About me

I am currently a PhD candidate under the supervision of Umberto Grandi and Laurent Perrussel. I was hired in October 2019 on the ARN-funded project Social Choice on Social Networks (SCONE) to join the LiLaC team in the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) based at the University Toulouse 1 Capitole. My main research area is decision-making in multi-agent systems, with a focus on Computational Social Choice. In particular, I am interested in social choice and social networks and work primarily in the intersection of the two fields.

I’m currently working on a digital democracy project for national elections, such as the French and the Brazilian presidential elections in 2022.

In 2019, I graduated from the Master of Logic program at the University of Amsterdam, having completed my master’s thesis Guaranteeing Feasible Outcomes in Judgment Aggregation under the supervision of Ulle Endriss. In 2016, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Philosophy (BA) from King’s College London. Between my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, I worked as a maths teacher in the UK schooling system.

Thème : Overlay par Kaira. Texte supplémentaire
Le Cap, Afrique du sud