A refinement of interpolation for natural deduction Ralph Matthes, LMU Munich Abstract for the Dagstuhl Seminar on Proof Theory in Computer Science, October 7-12, 2001 Interpolation is THE tool for reducing provable monotonicity to syntactic positivity. With the ultimate goal of finding a predicative simulation of the behavior of monotone inductive types by that of positive inductive types, one cannot restrict the attention to inhabitation (= provability via the Curry-Howard-isomorphism). One also has to be aware of proof terms. This addition of coherence information already appears in Cubric (Archive for Mathematical Logic, 1994). We reprove the result for a variant LambdaJ of lambda-calculus which allows to define the interpolants by a single recursion on the build-up of normal terms of LambdaJ: It has a generalized application r^{rho->sigma}(s^rho,z^sigma.t^tau):tau which may be seen as the closure of the left implication rule of Gentzen under substitution. Normalization of LambdaJ requires permutative conversions. The interpolation result a la Cubric even requires some extended permutations with unknown reduction properties. Nevertheless, one gets the result on lambda-calculus as a corollary. Towards the intended application, the positivization of monotone type dependencies is presented. Some remarks on uniform interpolation and its consequences for positivization indicate future work.