Laure Vieu's home page
Laure Vieu's Selected Publications
Marianne Vergez-Couret, Myriam Bras, Laurent Prévot, Laure Vieu, and Caroline Attalah. On the semantics of discourse relations. In N. Asher and L. Danlos, editors,
Proceedings of the 4th Constraints in Discourse Workshop (CID 2011),
Laure Vieu. On the semantics of discourse relations. In N. Asher and L. Danlos, editors,
Proceedings of the 4th Constraints in Discourse Workshop (CID 2011),
Claudio Masolo, Laure Vieu, Yoshi Kitamura, Kouji Kozaki, and Riichiro Mizoguchi. The counting problem in the light of role kinds. In E. Davis, P. Doherty, and E. Erdem, editors,
Proceedings of Commonsense-2011, the Tenth International Symposium on Logical Formalization on Commonsense Reasoning,
pages 76–82. AAAI Press. PDF
Nervo Verdezoto and Laure Vieu. Towards semi-automatic methods for improving WordNet. In J. Bos and S. Pulman, editors,
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics IWCS 2011,
Oxford, UK, 2011, pages 275–284. PDF
Ekaterina Ovchinnikova, Laure Vieu, Alessandro Oltramari, Stefano Borgo, and Theodore Alexandrov. Data-driven and ontological analysis of FrameNet for natural language reasoning. In N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis, M. Rosner, and D. Tapias, editors,
Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’10),
Valletta, Malta, 2010. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). PDF
Laure Vieu, Myriam Bras, and Laurent Prévot. On the compositionality of temporal locating adverbial modification. In S. Podogalla and P. Amsili, editors,
Actes des 8èmes Journées Sémantique et Modélisation (JSM’10),
pages 34–36, Nancy, 2010. PDF
- Laure Vieu. Representing Content — Semantics, Ontology, and their Interplay.
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, 2009. PDF
- Laurent
Prévot, Laure Vieu, and Nicholas Asher. Une formalisation plus précise
pour une annotation moins confuse: la relation d’élaboration d’entité. Journal
of French Language Studies,
19(2):207–228, 2009. PDF
- Stefano
Borgo and Laure Vieu. Artefacts in formal ontology. In Anthonie Meijers,
editor, Handbook of Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Sciences, pp. 273-308. Elsevier, 2009. PDF
- Laure
Vieu, Stefano Borgo, and Claudio Masolo. Artefacts and roles: Modeling
strategies in a multiplicative ontology. In Carola Eschenbach and Michael Gruninger,
editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Formal
Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2008), pages 121–134. IOS Press,
Amsterdam, 2008. PDF
- Laurent
Prévot and Laure Vieu. The moving right frontier. In Anton Benz and Peter
Kühnlein, editors, Constraints in Discourse, Pragmatics & Beyond New
Series, pages 53–66. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2008. PDF file
- Laure
Vieu. On blocking: The rhetorical aspects of content-level discourse
relations and their semantics. In Michel Aurnague, Kepa Korta, and
Jesus Mari Larrazabal, editors, Language, Representation and
Reasoning. Memorial Volume to Isabel Gómez Txurruka, pages 263–282.
University of Basque Country Press, Bilbao, 2007. PDF file
- Robert
Trypuz and Laure Vieu. An ontology of the aspectual classes of actions. In
Xabier Arrazola and Jesus Mari Larrazabal, editors, ILCLI
International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication
and Action (LogKCA-07), pages 393–409. The University of the Basque
Country Press, Donostia, 2007. PDF file
- Robert
Trypuz, Emiliano Lorini, and Laure Vieu. Solving bratman’s video game
puzzle in two formalisms. In Xabier Arrazola and Jesus Mari
Larrazabal, editors, ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy
of Knowledge, Communication and Action (LogKCA-07), pages 411–426. The
University of the Basque Country Press, Donostia, 2007. PDF file
- Michel
Aurnague, Maya Hickmann, and Laure Vieu, editors. Categorization of
Spatial Entities in Language and Cognition. Human Cognitive Processing 20.
John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2007. Introduction PDF
- Laure
Vieu and Michel Aurnague. Part-of relations, functionality and dependence.
In Michel Aurnague, Maya Hickmann, and Laure Vieu, editors, The
Categorization of Spatial Entities in Language and Cognition, pages
307–336. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2007. PDF file
- Nicolas
Troquard, Robert Trypuz, and Laure Vieu. Towards an ontology of agency and
action. From STIT to OntoSTIT+. In Brandon Bennett and Christiane
Fellbaum, editors, Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2006),
pages 179–190. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2006. PDF file
Nicolas Troquard and Laure Vieu. Towards a logic of
agency and actions with duration (poster). In G. Brewka,
S. Coradeschi, A. Perini, and P. Traverso, editors, ECAI06
proceedings (17th conference), pages 775–776.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2006. PDF
- Laure
Vieu. On the transitivity of functional parthood. Applied Ontology,
1(2):147–155, 2006. PDF file
- Laure
Vieu, Myriam Bras, Nicholas Asher, and Michel Aurnague. Locating
adverbials in discourse. Journal of French Language Studies,
15(2):173–193, 2005. PDF
- Nicholas
Asher and Laure Vieu. Subordinating and coordinating discourse relations.
Lingua, 115(4):591–610, April 2005. PDF file
- Michel
Aurnague, Maya Hickmann, and Laure Vieu. Les entités spatiales dans la langue:
étude descriptive, formelle et expérimentale de la catégorisation. In
Catherine Thinus-Blanc and Jean Bullier, editors, Agir dans l’espace,
pages 217–232. Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris, 2005.
- Claudio
Masolo, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Laure Vieu, Emanuele Bottazzi, and Roberta
Ferrario. Relational roles and qua-individuals. In Guido Boella, James
Odell, Leendert van der Torre, and Harko Verhagen, editors, Roles, an
Interdisciplinary Perspective: Ontologies, Programming Languages, and
Multiagent Systems. Papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium, pages 103–112.
AAAI Press, 2005. PDF
- Claudio
Masolo, Laure Vieu, Emanuele Bottazzi, Carola Catenacci, Roberta Ferrario,
Aldo Gangemi, and Nicola Guarino. Social roles and their descriptions. In
Didier Dubois and Chris Welty, editors, Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning, KR2004, pages 267–277. AAAI Press, Menlo Park (CA), 2004.
Whistler June, 2-5, 2004. PDF file
- Laure
Vieu and Laurent Prévot. Background in Segmented Discourse Representation
Theory. In Workshop Segmented Discourse Representation Theory, 11th
conference on Natural Language Processing (TALN), pages 485–494, Fes,
Maroc, 2004. PDF file
- Andrée
Borillo, Myriam Bras, Anne Le Draoulec, Laure Vieu, Arie Molendijk,
Henriëtte De Swart, Henk Verkyul, Co Vet, and Carl Vetters.
Tense, connectives and discourse structure. In Henriëtte De Swart and
Francis Corblin, editors, Handbook of French Semantics, pages 309–348.
CSLI, Stanford, 2004. PDF
- Myriam
Bras, Anne Le Draoulec, and Laure Vieu. Connecteurs et temps verbaux
dans l’interprétation temporelle du discours : le cas de puis en
interaction avec l’imparfait et le passé simple. Cahiers Chronos,
11:71–97, 2003.
PDF file
- Prévot,
L., P. Muller, P. Denis & L. Vieu (2002). Une approche sémantique et
rhétorique du dialogue. Un cas d'étude : l'explication d'un itinéraire. Traitement
Automatique des Langues , Numéro
spécial "Dialogue", 43(2), pp. 43-70. PDF file
- Asher,
N. & L. Vieu (2001). Subordinating and Coordinating Discourse
Relations. In: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on
Semantics, Pragmatics and Rhetoric (SPR'01). pp. 57-64.
PDF file
- Aurnague,
M., M. Bras, L. Vieu & N. Asher (2001). The Syntax and Semantics of
Locating Adverbials. Cahiers de Grammaire, Numéro spécial "Sémantique et Discours", (26), pp.
11-35. PDF file
- Bras,
M., A. Le Draoulec & L. Vieu (2001). French Adverbial Puis between
Temporal Structure and Discourse Structure. In: M. Bras & L. Vieu
(eds.), Semantic and Pragmatic Issues in Dialogue: Experimenting with
Current Theories. Oxford: Elsevier,
CRiSPI, pp. 109--146. PDF file
- Bras,
M., A. Le Draoulec & L. Vieu (2001). Temporal Information and
Discourse Relations in Narratives: the role of French connectives 'puis'
and 'un peu plus tard'. In: Proceedings of the ACL'2001 Workshop on
Temporal and Spatial Information Processing, Toulouse. pp. 49--56. PDF file
- Bras,
M. & L. Vieu, eds. (2001). Semantic and Pragmatic Issues in
Discourse and Dialogue. Experimenting with Current Dynamic Theories. Oxford: Elsevier, Current Research in the
Semantics/Pragmatics Interface (CRiSPI) n° 9.
- Busquets,
J., L. Vieu & N. Asher (2001). La SDRT : Une approche de la cohérence
du discours dans la tradition de la sémantique dynamique. Verbum XXIII(1), pp. 73--101. PDF file
- Masolo,
C. & L. Vieu (1999). Atomicity vs. Infinite Divisibility of Space. In:
C. Freksa & D. Mark (eds.), Spatial Information theory. Proceedings
of COSIT'99. Berlin: Springer Verlag, LNCS
n° 1661, pp. 235-250.
PDF file
- Aurnague,
M., L. Vieu & A. Borillo (1997). La représentation formelle des
concepts spatiaux dans la langue. In: M. Denis (ed.) Langage et
cognition spatiale. Paris: Masson,
Collection Sciences Cognitives, pp. 69-102. PDF file
- Vieu,
L. (1997). Spatial Representation and Reasoning in Artificial
Intelligence. In: O. Stock (ed.) Spatial and Temporal Reasoning. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 5-41. PDF file
- Asher,
N., M. Aurnague, M. Bras, P. Sablayrolles & L. Vieu (1995). De
l'espace-temps dans l'analyse du discours. Sémiotiques, Numéro spécial "Théories sémantiques et
modélisation", (9), pp. 11-62. PDF file
- Asher,
N., M. Aurnague, M. Bras & L. Vieu (1995). Spatial, Temporal and
Spatio-temporal Locating Adverbials in Discourse. In: P. Amsili, M.
Borillo & L. Vieu (eds.), Time, Space and Movement. Meaning and
Knowledge in the Sensible World, Workshop Notes of the 5th International
Workshop TSM'95 , Château de Bonas.
pp. A107-119.
- Asher,
N. & L. Vieu (1995). Toward a Geometry of Common Sense: A Semantics
and a Complete Axiomatization of Mereotopology. In: C. Mellish (ed.) Proceedings
of the 14th IJCAI. San Mateo, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 846-852. PDF file
- Aurnague,
M. & L. Vieu (1993). A three-level approach to the semantics of space.
In: C. Zelinski-Wibbelt (ed.) Semantics of Prepositions: From Mental
Processing to Natural Language Processing.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, Natural Language Processing n° 3, pp. 393-439. PDF file
- Aurnague,
M. & L. Vieu (1993). Towards a Formal Representation of Space in Language: A Commonsense Reasoning Approach.
IJCAI-93 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning.
pp. 123-158. PDF file
- Vieu,
L. (1991). Sémantique des relations spatiales et inférences
spatio-temporelles : une contribution à l'étude des structures formelles
de l'espace en Langage Naturel. PhD
thesis, IRIT Université Paul Sabatier. (950KO) PDF file
All Publications since 1995:
Laure Vieu's Home Page