Topic: logical modeling of biological systems.

Contact : Luis Farinas del Cerro –

Since a few years, computer scientists, biologists, and we have worked together on the signaling transduction pathway induced by a DNA double-strand break (DSB). The molecular interaction map we use as a support is based on the article “Targeting chk2 kinase: molecular interaction maps and therapeutic rationale”. This map might seem to be obsolete to this date, and it is from this obsolescence that we should be taking profit in order to test our new algorithms by using hypotheses that we already know the answer. The definitive validation of the algorithms will go through the formulation of new hypotheses and the experimental verification of their veracity.

We are interested in putting together a whole system that goes through the modeling, representation, manipulation and extraction of information from metabolic networks. The main goal of this work is to create a tool that helps biologists target their biologic experiments.

The following three parts mainly compose this work:

We plan to develop a new collaboration with UPM in this area, in particular with the gbioinfotmatics team of the Informatics Faculty. Concerning the implémentation of the systhem several working meeting has been organized between Irit and the IA group.