct H1.
  rewrite H1 in H2.
  apply continuity in H2.
  decompose record H2; clear H2.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H7) in *; clear H3 s'.
  elim (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ H8 H4 H5); intros.
  decompose record H2; clear H2.
  apply checkFrom_skip_tau with x0 x1; assumption.

  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2).
  apply checkFrom_refl.

Lemma EDT_ADF: T1 T2 st,
  ED T1 T2 (fun _True) st AD T1 T2 (fun _False) st.

Definition monotonous T (P: TimeTProp): Prop :=
   d s, P d s d', d @<= d'P d' s.

Definition compactness L T: Prop :=
   P s, monotonous _ P
    ( d, d Zero l, s', Next L T s (Tau _ _ l) s' P d s')
    → l, s', Next L T s (Tau _ _ l) s'
      ( d, d ZeroP d s').

Lemma mono: T1 T2, atmost1tau _ T2 s1,
monotonous _
  (fun (d0 : Time) (s' : State Event T2) ⇒
    s'1 : State Event T1,
   Next Event T1 s1 (DLab Event (LEvent Event T1) d0) s'1
    s'2 : State Event T2,
     skipTauWait _ T2 s' d0 s'2
     checkFrom Event T1 T2 s'1 s'2).
  unfold monotonous; intros T1 T2 ATM; intros.
  destruct H0.
  rewrite <-H0 in *; clear H0 d'.
  apply continuity in H1; destruct H1.
  destruct H0.
  apply H in H0; clear H.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  inversion_clear H3.
  elim (H4 _ _ H1); clear H H0 H4; intros.
  destruct H.
   x1; split; try assumption.
  apply wait_additivity with x0; assumption.

Theorem checkFrom_pcheckFrom:
   T1 T2, diverge _ T2atmost1tau _ T2tau_delta_exch _ T2compactness _ T2 s1 s2,
    checkFrom _ T1 T2 s1 s2pCheckFrom T1 T2 (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK Devt0).
  intros T1 T2 DV ATM EXC CPT.
  cofix; intros.
  split; split; simpl; try intro; intros; try intro; intros.
  destruct H0.
  generalize (DeltaEvtZ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H1); intro dz.
  rewrite dz in H0; clear dz d.
  apply zero_delay in H0.
  rewrite <-H0 in *; clear H0 st'0.
  induction st'; simpl in H1.
  decompose record H1; clear H1.
  rewrite H7,H4,H3 in *; clear H7 StateD0 H4 StateO0 H2 H3 State4.
  inversion_clear H.
  elim (H1 _ _ H0); clear H1 H2 H3 H4; intros.
  decompose record H; clear H.

  apply ATM1_skp0 in H2; auto.
  destruct H2.
  rewrite <-H in *; clear H x.
  apply EF0.
   (mkPState _ _ State3 x0 OK Devt0).
   Zero (mkPState _ _ State3 s2 (WAIT e) Devt0); simpl; repeat split; try (repeat (rewrite zero_delay); tauto).
  apply sym_eq; apply DLabDly0.
  apply checkFrom_pcheckFrom; apply H4.

  destruct H.
  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ x1)) (mkPState _ _ State3 x (WAIT e) Devt0); simpl; auto.
   Zero (mkPState _ _ State3 s2 (WAIT e) Devt0); simpl; repeat split; try (repeat (rewrite zero_delay); tauto).
  apply sym_eq; apply DLabDly0.
  apply EF0.
   (mkPState _ _ State3 x0 OK Devt0).
   Zero (mkPState _ _ State3 x (WAIT e) Devt0); simpl; repeat split; try (repeat (rewrite zero_delay); tauto).
  apply sym_eq; apply DLabDly0.
  apply checkFrom_pcheckFrom; apply H4.

  destruct H0.
  generalize (DeltaTau1Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H1); intro dz.
  rewrite dz in H0; clear dz d.
  apply zero_delay in H0.
  rewrite <-H0 in *; clear H0 st'0.
  induction st'; simpl in H1.
  decompose record H1; clear H1.
  rewrite H7,H4,H3 in *; clear H7 StateD0 H4 StateO0 H2 H3 State4.
  inversion_clear H.
  generalize (H2 _ _ H0); clear H1 H2 H3; intros.
  apply checkFrom_pcheckFrom; apply H.

  split; intros.
  case (EDT_ADF _ _ (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK Devt0)); intros.
  apply EF0.
  split; try assumption.
  clear H0 H1; intro; intros.
  destruct H0.
  generalize (DeltaDelay_NZ _ _ {| State1 := s1; State2 := s2; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |} _ _ _ I H0 H1); intro dnz.
  generalize H0; intro.
  apply Delta_proj1 in H2; simpl in H2.
  inversion_clear H.
  elim (H5 _ _ H2); clear H3 H4 H5 H6; intros.
  destruct H.
  assert (Next _ T2 s2 (DLab _ _ d) (State2 _ _ st'0)).
  induction st'0; simpl in *; decompose record H0; assumption.
  generalize (skip_delta_sim _ _ ATM EXC _ _ _ _ H H4); intro.
  generalize (checkFrom_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H5); clear H3 H5; intro.
  generalize H1; intro H1s1; apply Delay_State1 in H1s1.
  rewrite <-H1s1 in H3; clear H1s1.
  generalize H1; intro H1s1; apply Delay_State2 in H1s1.
  rewrite <-H1s1 in H3; clear H1s1.
  generalize H1; intro H1o; apply Delay_StateO in H1o.
  apply Delay_StateD in H1.
  induction st'; simpl in ×.
  rewrite H1o, H1; clear H1o H1.
  induction st'0; simpl in ×.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  rewrite H7.
  apply checkFrom_pcheckFrom.
  apply H3.

  apply EF_tau2_evt0 in H0; simpl in H0; try reflexivity.
  destruct H0 as [st' [H0 H2]].
  apply ATM1_skp0 in H0; try assumption.
  destruct H0.
  rewrite <- H0 in *; clear H0 st'.
  destruct H2.
  elim (H1 st' H0).

  destruct H2.
  clear H3.
  destruct H2.
  generalize (DeltaDelay_NZ _ _ {| State1 := s1; State2 := st'; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |} _ _ _ I H2 H3); clear H3; intro dnz.
  apply Delta_proj1 in H2; simpl in H2.
  rename H2 into s1d.
  elim (CPT (fun d s' s'1, Next _ T1 s1 (DLab _ _ d) s'1 s'2, skipTauWait _ T2 s' d s'2 checkFrom _ T1 T2 s'1 s'2) s2); intros.
  clear H0 H1 st'; decompose record H2; clear H2.
  apply EF1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ x)) (mkPState _ _ s1 x0 OK Devt0); simpl; auto.
  split with Zero (mkPState _ _ s1 s2 OK Devt0); simpl; repeat split; try (apply zero_delay); simpl; auto.
  rewrite DLabDly0; reflexivity.
  apply EF0.
  elim (H3 d dnz _ s1d); clear H3; intros.
  assert (Next _ T2 x0 (DLab _ _ d) x1).
  apply proj1 in H0.
  apply ATM1_Tau with (s1 := s2) (e:=x) in H0; assumption.
  apply Delta2NZ_EDT with d (State1 _ _ st'1) x1; auto.

  intro; intros.
  destruct H0.
  generalize (DeltaDelay_NZ _ _ {| State1 := s1; State2 := x0; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |} _ _ _ I H0 H2); intro d0nz.
  generalize H0; intro s1d0.
  apply Delta_proj1 in s1d0; simpl in s1d0.
  elim (H3 _ d0nz _ s1d0); clear H3; intros.
  destruct H3.
  assert (Next _ T2 x0 (DLab _ _ d0) (State2 _ _ st'2)) as x0d0.
  induction st'2; simpl in *; decompose record H0; assumption.
  assert (Next _ T2 x0 (DLab _ _ d0) x1).
  apply ATM1_Tau with (s1 := s2) (e:=x) in H3; assumption.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H5 x0d0) in *; clear H3 H5 x1.
  generalize H2; intro H2o; apply Delay_StateO in H2o.
  apply Delta_StateO in H0; simpl in H0.
  rewrite H0 in H2o; clear H0.
  generalize H2; intro H2s2; apply Delay_State2 in H2s2; simpl in H2s2.
  generalize H2; intro H2d; apply Delay_StateD in H2d; simpl in H2d.
  apply Delay_State1 in H2; simpl in H2.
  induction st'; simpl in H2d, H2s2, H2o, H2.
  rewrite H2d,H2,H2s2, H2o.
  apply checkFrom_pcheckFrom.
  apply H4.

  apply mono; assumption.

  elim (classic ( s'1, Next _ T1 s1 (DLab _ _ d0) s'1)); intros.
  destruct H3.
  destruct H.
  elim (H5 _ _ H3); clear H H4 H5 H6; intros.
  destruct H.
  apply ATM1_skp in H; try assumption.
  destruct H.
  assert (d1 = Zero).
  elim (teq_0_dec d1); intro; auto.
  rewrite H in H3; apply continuity in H3; destruct H3.
  destruct H3.
  elim (H1 (mkPState _ _ x1 s' OK Devt0)).
  split with d1 (mkPState _ _ x1 s' OK Ddly); simpl; intros; auto.
  repeat split; auto.
  unfold DLabDly.
  case (teq_0_dec d1); intro; auto.
  elim (b e).

  rewrite H8 in *; clear H8 d1.
  rewrite tplus_0_n in H; rewrite <-H in *; clear H d2.
  apply zero_delay in H5.
  rewrite <-H5 in *; clear H5 s'.
   l; s''.
  split; try assumption.
  rewrite (determinism _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H) in *; clear H3 x.
   x0; split; try assumption.
  apply wnop; assumption.

  elim (H1 (mkPState _ _ x x0 OK Devt0)).
  split with d0 (mkPState _ _ x x0 OK Ddly); simpl; intros; auto.
  repeat split; auto.
  unfold DLabDly.
  case (teq_0_dec d0); intro; auto.
  elim (H2 e).

  destruct H0.
   x; st'.
  split; try assumption.
  apply False_ind; apply H3; clear H3.
   s'1; assumption.

  inversion_clear H.
  clear H0 H1 H2.
  split; intro.
  apply ndeadlock_nDL1; auto; intro.
  apply H3 in H0; clear H3.
  decompose record H0; clear H0.
  generalize (refl_equal Zero); generalize Zero at 1; intros.
  rewrite <-H0 in H2.
  induction H2.
  rewrite H0 in *; clear H0 d.
  apply tplus_eq_0 in H5.
  destruct H5; subst.
  apply IHskipTauWait; clear IHskipTauWait; auto.
  apply zero_delay in H1; rewrite H1 in *; clear H1 q.
  inversion_clear H.
  apply H1 with (Tau _ _ (Tau2 _ _ l)); simpl; auto.
  split with Zero {| State1 := s1; State2 := q'; StateO := OK; StateD := Devt0 |}; simpl; repeat split; auto.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  apply zero_delay; reflexivity.
  rewrite DLabDly0; auto.

  rewrite H0 in *; clear H0 d.
  apply zero_delay in H1; subst.
  inversion_clear H.
  clear H1.
  apply nDL2_ndeadlock in H0; simpl in H0; tauto.