Bayesian estimation of multifractal parameters: Input parameters

We detail the format and meaning of the optional outputs of the main functions of the toolbox.


Synthetic image data

The image used here for illustration is a realization of a random field with controlled multifractal properties: c1 is constant and equals c1=0.7, and c2 takes the values c2=-0.04 in side an elliptical region, and c2=-0.001 outside.

% add path to toolbox and load synthetic image
clear all; clc;
currentpath = cd;addpath([currentpath(1:end-5)]);addpath([currentpath(1:end-5) '/all_tools/']);
load('MRWseries640_6.mat'); data=squeeze(data(:,:,5));
C1T=C1;C2T=C2; C1=[0.5 0.9];C2=[-0.05 0]; M2=MASK;M2(MASK==1)=C2T(1);M2(MASK==2)=C2T(2);
% display data and theoretical values for c2
figure(1);clf;set(gcf,'position',[10 500 700 300]);
subplot(121);imagesc(data);colormap bone;
title('A synthetic image with two distinct zones of multifractality');
subplot(122); imagesc(M2); set(gca,'clim',C2); axis tight;
title('Corresponding mask with prescribed values for c2');hold on;
text('string',['c2=',num2str(C2T(1))],'units','normalized','pos',[0.5 0.8]);
text('string',['c2=',num2str(C2T(2))],'color',[1 1 1]-1e-3,'units','normalized','pos',[0.5 0.45]);

Multifractal analysis parameters

4 mandatory inputs are required that determine how the multifractal analysis is performed: Choice of analysis wavelet; choice of global regularity parameter for wavelet leaders; lower and upper scale invariance cutoff. These parameters are inputs to "preproc_data_mvmfa.m".

Nwt = 2;    % number of vanishing moments of wavelet (Daubechies)
gamint = 0; % fractional integration parameter for wavelet leaders
j1=1;       % scaling range lower cutoff
j2=2;       % scaling range upper cutoff

Data and data handling parameters

For the data to be analyzed (in form of a single data vector / matrix / cube), the last dimensions is considered to be a "time" variable when applicable, all others are spatial. Whether the analysis is performed for a collection of time series or a collection of images (patches) is determined by the size (1 or 2 entries) of the input parameters sw and dsw described a bit further below. For instance, a data cube of size [n1 x n2 x n3] may be analyzed as a collection of n1 x n2 time series of length n3, or as a collection of n3 images of size n1 x n2.

The analysis window size is prescribed by the variabme "sw". It is either sw = [nt], where nt <= n3, for time-series, or sw = [nx ny], where nx<=n1 and ny<=n2, for images. The time series / images are analyzed for a covering of windows of size sw.

The overlap of the windows is determined by the mandatory data handling parameter "dsw", dsw=[dn1] for time series, or [dn1 dn2] for images. For instance, dsw = 0.5*[nx ny] where sw = [nx ny] yields analysis windows with 50% overlap in the x and in the y directions.

The data and the parameters "sw" and "dsw" are mandatory inputs to "preproc_data_mvmfa.m".

sw=[64 64];  % horizontal / vertical image patch size to be analyzed
dsw=0.5*sw;    % overlap of image patches (here, 50%)
% Data cutting and computation of DWT and DFT
[lxft,param_data] = preproc_data_mvmfa(data,sw,dsw,j1,j2,Nwt,gamint);

Optional parameters for the Bayesian model and estimators

The parameters of the Bayesian model and Gibbs sampler can be customized by passing on any of the following name-value pairs as additional inputs to the function "init_model_mvmfa.m", i.e. [param_model] = init_model_mvmfa(param_data, OPTIONAL_PARAMS); where "OPTIONAL_PARAMS" are the name-value pairs



EXAMPLE of input name-vamue pairs: output also MAP estimators and posterior value, and MCM chains

[param_model] = init_model_mvmfa(param_data,'PostVal',1,'MEMSAVE',0);

% Bayesian estimation for (c2,c1) using noninformative priors: MMSE and MAP estimators
[estc2,TC2,estc20,TC20,estc1,TC1,estc10,TC10,estSAR] = est_bayes_mvmfa(lxft,param_model,[0 0]);
% the MAP estimators and posterior value
% linear fit (for comparison)
[ec2{1},ec20{1},ec1{1},ec10{1}] = linfit_cp(param_data,0);
% plot c2
L=sw(1);cc0=MASK(L/2:L:end,L/2:L:end);c1=zeros(size(cc0));c2=zeros(size(cc0)); for k=1:length(C1T);c1(cc0==k)=C1T(k);c2(cc0==k)=C2T(k);end;
figure(2);clf; set(gcf,'position',[10 10 900 250]);
subplot(141);imagesc(squeeze(c2));axis image; grid on; caxis(C2); title('c2 theo downsampled');xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
subplot(142);imagesc(squeeze(ec2{1}));axis image; grid on; caxis(C2); title('c2 linear regression');xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
subplot(143);imagesc(squeeze(ec2{2}));axis image; grid on; caxis(C2); title('c2 Bayesian IG MMSE');xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
subplot(144);imagesc(squeeze(ec2{3}));axis image; grid on; caxis(C2); title('c2 Bayesian IG MAP');xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
axes('Units','Normal');h = title('c2 - Patch(x,y)');set(gca,'visible','off');set(h,'visible','on');
TC2 = 
       Tc2: [361x800 double]
     c2MAP: [19x19 double]
    c20MAP: [19x19 double]
     c1MAP: [19x19 double]
    c10MAP: [19x19 double]
        Pt: [19x19 double]

the log-posterior value an be used as a model selection criterion. For example, the synthetic image used in the above example has one integral scale (within homogeneous zones). A model with a much larger number of integral scales should yield a lower log-posterior value:

[param_model] = init_model_mvmfa(param_data,'NIScale',1,'PostVal',1);
[estc2_1,ST1] = est_bayes_mvmfa(lxft,param_model);
[param_model] = init_model_mvmfa(param_data,'NIScale',10,'PostVal',1);
[estc2_2,ST2] = est_bayes_mvmfa(lxft,param_model);
diff_post1_post2 =