Lynda Tamine-Lechani
I am a Full Professor at the Department of Computing Science, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France) and a member of Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research (IRIT), IRIS research group.
Research Topics
My research activities are mainly related to information retrieval. More, particularly they focus along the following research lines :
- Neural information retrieval
- Context-based information retrieval
- Social, collaborative information retrieval
- Semantic information retrieval
- Temporal information retrieval
- Social media analysis
- Medical information retrieval
Current PhD students
- Jesús Lovón Melgarejo : "Embedding structural information from knowledge bases into word-entity representations " (2020-2023)
- Raphael Sourty : "Representation learning of texts and knowlege graphs" (2019-2022 - collaboration with RENAULT)
- Cheyenne Dosso : "Cognitive models for complex information retrieval tasks " (2019-2022 - co-supervision with Aline Chevalier- CLEE)
Past Ph.D students
- Rim Dridi : "Contextual Recommender System based on Multi-Criteria Preferences" (2017-2021)
- Paul Mousset : "Neural models for representation learning and matching of geo-texts" (2016-2019)
- Gia Hung Nguyen : "Neural models for Information retrieval : semantic source-driven approaches" (2015-2018)
- Eya Znaidi : "Spécification et définition de modèles de recherche d'information médicale" (2012-2016)
- Bilel Moulahi : "Définition et évaluation de modèles d’agrégation pour l'estimation de la pertinence multi-dimensionnelle en recherche d'information" (2011-2015)
- Laure Soulier : "Modèles de recherche d’information collaborative" (2011-2014)
- Lamjed Ben Jabeur : "Leveraging social relevance: Using social networks to enhance literature access and microblog search" (2009-2013)
- Duy Dinh : "Accès à l'information biomédicale : vers une approche d'indexation et de recherche d'information conceptuelle basée sur la fusion de ressources termino-ontologiques" (2008-2012)
- Ourdia Bouidghaghen : "Spécification d'un modèle d'accès contextuel à l'information dans un environnement mobile" (2007-2011)
- Mariam Daoud : "Contribution à la spécification et conception d'un modèle d'accès contextuel à l'information basé sur un profil sémantique de l'utilisateur" (2006-2009)
- Fatiha Boubekeur : "Contribution à la définition de modèles flexibles de recherche d'information basés sur les CP-Nets" (2005-2008)
- Nesrine Zemirli : "Modèle d'accès personnalisé à l'information basé sur le diagramme d'influence intégrant un profil multidimensionnel" (2005-2008)
Selected publications (recent)
International journals
- Lynda Tamine, Lorraine Goeuriot. Semantic Information Retrieval On Medical Texts: Research Challenges, Survey and Open Issues. In : ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 54, 7, 146:1-146:38(2022)
- Rim Dridi, Lynda Tamine, Yahya Slimani. Exploiting context-awareness and multi-criteria decision making to improve items recommendation using a tripartite graph-based model. In : Information Processing & Management (IP&M), Elsevier, Vol. 59 N. 2, p. , March 2022.
- Paul Mousset, Yoann Pitarch, and Lynda Tamine. End-to-End Neural Matching for Semantic Location Prediction of Tweets. In : ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. (TOIS) 39, 1, Article 3, (2020)
- Lynda Tamine, Laure Soulier, Gia-Hung Nguyen, Nathalie Souf. Offline versus Online Representation Learning of Documents Using External Knowledge. In : ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. (TOIS) 37(4): 42:1-42:34 (2019)
- Lynda Tamine, Mariam Daoud. Evaluation in Contextual Information Retrieval: Foundations and Recent Advances within the Challenges of Context Dynamicity and Data Privacy. In : ACM Computing Surveys, ACM, 2018
- Laure Soulier, Lynda Tamine. On the collaboration support in Information Retrieval. In : ACM Computing Surveys, ACM, Vol. 50 N. 4, October 2017.
- Lynda Tamine, Cecile Chouquet. On the impact of domain expertise on query formulation, relevance assessment and retrieval performance in clinical settings. In : Information Processing & Management (IP&M), Elsevier, Vol. 53 N. 2, p. 332-350, March 2017.
- Laure Soulier, Lynda Tamine, Chirag Shah. MineRank: Leveraging Users' latent roles for Unsupervised Collaborative Information Retrieval. In : Information Processing & Management (IP&M), Elsevier, Vol. 52 N. 6, p. 1122-1141, November 2016.
- Bilel Moulahi, Lynda Tamine, Sadok Ben Yahia. When Time Meets Information Retrieval, Past Proposals, Current Plans, and Future Trends. In : Journal of Information Science (JIS), SAGE Publications, Vol. 42 N. 6, p. 725-747, December 2016.
- Lynda Tamine, Cecile Chouquet, Thomas Palmer. Analysis of biomedical and health queries: Lessons learned from TREC and CLEF evaluation benchmarks. In : Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Wiley, Vol. 66 N. 12, p. 2626-2642, December 2015.
- Laure Soulier, Lynda Tamine, Wahiba Bahsoun. On domain expertise-based roles in collaborative information retrieval. In : Information Processing & Management (IP&M), Elsevier, Vol. 50 N. 5, p. 752-774, September 2014.
- Bilel Moulahi, Lynda Tamine, Sadok Ben Yahia. iAggregator: Multidimensional Relevance Aggregation Based on a Fuzzy Operator. In : Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Wiley, Vol. 64 N. 10, p. 2062-2083, October 2014.
International conferences
- Jesús Lovón-Melgarejo, José G. Moréno, Romaric Besançon, Olivier Ferret and Lynda Tamine. Can We Guide a Multi-Hop Reasoning Language Model to Incrementally Learn at Each Single-Hop (regular paper). In: COLING, 2022
- Diego Ortiz, José G. Moréno, Gilles Hubert, Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat and Lynda Tamine. Exploring the Value of Multi-View Learning for Session-Aware Query Representation (Findings). In: NAACL, 2022
- Jesús Lovón-Melgarejo, Laure Soulier, Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat and Lynda Tamine. Studying the Catastrophic Forgetting Problem in Neural Ranking Models (regular paper). In: ECIR, 2021
- Raphael Sourty, Jose G. Moreno, François-Paul Servant, Lynda Tamine. Knowlege Base Embedding by Cross-Knowledge Distillation (regular paper). In: COLING, 2020
- Lynda Tamine, Jesús Lovón-Melgarejo, Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat. What Can Task Teach Us About Query Reformulations? (regular paper). In: ECIR (1) 2020: 636-650
- Paul Mousset, Yoann Pitarch, Lynda Tamine. Studying the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Small-Scale Events in Twitter (regular paper). In: ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media (HT 2018), Baltimore, Maryland, July 2018
- Gia Hung Nguyen, Lynda Tamine, Laure Soulier, Nathalie Souf. A Tri-Partite Neural Document Language Model for Semantic Information Retrieval (regular paper). In: European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2018), Crete (Greece), June 2018.
- Laure Soulier, Lynda Tamine, Gia Hung Nguyen. Answering Twitter Questions: a Model for Recommending Answerers through Social Collaboration (regular paper). In: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), Indianapolis, ACM, p. 267-276, October 2016.
- Lynda Tamine, Laure Soulier, Lamjed Ben Jabeur, Frédéric Amblard, Chihab Hanachi, Gilles Hubert, Camille Roth. Social Media-Based Collaborative Information Access: Analysis of Online Crisis-Related Twitter Conversations (regular paper). In: ACM Conference on Hypertext & Social Media (HT 2016), Halifax, Canada, ACM, p. 159-168, July 2016.
- Lynda Tamine, Laure Soulier. Understanding the impact of the role factor in collaborative information retrieval (regular paper). In: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2015), Melbourne, Australia, 19/10/15-23/10/15, ACM, p. 43-52, October 2015.
- Laure Soulier, Chirag Shah, Lynda Tamine. User-Driven System-Mediated Collaborative Information Retrieval (regular paper). In: ACM SIGIR Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2014), Gold Coast, Australia, 06/07/14-11/07/14, ACM, p. 485-494, July 2014.
List of publications
Tutorials (recent)
Lynda Tamine, Lorraine Goeuriot . Medical Information Retrieval, 17 th Conference on Artificial Intelligence In Medicine (AIME’19), Poznan (Poland), June 26 2019
Lynda Tamine, Lorraine Goeuriot . Semantic Search on Medical Texts, 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval ECIR'18, 26 March 2018, Grenoble (France)
Lynda Tamine, Laure Soulier. Collaborative Information Retrieval: Frameworks, Theoretical Models, and Emerging Topics, 6th ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval ICTIR'16, 13 September 2016, Delaware (USA)
Lynda Tamine, Laure Soulier. Collaborative Information Retrieval: Concepts, Models and Evaluation, 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval ECIR'16, 20 March 2016, Padova (Italy)
Best paper awards
- Bilel Moulahi, Lynda Tamine, Sadok Ben Yahia. Leveraging Temporal Query-Term Dependency for Time-Aware Information Access (regular paper). In : IEEE/WIC/aCM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2015), Singapour, 06/12/15-09/12/15, IEEE . (43 accepted/173 submitted papers).
- Laure Soulier, Lynda Tamine. Définition et exploitation des méta-rôles des utilisateurs pour la recherche d'information collaborative (regular paper). In : Conférence francophone en Recherche d'Information et Applications (CORIA 2015), p. 107-122. (19 accepted/81 submitted papers).
- Laure Soulier, Lynda Tamine, Wahiba Bahsoun . A Collaborative Document Ranking Model for a Multi-Faceted Search (regular paper). In : Asia Information Retrieval Society Conference (AIRS 2013). (26 accepted/109 submitted papers).
Current projects
- IN-uTERO : AI-driven Identification of nOvel TERatOgens (2023-2024)
Partners : Centre de Recherche CHU Saint Justine Montréal, CANADA, Institut Intelligence et Données, Université de Laval, CANADA , INSERM-Unité pharmacologie, Toulouse,
- ANR MEERQAT : MultimEdia Entity Representation and Question Answering Tasks (2020-2024)
Partners : CEA, LIMSI, INRIA
- ANR CoST : Modelling complex search tasks (2019-2022) Leader
Partners : LIP6 (MLIA), LIG (AMA), CLLE (LTC)
- Region Occitanie- RI-SENIOR : Analysis of elderly people's behaviour during information-seeking sessions (2019-2022)
Partners : CLLE (LTC)
- ANSM Réseau Regards (2019-2022)
Partners : INSERM Pharmaco-vigilance, IMT, Le Registre des Handicaps de l'enfant de la Haute-Garonne, Le Registre de malformations congénitales de Paris, le Registre de malformations congénitales de Bretagne, le Registre de malformations congénitales d'Auvergne
Past Projects-Specific Actions
- Sparkindata(Semantic analysis of spatial data, 2015-2017)
Partners: Atos, TerraNis, Geomatys, Geosigweb, Mercator-Ocean, CNES-Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, IGN-Institut national de l'information géographique et forestier, BRGM-Bureau des Recherches Géologiques et Minières, IRIT
- EXPAC: Exploration sur l'usage des média sociaux pour un accès collaboratif à l'information, (2014-2015)
Partners: IRIT, Université Paris Sorbonne, Marc Bloch Center (Germany)
- ERC: Evaluation of Clinical Queries, (04-2013-03-2014)
Partners: IRIT, IMT
- ARESOS: Building, Analysis and access to big socio-semantic networks, 2012-2013,
- QUAERO : Tools for multimdedia content management, France-Germany, OSEO, 2009-2013,
Partners: Thomson, Grass Valley, Synapse, LIMSI, University of Karlskue, IRCAM, IMAG, IRIT, Exalead, LIPN
- EXQUI : Knowledge extraction and engineering in heterogeneous environments, France-Tunisia, PHC EGIDE, 03/2011-02/2015,
Partners: University of Tunis, IRIT, LIMOS, LIRMM, LORIA, Alcatel Lucent.
- GENHYMED : Medical Hypothesis generation (04/2010-03/2011)
- IAPA : Access, sharing and analysis of medical data (2007-2009)
- TADAA : Evaluation of personalized information access to a hiearchical object based structure (05/2008-10/2008)
- APMD : Personalised access to large scale data ressources (11/2004-10/2007)
- PADIRAC : A framework for multi-agent based contextual information retrieval in distributed environements (01/2007-12/2007)
- AS 91 : Information Retrieval: managing large scale collections (12/2002-12/2003)
- AS 98 : Information personalisation (12/2002-12/2003)
Evaluation campaigns
- TREC Microblog : The Microblog track examines search tasks and evaluation methodologies for information seeking behaviors in microblogging environments.
- TREC Medical Record Retrieval : The goal of the Medical Records track is to foster research on providing content-based access to the free-text fields of electronic medical records.
- CLEF Medical Image Retrieval : ImageCLEF aims to provide an evaluation forum for the cross–language annotation and retrieval of medical images and text-based medical information retrieval.
- CLEF Living Lab :Living labs is a new evaluation paradigm for information retrieval (IR), where the idea is to perform experiments in situ, with real users doing real tasks using real-world applications.
- TREC temporal summarization : The goal of the TREC Temporal Summarization Track is to develop systems for efficiently monitoring the information associated with an event over time.
Teaching topics
- Databases
- Information Retrieval
Course Material
Basics of Information Retrieval
Chapter 1: Text Indexing
Chapter 2: Basic Information Retrieval Models 
Chapter 3: Introduction to Performance Evaluation
Databases: SQL and PL-SQL languages
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The SQL Language
Chapter 3: The PL/SQL Language
Foundations of Information Retrieval
Chapter 1: Text Representation and Indexing
Chapter 2: Information Retrieval Models 
Chapter 3: Performance Evaluation
Personnalized Information Access
Chapter 1: User Profiling
Chapter 2: Personalized Information Access Models
Chapter 3: Evaluation of Personalized Information Access
Chapter 4: Personalization and Data Privacy
Graph Analysis and Social Networks
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Graph Analysis
Chapter 3: Mining From Social Networks
Information Extraction and Text Semantics
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Information Extraction
Chapter 3: Text Semantics